Control of Destiny Tactics

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Control of Destiny - Tactical Awesomeness



The plot is still sketchy at this point, but it will take place almost immediately after the end of Control of Destiny 3 still on the planet Micras. Jasonia is in ruins but Diga is dead and the military bloc he put together is falling apart. Some countries are appalled at the destruction they rained upon Jasonia, which they now realize was holding the world peace together, and are turning on their more vile neightbors. Others are taking advantage of the power vacuum and lack of charismatic leader to claim some poorly defended land of their neighbors. Still others mainly want to be left alone to rebuild the shards from the violent last few years. Micras's future is in the hands of mortals now, but is it ready for their greed and ambitions?

  • Sai'Kar will be a main character, as well an unnamed new male mercenary.
  • Bill Trihus, Rii'Iia, and likely other surviving CoD members will also play large roles.
  • The game will start in the areas around Tapfer and Ptia.
  • A major part of the plot will involve the search for the origin of magic and the mysteries of the ancient Micron kingdom of Solaria and the powers of the Sun Sword.
  • Also important to the story will be making peace with local warring territories to help end the world war.

Job System

CoDT uses a two-job system. Characters have a main job and a sub job, and receive benefits from both. Main jobs level faster than sub jobs, and affect statistics much more at level-up than sub-jobs. They also determine what types of equipment can be worn and what skills can be used.


Combat is tactical, in a similar vein to that of Final Fantasy Tactics.

See Also

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