Fury of King Nintendoid

From Some Kinda Fanfic Wiki

SKFF Episode #6

King Nintendoid gives everybody a scare, so they resort to a panic room.

Cast:(in order of appearance) Jessica, Smithy, Cassidy, Nick, Craig, King Nintendoid

[edit] Transcript

{Open to Jessica and Smithy}

JESSICA: We should really..

SMITHY: Sleep?

JESSICA: Nah, I do enough of that.

{Cassidy and Nick walk in}

CASSIDY: Did you here there was terror in Charismaville?


NICK: Some loser is tearing up the town.

CRAIG: That loser...is...King...Nin....teeennnn...doid.

SMITHY: What?!

CRAIG: He's..big..and..tough.

SMITHY: What?!

CASSIDY: Stop that!

SMITHY: What?!

{Cassidy slaps Smithy}

SMITHY: I'm done!

{A Dark shadowy figure storms in the house}

NICK: King Nintendoid, I should have known.

KING NINTENDOID: Yeah, it's me, and I've come to say -

SMITHY: Resort to a panic room!

KING NINTENDOID: What?! I just -

{Smithy pushes everyone up to his Panic Room and slams the door.}

SMITHY: Nick..I used your pillow to unclog my toilet!

NICK: No wonder why my pillow smells bad.

JESSICA: I put soda in my cereal!

CASSIDY: This isn't confession time.

{King Nintendoid pounds the door}


JESSICA: If your name has a K in it you can come in!


{Jessica opens the door. King Nintendoid comes in.}

CASSIDY: We're gonna die, our worse!

KING NINTENDOID: I just wanna join the cast of SKFF!

SMITHY: Yep, that could be worse.

{Roll end credits}

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