Example that will be DELETED

From Something 6 Wiki

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Okay The thing listen up!
The people that wants to participate signs there usernames in a link.
Then you do a trivia toon like this:
'''NEO JIMMY6:'''Okay now we only have The secret bot and The thing left!
'''NEO JIMMY6:'''Okay I choose The secret bot.
'''THE SECRET BOT:'''Thank you!
'''NEO JIMMY6:'''Okay how did Somebody in the toon [[What?]] get mad?
''{The secret bot overloads and The thing wins}''
Of course, If you can, let them edit there persons.
Do you get it?
Cause if you have things to say tell me them on my [[User talk:Neo jimmy6|talk page]].

Revision as of 00:43, 2 May 2006


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