HMB Hits Hollywood

From Some Kinda Fanfic Wiki


A contractor offers the stars of SKFF a movie in Hollywood.

Cast:(In order of appearance) Nick, Jessica, Cassidy, Smithy, Craig, Joel, Phil, Mr. Malice, Markie, Burnbox, Contractor.

[edit] Transcript

NICK: That's why Some Kinda Fanfic is cool.

JESSICA: And your telling me this why?

NICK: Pff, if I create it, it's cool.

JESSICA: What about that time you made a Joel robot that melted your face off?

{Cut to a robot Joel}

NICK: I bequeeth thee, mine!

JOEL ROBOT: DIE! {shoots lasers at nick, which melt his face.}

NICK Somebody's been eating their vitamins..

{cut back to Nick and Jessica.}

NICK: That was cool, at first..

{Cassidy and Smithy walk in.}

CASSIDY: What's going on?

NICK: Your m-

CASSIDY: If you say Your Mom I will kill you.


{Craig up from the floor, with Smithy being shocked.}

SMITHY: How? What the?

CRAIG: I'm...back...

CASSIDY: Oh my god, your back, pimpin!

{Joel, Phil, Mr. Malice, Markie and Burnbox jump through a window.}

NICK: What the hell?

SMITHY: Am I dreaming or something? How did craig..

MR. MALICE: {Voice of season 1 bonus stage credits} I feel as if jumping through windows was the right thing to do.

NICK: You break it, you buy it!

MARKIE: We didn't break it.

BURNBOX: What's going on.

SMITHY: Be right back. {Jumps out the window.}

NICK: Everybody's jumping through my window.

{ Smithy tries to go through the floor like craig, but justs smashes through with only his head popping out.}

CONTRACTER: Perfect, gold! Just what I need!


CONTRACTER: You guys would be perfect for a movie I wanna shoot with you guys!

MR. MALICE: Woah, the big screen?

CONTRACTER: Yes, creepy skeleton dude! { Does a headbang}

MARKIE: You wanna shoot it with us?

CONTRACTER: Yes, and the floor smashing dude is pure gold!

CASSIDY: Who you mean him?

CONTRACTER: Yes, sexy.

{Smithy busts up through the floor really angry}

NICK: Don't say any sexy comments to Cassidy, Smithy will go nuts.

CONTRACTER: Sure, whatever.

MR. MALICE: Let's shoot the freakin movie!

PHIL: Yay!

CONTRACTER: Yeah, you can't be in it.

JOEL: He's to boring, he can never get a girl, he's a nerd!

{Joel throws Phil out the window.}

BURNBOX: Now we can go, right?

CONTRACTER: Yes, let's go.

{Cut out on the streets where the contracter has the camera up.}

CONTRACTER: Remember your lines....and...ACTION!

{Begin movie}

NICK: You can't jump the 20th story building and survive!

SMITHY: Watch me.

{Cut again to 20th story of a building, where Smithy is now jumping off.}

SMITHY: Loser!!

{Smithy lands on both legs}

NICK: Your ok, for a guy.

SMITHY: All the ladies say I'm pretty fly for a white guy!

CASSIDY: I bet they're right!

{Cut to Markie, Burnbox, and Mr. Malice}

MR. MALICE: Your petty attacks can knock me down.

MARKIE: {yelling} TRIPLE KICK! {Does 3 kicks and Mr. Malice, yet he is unharmed.}

MR. MALICE: I didn't know I left the window open.

BURNBOX: You didn't! Look, your mom is over there!

MR. MALICE: Mommy!

{Burnbox kicks Mr. Malice down.}

MR. MALICE: I'll see you, in 1000 years! {freezes Burnbox, while Markie runs away.}

{Cut to Nick, Jessica, Cassidy and Smithy.}

JESSICA: Your not all bark, after all!

SMITHY: Right. Damn right.

CASSIDY: Who's that?

{Markie runs up, and he accidentally runs into the camera.}

MARKIE: Ow, move the camera back!


MARKIE: Whoops, sorry.

CASSIDY: What's wrong?

JESSICA: Has a skeleton just froze your best friend Burnbox?


{Joel and Craig come screaming.}

JOEL: He's coming!

CRAIG: I....fear...

{Mr. Malice freezes Craig}

JOEL: Your going d-

{Mr. Malice freezes Joel.}

NICK: What's going on?

MR. MALICE: I feel there is no need for you pathetic twerps. I will now freeze you.

{Mr. Malice freezes Jessica and Nick}

SMITHY: Cassidy, Markie, get back!

{Mr. Malice shoots at Smithy, but Markie blocks it and gets frozen.}

CASSIDY: Do something!

{Mr. Malice freezes Cassidy.}

SMITHY: That's it!

{The screen rotates and Smithy lunges towards but Mr. Malice shoots and freezes his left leg.}

SMITHY: I'd be happy to destroy you.

MR. MALICE: I'd be happy to freeze you!

{Smithy dives for Mr. Malice and tackles him, he shoots to freeze him, but he hits the contracter}

MR. MALICE: Uh oh.

SMITHY: Look good, the camera's rolling. {dances}

MR.MALICE: We have to unfreeze the others.

{cut back to Nick's living room, where they are all watching it.}

NICK: That was a mess.

SMITHY: It would've been cool, if we finished.

CASSIDY: It was a good job.

PHIL: Why didn't I get to be in the movie? I mean I'm perfect, I have good hair, good looks......

{Mr. Malice shoots Phil with the ice ray he used in the movie.}


MR. MALICE: Is it queit in here?

{End Credits}

[edit] Fun Facts

  • Bumped ahead from The Coast Is Toast, and so are coporate magazines.
  • Longest episode to date.
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