Sunset Army
From Sprite Wars
The Sunset army was the first army used by The_Guest in the fourth Spritewars. Wearing orange uniforms, they protected innocents against many blood thirsty enemies such as the chaos soldiers and the Blood Army. However they would not be in the war long for they would soon run very low on supplies and funds.
[edit] The Battle of City 16
As war raged on during the 4th Sprite Wars, The Sunset first entered the fray during city the Battle of City 16 in which Yuktobanian forces were woutnumbered by various other armies. The sunsets, unexperianced and new took many loses. Once the Yukes ran, they made a desperate attempt to take the city themselfs, which ultimatly failed.
[edit] At War with the WE
After taking Falkenburg as their Headquarters, the Sunsets quickly began a campaign against the evil army of Xezan. However, after their homland was threatened by a powerful cannon, they retreated and quickly fell under seige from Xezan's ally. Then with heavy losses to begin with, a group of blood cultists led a tird strike to kill all of the Sunsets. Then, in the nic of time, the Terran Confederacy arrived and helped kick the Blood Eaters out of Falkenburg; thus starting the War against the World Eaters.