January-Septembet 2005
From Steinarts
The period following Steinarts' partnership with independent publishing company Adyghe Software and subsequent move to Calamine City in Dec. 2004 was followed by a series of controversies and trolling sprees as well as an almost complete change in the character of the forum. Much of this could be attributed to the influence of Jocro's new creative consultant Jack Fern, as well as the massive restructuring of the forum around the users shallowstux and Jackson Carter.
Over the course of the period, leading up to the ban of shallowstux in September, the forum became dominated by users like Jackson Carter, NewFragmenter, Americafirst, THE MOST LIBERAL BIBLE BELT REPUBLICAN EVER, and Anderson Creek. The period also saw the exodus of long time users like Tim Towney and Triae (who was banned in February) and the entrance of Busau, BYUGirl, robbyruck, Southerner and a number of other users who would form the core backbone of the forum during it's glory days in late 2005 through 2007.