Holbrook Clawson

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Holbrook Clawson PBPro-Holbrook.png
Aliases Unknown
Real Name Holbrook Clawson
Age Unknown
Birthdate Unknown
Gender Male
Race/Ethnicity Havana Brown (kat)
Height Unknown
Weight Unknown
Abilties Unknown
Family Vilhelmina Clawson, Caroline Towser, Annarose Mao, Penelope Birman, Jake Clawson, Marjorie Clawson, Silvia Somali-Clawson, Emily Clawson
Associates Unknown
Story The Proletariat and The Bourgeois
Status Mystery

Holbrook Clawson is the current head of the Clawson family, at least as far as names go, and the father of six daughters (Caroline, Annarose, Penelope, Marjorie, Silvia, and Emily) and one son, Jake. Among his other acheivements are an apparently high-ranking postion as a member of the Enforcers, and several recommendations and medals, before his retirement several years prior to his son's enrollment. According to his 'devoted' wife of several years, Vilhelmina, his position was nothing to be proud of, since it paid well and had gotten him plenty of recognition, but none of the prestige he should have been gaining for the family and breed. From his portrayal in the story, it is believed that he disagrees strongly with this opinion, and he may have been responsible for opening his son's eyes to the option of joining in order to escape the mounting pressure at home. Whether he did this inadvertently or not is still unknown; it can possibly be taken as proof that he meant it to occur as Holbrook appears to be the only Clawson who supported Jake's decision to join. This, however, can be assumed to be so because of his own experiences and career in the military/police force rather than having an actual hand in the process.

The tom's most famous line in the story (among the Clawson family) is his statement that Jake should have been born a female. It is commonly thought that this is a comment toward Jake's close friendship with Chance, but is later revealed to merely be a sympathetic observation: Jake is the only son of the family, and as such receives a special brand of cynicism from his mother. Had he been born a girl like the other children, the treatment might have been less scathing and thus easier to bear.


Character Design


Holbrook is shown as the silent type, gifted with very laidback and accepting personality that his son inherited. He knows when to hold his tongue and when to set his cigar aside and offer words of wisdom, and like most such people, he is usually right in what he says. He is one of the few family members that manages to ignore most of his wife's harsh commentary, mostly because he isn't the sort who takes insults to heart.


With other characters



  • Holbrook smokes Havana cigars, which is the item that the Havana Brown breed derived its name from.

Theme songs

The Proletariat and The Bourgeois
Main Characters Chance "T-Bone" Furlong · Jake "Razor" Clawson</TD></TR>
Major Characters </TH> Holbrook Clawson · Vilhelmina Clawson · Caroline Towser · Annarose Mao · Penelope Birman · Marjorie Clawson · Silvia Somali-Clawson · Emily Clawson · Margaret Furlong · Hercules Wayne Furlong · Maxwell Solomon Furlong · Jynx Furlong</TD></TR>
Minor Characters </TH> Millicent Maneland · Edward Danfurr · Buckley Dewclaw · Simon Jacob Furlong · River Dawson Furlong · Liu Mao</TD></TR>
Cameos </TH> Felina Feral · Turmoil · Ann Gora · Johnny K.</TD></TR>

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