Main Page
From Something 6 Wiki
Revision as of 14:49, 24 September 2006 by Neo jimmy6 (Talk | contribs)
Hello and welcome to The Something 6 Wiki. Before you start doing stuff, there are 10 Rules to understand. Here we can edit anything we want.
Current news
I (Neo jimmy6) say that please everybody hoos actually connected now to try and make a text adventure. Beacause im trying to get more pages, and text adventures are the most (most pages) stuff, and there pretty much realy fun. I will work on my text adventure. And ill try to make more people go on this wiki. Thank you.
You can get awards for stuff.
Stuff you can probably do
- If you made toons, you better put them here,but before you put the toons here, you must tryout.
- Made games? Put them here.
- Made text adventures? Put them here.
- Made Something Else? Put them here.
- Made shorts? Put them here, but before you put your shorts here, you must tryout.
- Made Flash? Here.
- Made any comics? Put them here.
- Made email shows? Put them here, you better tryout before you make a email show.
- Stuff that are under construction? Put them here.