Batgirl (21)

From Stephanie Brown

Batgirl #21


Cover Date: December 2001
Cover Price: US $2.50

Kelley Puckett

Damion Scott

Robert Campanella

Digital Chameleon
Gregory Wright

John Costanza

Michael Wright

Cover Artist(s):
Tim Sale

Summary of Stephness: Steph interrupts Cassandra's training to relay a message from Oracle that Cass should come with her to the clock tower. The reason for Babs summons is because supervillians high on Joker are roaming around Gotham and she wants Cass and Steph to stay safe. A Jokerized Shadow Theif breaks into the Clock Tower. Cass goes after him, learning his secret technique by watching his body language. Oracle shuts down the power in the Clock Tower so the Theif is unable to steal energy for his Thanagrian Shadow Field which keeps him intangible. Stephanie rushes out to help Cass to find her in tears, not knowing he'd lost his intangibility, she hit him too hard and killed him. Answering Batgirl's plea for help, Steph revives Shadow Theif using CPR. Cassandra asks her not to tell Oracle and Steph responds "Hey. All I see here is an unconscious villian." Cassandra thanks her and runs away, leaving a bewildered Stephanie in her wake.


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