Jake "Razor" Clawson

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Revision as of 03:01, 3 August 2009 by Admin (Talk | contribs)
Jake Clawson PBPro-Jake.png
Aliases Razor, Jakey, Hotshot
Real Name Jacques Nathaniel Clawson
Age 26
Birthdate Unknown
Gender Male
Race/Ethnicity Havana Brown (kat)
Height Unknown
Weight Unknown
Abilties Martial arts, combat training, superior intelligence, mechanical knowledge, superior dexterity and agility
Family Holbrook Clawson, Vilhelmina Clawson, Caroline Towser, Annarose Mao, Majorie Clawson, Penelope Birman, Silvia Somali-Clawson, Emily Clawson
Associates Chance "T-Bone" Furlong, Margaret Furlong, Hercules Wayne Furlong, Maxwell Solomon Furlong, Jynx Furlong, Millicent Maneland
Story The Proletariat and The Bourgeois
Status The Girl
This article is centered around the character in The Proletariat and The Bourgeois. For other uses see Jake Clawson: disambiguation.

Jake "Razor" Clawson was born Jacques Nathaniel Clawson, the only son of Holbrook and Vilhelmina Clawson, and the fourth born of their seven children. As the solitary male heir, Jacques suffered a heavy amount of pressuring from his mother to marry early and carry on the family name and estate, as well as strengthen their breed by having several children. Needing to escape the influence of his family, Jacques joined the Enforcers as soon as he reached the recruitment age, changed his name legally to 'Jake' in order to mold more comfortably into a new life, and underwent training as a mechanic before his talent with weaponry and natural inclination to a steady temperament, not to mention his father's sterling reputation, placed him on a two-person team with Chance Furlong, his future crime-fighting partner.


Character Design

In The Proletariat and The Bourgeios, Jake is a purebred Havana Brown, thus his original series design was altered slightly to better fit the coloring and frame of the breed. He is roughly between five and six feet tall, colored a light chocolate brown, and has (slightly too wide) yellow-green eyes.

As far as clothing went, in the series Jake shuffled between two outfits, his work uniform and his SWAT Kats jumpsuit. Throughout the storyline of P&B, he is shown wearing more casual, civillian-based clothing which mostly consists of dress shirts and khaki pants or slacks. However, there are several instances in the second installment of the story where he is jokingly encouraged to model dresses for Jynx Furlong and her friends.



With other characters


Alternate selves

How the SWAT Kats met



  • Because the CFA records Siamese and Russian Blue as being used to breed the Havana Brown, the authors used the breeds heritage in several instances within the story, including when Vilhelmina points out that Jake's 'Russian Blue is showing' when he gets angry, a quip based on Nam's previous bad experiences with being on the receiving end of a neighborhood Russian Blue's wrath. Several times.
  • Jake was originally twenty in the P&B universe, but the age was changed to make more time for Jake and Chance to have trained and become friends and then SWAT Kats. Due to the age change, several of the arguments Jake made against his getting married were lost, one of which being a favored reply to Vilhelmina regarding that the young adult woudn't even legally be allowed to drink at his own wedding.

Theme songs

External Links and Reference

  • Wikipedia article

The Proletariat and The Bourgeois
Main Characters Chance "T-Bone" Furlong · Jake "Razor" Clawson</TD></TR>
Major Characters </TH> Holbrook Clawson · Vilhelmina Clawson · Caroline Towser · Annarose Mao · Penelope Birman · Marjorie Clawson · Silvia Somali-Clawson · Emily Clawson · Margaret Furlong · Hercules Wayne Furlong · Maxwell Solomon Furlong · Jynx Furlong</TD></TR>
Minor Characters </TH> Millicent Maneland · Edward Danfurr · Buckley Dewclaw · Simon Jacob Furlong · River Dawson Furlong · Liu Mao</TD></TR>
Cameos </TH> Felina Feral · Turmoil · Ann Gora · Johnny K.</TD></TR>

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