City of the Sun

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The City of the Sun (called "Solora Spira in Garla Solarian by the Microns, which translates into "Sun Tower") is an ancient Solarian temple built by Rii'Iia and her group that marks the spot where the Wind Song crystal was excavated . The temple eventually became the major Solarian city and a magical laboratory where the Solarians experimented on themselves and the world around them.

The Sun Sword was forged here during the Great War of Destruction, along with a number of lesser weapons.

The Solarians went into stasis sleep while a powerful magic spell of theirs brewed. When it was complete, the Solarians became Transcendi. The spell also made the entire island range vanish physically from the material plane.

Sai'Kar Lum'Eth rediscovered the City of the Sun right before the Eve of Destruction and learned of the impending war, giving the Triad months to prepare, but ultimately it was for naught. Sai'Kar wished to use the power of the City of the Sun to repel the Imperials but the Traid took possession of the Wind Song and Sai'Kar could not activate the weapon until it was too late. Her group took shelter from the micrograss plague here and went into stasis sleep for hundreds of years.

When Pinkaria was transformed into the Flying Islands of Jasonia, a research group from Audentior entered the city but did not discover many of its secrets.

Sai'Kar's group reawakened during the Dimensional World War to aid in the defense of the dimensions. During the war, Awaldock lead a group of Aquatan into the City and stole the Wind Song. He later turned the crystal over to Erika Lekuan. There was also a FIoJ military plot to attack the city, but it was foiled when the robot AI gained knowledge of the attack.

At the end of the war Sai'Kar lured Pure Evil into a deep part of the city and sealed it within using her own life energies. However the FIoJ military discovered the evil energy and Assassinate broke Sai'Kar's seal. The Jasonians attempted to slay Pure Evil but failed and Bill Dusch was corrupted. After his defeat Bill was taken back to the City of the Sun and, using the power of the Sun Sword, purified as a Paladin and given the Einlanzer sword.

During the Infernal invasion the Jasonians wished to use the City of the Sun to repel the Infernals and spent much effort reopening the seal. They also revived Sai'Kar but even with her help could not get the City's weapon systems to function; they had degraded over the ages.

After the fall of Fate, the City of the Sun was thoroughly researched by the Micron race and all of its secrets discovered. It was then sealed once again and has been closed ever since.

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