The man who knows

From Sprite Wars



[edit] First sighting

Themannwhoknows first appeared on Sprite Wars, on an yet uncertified date, back when Sprite Wars existed on the Metal Slug Database. He was a veteran member, and seemed to gotten interested in the idea of having a Sprite comic roleplay featuring ones own armies and storylines.

When Sprite Wars finaly got their own domain and their own forum, Themannwhoknows simply moved like many other previous members.

Themannwhoknows was a normal kind of guy, but he became infamous and famous on Sprite Wars, due to the role he played out. Hes' role made a huge impact on all the other players at that time, being sadistic, cruel and outright unhumane. This was explained later, as a emotional explosion: He simply released out hes' anger and hate, all that has caused him pain. Many to this day, keep thinking that he had Mental problems, which were not the case. Infact, he had many Social problems, none ever mentioned or fully explained to anyone.

He's final post about he's eternal leave, was written down on May 4th of 2006, at 10:02 PM. Hes' exact words were following:

" Im sorry guys but due to certain "changes" in myself, my way of thinking and the world I see around me I no longer have the time or energy to continue to be part of the spritewars/metalslug comunity Im leaving for good this time. I know departing at this time will fuck with the timeline and events planned and I do appolagise for this I was going to finish with sprite wars properly but it seems that time is up. I will not disclose my real reasons for leaving as many of you would think me insane and most likely dispise me for them and I want to leave you (In your current state of thinking) with a good impression of myself. What I will say is that there is something very, very wrong with the world, most of you will not see/care and continue on with your lives working,studiying, living for yourselves completley blind to whats missing in your life walking,driving,running,buying into the soulless void that is the new milenium untill you die. A few a small few will begin asking themselves questions, the same questions that have been driving me insane for the last three years, you will not find the answers on tv or in a newspaper OR in todays "greed is good" pop culture and society, you will not find it in time magazine, bullshit world peace beliefs or any halucinigenic drug known to man, the answer is a word of mouth and the internet has allowed that word of mouth to reach me and it has answerd my questions. Never before have I thought my god thats exactly how I feel thats exactly what I want from life but please understand that some of you will never nor be able to feel as I do now.''

I can no longer stand Idley by and watch my brothers degrade and unknowingly exterminate themselves I have to help something HAS to change.''

Well Id like to thank rfz jdr and archangel for being good sadistic/evil allies (especialy jdr in the sadism department) Ivo for continuing the valingrad saga (for a while) storm for creating sprite wars and finaly mike for putting so much effort into every sprite he makes and for being the freindliest guy Ive ever met on the internet

Dont believe the lies there is more to life then just living!!! "

It was rumored of a possible Return, but this is not true.

[edit] Corvolt Army

Themannwhoknows first army, was that of Corvolt. Corvolt was a massive Space empire, that stretched many worlds, galaxies and beyond ones imagination. This army was incredibly evil, cruel and sadistic. Even unhumane.

Corvolt was first used in Season 1, aboard the Metal Slug Database. Themannwhoknows would be the very First player to introduce sadistical traits, and unhumane habits. The immense Corvolt invasion carrier would show up in the middle of the Season, upon exiting a mysterious Black hole outside of Earths orbit. Soon, the Corvolt forces were deployed, and they would invade Earth.

A fierce battle raged on all around the Globe, as from Official landscape to Artifically created Islands. Corvolt would be the ones creating the Pangea island. How this was done, is unknown, but we presume they had the Right technology to generate artifical landscape brought with them. This is where the Terrain-Dominion would make its Stronghold for the following Season.

Themannwhoknows played out the Corvolt Army for two Seasons. In Season 2, their Invasion fleet would finaly be Destroied, and its CO's killed. However, this is not where it stopped...

[edit] Post-Corvolt army

After the defeat of the Corvolt Invasion fleet, Themannwhoknows formed another, more simple and smaller Earth-based army. This, was the DevilDoggs'. The DevilDoggs' were a band of Mercenaries, Bandits, Killers, War-criminals and others. They were lead by Colonel Mann, a Great warrior and a Big War-criminal.

The full plot of the DevilDogg's was never finished, nor was it explained. It was hinted by a Moderator onboard Sprite Wars, that the DevilDogg's were actualy meant to contact the Corvolt homeworld, and send in another Invasion fleet, this time, more prepared for the coming hazards.

Unfortinatly, these speculated events never occured...

[edit] Legacy

Even after Themannwhoknows left Sprite Wars for good, he still lives on through many if not all kinds of Incarnations. There were alot of hints to the Corvolt army, from flickering Monitors to Old abandoned war-era bunkers. Hes' own name would be futured on a Background ( Made by Merku ), on a Graffiti saying " TMWK lives ".

Themannwhoknows was considered to be The most evil villain of all times, with no one being able to surpass him in any aspect.

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