
From Soloralwiki

Ptia Tower
One of the many spires in Ptia's Tower Gardens

Ptia was a city founded by humans and elves after the slaying of a necromancer on the island (according to an old myth; the existence of a necromancer has never been proven) as a trading port between the two race's homelands. Because of its proximity to human, elven, and micron lands it became the capital of the nation of Elpidos. Later, when the microns joined Elpidos, it was the center of the Triad government as well, effectively making it the center of Micras.

Eventually the city covered the entire tiny island (also called Ptia) and became incredibly crowded and difficult to navigate. The Triad spent several decades improving the city's transportation grid and constructing the tower gardens as a center of all buisness in the government. Many important things happened there, including the infamous Temporal Relocator Project.

The Imperials attacked Micras during the Eve of Destruction but Ptia was mysteriously ignored and other countries attacked first. During the last battle of the war the Imperial battlecruiser Revengence attacked the city, but it was repelled successfully in the Battle of Ptia.

When the micrograss plague began to spread the nervious leaders of Ptia activated an unstable stasis field generator. The machine succeded; though all inhabitants survived the entire city was put into suspended animation for thousands of years.

The city was later rediscovered by Sai'Kar Lum'Eth and the stasis generator deactivated. Ptia became the only modern micron city for the survivors of the race.

In modern times the microns have almost entirely retreated to Ptia to continue their vigilant watch over the planet. They never interact with humans and indeed most of the world does not even believe in their existence any longer.

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