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Stitches AuthorPro-Stitches.png
Aliases Stitch, Stitches, Stitches Undone, Dear God In Heaven Why?! Why?!
Real Name Noh Wone
Color Black
Totem Scarecrow
Alignment Bad Influence/Designer/Author/Muse
Birthdate A dark day indeed....
Gender Male
Race/Ethnicity Caucasian
Height Barely
Weight Straw
Chess Piece King
Weapon(s) Scythe Hands, Staple Gun, Chemicals, Stairs, Anything Within Reach, Sarcasm
Abilties Physical Augmentation, Nightmarish Reimagining, Command of Ragman
Family Deceased, or soon to be...
Associates Nam, Rem, Snause
Story Reality, The Blockhouse, More To Come
Status Insane

"You aren't comprehending the position that you're in."
Oogie Boogie, Nightmare Before Christmas

You know that little voice? We all have it, somewhere in the back of our minds. No, not those pathetic shoulder jockeys, with their constant bickering and stereotypical appearances. Rather, that little malicious whisper in your ear, encouraging you to set things on fire or trip some old person down the stairs. That venomous thought, slipping into your good intentions, poisoning your words until they rot with an unpleasant shade of misunderstanding. That infectious idea that gets trapped in your head and begins to strangle all healthy thoughts with a length of piano wire. That, my dearies, would be Stitches.

Stitches, or rather Stitches Undone, a name both metaphorical and literal in his regards, is the dominatingly bad influence in the SPFI household, taking it upon himself to twist the lives of those within for his own amusement. First meeting with Nam by chance, he proceeded to provide her with a brand of inspiration that literally gave her nightmares, and things progressed from there. At current, he serves as caretaker of the BlockHouse basement, or the Broken Toy Box as he affectionately calls it. Within is contained the 'bad ideas,' a host of extremely dangerous creations ranging from the nightmarish to the sort of thing that destroys your faith in a greater power. The fact that Nam has entrusted the care of such monstrosities to a being like Stitches is considered well-founded proof of her... well, can't say something nice....

Caring for the form of a scarecrow, Stitches is portrayed in a number of ways, predominantly as the mad-scientist or the twisted sadist. Regardless, he is actually rather fond of his new home, and though he revels in giving the other residents a hard time, or a fright, or a highly unstable mixture of explosive potential, or horrific visions of some forlorn demon, or further means for their collective psychiatrists to line their pockets, marketing in the savage, unrelenting traffic of human suffering, like so many merchants of agony...

There was a point in there somewhere....


As A Character

Being inanimate sucks.

After a decade, this was the inescapable conclusion which Stitches reached. Born into this world through the hands of a man, who was either a genius or a psychopath, most likely the latter given the personality of his creation, Stitches spent the first ten years of his existence hanging from a wooden cross and surveying a corn field in the middle of an insignificant bit of nowhere. Through painted eyes, he watched the peaceful world before him, occasionally blessed with a new view whenever a wind strong enough to turn him happened along, and drew from his observations the following conclusions: the world was boring and being inanimate sucked.

Indeed, his existence was, at best, a tedious one, and with no hope of end in sight any time soon. His construction was something of a masterpiece, so well done that were he to remain hanging on his wooden cross at the mercy of the elements, he might yet outlive the one who put him there. Of course, were he to gain some freedom of movement, he was certain to outlive the old bastard because he held every intention of beating the man to death with a corn stalk for sticking him up in the first place. Thus, with such violent plans for his liberation in mind, not literally of course as he had no actual tissue to constitute a mental harbor for these thoughts, but metaphorically in regards to the idea that out ideas carry on independent of the trappings of flesh, it was a fairly certain that that he should remain furiously impotent upon his wooden cross for all of his many days; for surely no one would actively seek to loosen a thing that intended murder well before it had the means to accomplish or even contemplate such a task. That would be insane.


Then again, what is sanity?

As it so happens, it was in fact sanity that freed Stitches, and so likely doomed some portion of the world. Or more specifically, the attempted sanity of a certain group: i.e. artists.

For you see, the mind behaves in a most peculiar fashion for most, but for artists, its right out there. Those who create art are not only capable of seeing and understanding the world, but of seeing beyond it and into the 'what may be' category. Thus, they are able to bring into the world new, often alien ideas which can affect it. Most often this is simply for the amusement of the artist and a select few, but every so often an idea comes along to shake the very foundations of our world and how it works. Sadly, with all these promises of great or simply entertaining ideas, a few bad ones come about as well. Now, we refer not to poor ideas, those things that are simply stupid or pointless, and thus have a tendency to fizzle out on their own, but rather ideas which change the world for the worse. Nightmares which usurp or slumber, shadows that linger ever out of the corner of your idea, characters that not only kick the dog, but cut it open and perform interpretive dance with its small intestine. You know the sort. Naturally, were such things allowed out into the general public, it would be chaotic. Fires, riots, honest politicians: shear madness.

The universe as a whole seemed to recognize that if left unchecked, these 'bad ideas' would fast become a problem for everyone. Thus, in an effort to contain them, they were gathered up and locked away in various objects which best suited their own particular brand of evil. The dangerous ideas were stuffed into small, furry toys which developed a tendency to spontaneously combust. The perverse ideas were incorporated into the internet, explaining the ever growing number of dirty websites. As for the frightening ideas, these were placed into inanimate objects which best fitted their contents: such as Halloween masks, bad slasher flicks, and scarecrows.

By some divine clerical error, Stitches was chosen to contain the frightening and dangerously numerous ideas of one particular artist: Nam, an undead whose mind churned out more insecurities and night terrors then the Republican Party on a bender. And it was through these bad ideas, one particular jewel came to the surface: 'It would be really creepy if scarecrows were alive.'

This idea, joined with his own mysterious consciousness, liberated Stitches from his infuriating position. At first, he pondered the meaning of such a sudden change, then he lit fire to the cornfield and watched it burn to ashes. While he originally did this purely for the satisfaction of being rid of the dreary landscape of his past, there was a second, more lasting effect this burning had on him. Stitches found in himself a love for the act; a sudden thrill in seeing the blaze devour all he had ever known. It was this thrill that finally made him feel truly alive, and so set the course of his life.

Being inanimate sucked, so he would provoke the world into animation and thus make it a grand deal more interesting.

Other Personalities

Stitches is indeed quite mad, but unlike certain other residents of the household, he makes no effort to suppress his sadistic tendencies and so has no true alter ego. Of course, being the channel for a host of horrifically bad ideas, as well as having access to any and all manner of unstable chemicals, Stitches has attained something of a novelty in his identity. You see, Stitches may not change very much mentally, but has developed the odd knack for being able to 'stitch' most anything to himself, and has grown very fond of doing so.

He can of course do this to other things as well, but rather then use his curious ability, he prefers the employment of a staple gun.

The Creation of Stitches

Under Construction.

Role In SPFI

Under Construction.

Previous Roles and Works

Under Construction.


Under Construction.

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