United Earth Alliance Miltary

From Sprite Wars


[edit] Background

The UEA military was formed from the remains of NATO and the armies of Western Europe and the United States. Since World War III they have been the most powerful military on Earth. After the UEA was formed and the world united, many believed that the military wasn't to be needed much anymore. Unfortunately, keeping the peace initially was difficult, and the military was needed more than ever. During the return to space, new developments in weapon technology were developed, such as lasers and plasma. The new energy based weapons and development of denser armors also led to the development of the battlemech, a powerful bipedal weapon platform that decimates ground and some air forces with ease. To defend it's new space colonies and Mars, the UEA has constructed a powerful new space navy using technology from the Lylatians.

Note from Draco: This army is run by the admins as a whole and will take control of them occasionally for story purposes. If you pretty much if you expand to any territory that wasn't yours to begin with, you will have to deal with these guys. However, when going against these guys, prepare to take losses as these humans don't mess around. When making comics involving these guys, always be sure that your armies are shown taking losses. Though not invincible, they are highly trained soldiers and should be depicted as such. Should that simple rule not be applied, one of the admins will take control and make sure your army takes losses.

Strengths: Highly advanced military, large numbers of high quality air, ground, sea and space units. Soldiers are NOT conscripted civilians, they are all highly-trained professionals. Impressive commanders.

Weaknesses: Funding is critical as all current military units are expensive to maintain.



UEA Light Infantry:(1, 2) The basic infantry of the UEA. Well equipped with standard issue assault rifles, grenades, and Kevlar armor.

UEA Battle Troopers: (Sprite) The UEA's elite Heavy Infantry. Utilizing the most sophisticated personal body armor and weapons, these troopers are a force to be reckoned with. (Note: Use ONLY the human soldiers for now.)

UEA Bikers: (Sprite) Certain Battle Troopers who volunteer for the Biker squadrons are given training on how to utilize this very fast, but very lightly armored combat bike. They are used for reconnaissance and harassing enemy infantry.

UEA Engineers: (1, 2) While given basic military training, the engineer corps are drawn from soldiers with mechanical expertise. They are efficient at repairing all types of military hardware and are trained to do so under battle conditions. They are only lightly armed.

UEA Pilots: (1, 2, 3, 4) Drawn from the elite of the world's air forces, these brave, gung-ho pilots are skilled at taking the fight to the skies. These soldiers totally give meaning to the phrase: "Death from Above."

UEA Mech Pilots: (1, 2) These elite pilots, drawn from the infantry divisions are trained to use powerful Battlemechs in combat. Outside, they are only lightly armed. Inside a mech, they are one of the most dangerous weapons in the world.

UEA Military Police: (Sprite) Used in occupations and for policing their own soldiers, these riot armor-clad soldiers are trained to quickly neutralize hostile situations before the regular troops have to be called in. Their weapons are equipped with both lethal and non-leathal ammunition.

Ground Vehicles

UEA Tanks:

Standard Tanks: The most commonly seen tanks used by UEA forces, armed with the most sophisticated weaponry to date.

UEA Medium Tank (Name Pending): A prototype Medium tank that is both cost effective and efficient on the battlefield.

UEA Pulverizer Heavy Tank: The heaviest tank vehicle used by the UEA, the Pulverizer's main cannon can cut through the thickest of enemy armor.

UEA Support Vehicles:

UEA Havok: An unusual vehicle that is designed to provide long range, missile based artillery strikes. It is designed for rapid deployment, and is also equipped with a small hover vehicle for scouting and target-painting purposes.

UEA H.I.S.S. (High Speed Sentry): This lightly armored vehicle is used for long range recon missions as well as military police vehicles.

UEA Killer Whale: A powerful hovercraft vehicle used for amphibious landings.

UEA Bridge Layer: Even the most powerful army is humbled by powerful rivers, canyons, etc. To help overcome nature's (or the enemy's) obstacles, the bridge layer is designed to create bridges over impassible terrain. Be warned, it is both armed and armored. UEA commanders have used bridge layers as improvised fire support platforms with some success.

Mechs (Detailed descriptions soon)

Highly expensive to manufacture and maintain, the Battlemech is the pinnacle of 22th century military warfare. Only called into the most extreme circumstances, these armored behemoths will destroy all ground targets that get in their way.

UEA Cauldron-Born UEA Daishi UEA Mad Cat UEA Vulture

Aircraft (Detailed descriptions soon)

The UEA fields some of the fastest and most effective air and space units yet.

Sprites Here Pending.

Navy (Detailed descriptions coming soon)

The success of the UEA Navy is based mainly on it's fleet of nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, but even those are nothing but scrap without the protection of it's escorting cruisers.

UEA Aegis Cruiser UEA Export Missile Cruiser UEA Tritus-Class Light Carrier UEA Promethius-Class Ultra Carrier

Space Forces

Orbital Defense Satellites: These large unmanned satellites were constucted only recently. Two major versions exist: one with a highly damaging particle beam, and a less powerful laser cannon with a higher rate of fire. The UEA top brass believes the earth is impenetrabale from outside forces, but it might only be delaying the inevitable...

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