Match1: Mario Vs. Link

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Toad: Welcome to the grand opening of the Nintendo World Stadium! As you saw coming in from the entrance of the dome,The Schedule states that we are only Open on Fridays.

Croud: Awwwwwww!

Toad: Don't be sad this might cheer you up,The Time schedule!6:00-whenever the opponent is unable to fight.

Croud: *Silence*

Toad: Err...*Drops Microphone,then scrounges for it*Um sorry ladys and gentlemen. So um why Don't cut to the chace then?

Croud: Ya,why don't you?

Toad: Because the contestants aren't here at the moment.

Mario: *Running*I'm here*breathing heavily*Links on his-a way!

Toad: *Covers the top of the Microphone with his hand*Mario don't tell them who the contestants are*Frowning*

Mario: Sorry.*Arriving at the Announcer's Box*

Toad: *Covering the MicroPhone again*Wheres Link?

Mario: On his way.

Toad: Ya,but wheres Link?

Mario: Ummmm.............

Toad: Mario....

Mario: Hes on his way?*shrugging*

Toad: Where is he?

Mario: I already told you......

Toad: 1......2....Don't make me get to 3!

Mario: Ok!ok!Truth is hes posing for some scenes for SSB.

Toad: That came out 2 years ago..............

Mario: Where not in 1998?

Toad: You don't know where he is do you?

Mario: Nope.............

Toad: Then why did you lie?

Croud: Whats taking so long?!?!?

Toad: *Uncovers Microphone*Shaddd Up!

  • A 15th of the croud leaves*

Mario: Toad!*Mario Grabs the Microphone from Toad*Sorry about that folks,anyway since Link is running late, heres Luigi with the evening joke!*whispering*Luigi your on!

Luigi: *Whispering*What do I say?

Mario: *Whispering*Anything!

Toad: This is hopless.....

Mario: *Whispering*Fine then Toad,you think you can do it better,then you do it!

Toad: I will!*Grabs Microphone*Hey everybody!

Croud: Boooooooooooo!

Toad: Wait!I forgot to tell you who the annoucers are! Ok its almost always Mario and Luigi.But I fill in for them when their not here.Occasionally we will have some special guests annoucing.

Mario: *Mumbling*Thats real smooth*

Luigi: *Nodding head*

  • Toad gives a glance at Mario and Luigi*

Toad: So um heres Link now!

Mario: Finally......

Toad: *Covers Microphone up with hand*Luigi go dress up as Link and make your way to the areana.

Luigi: Why me?

Toad: Because your wearing green,I dunno,go!

Luigi: *Runs down the stairs*All because I wear green,what a joke!

Mario: I'm on my way-a!*Mario hops down the stairs*

  • Mario and Luigi arrive at the areana*

Mario: Luigi?

Luigi: Ya,bro?

Mario: Wheres Link?

Luigi: I dunno.

Mario: Why are you dressed as him?

Luigi: Because Toad told me to.

Mario: *Rubs eyes for a moment*Now what?

Link: We figt to the deaths!

  • Luigi Runs out of the areana at the site of Link*

Mario: Where were you?

Link: Posing for SSBM.

Mario: *Rolls Eyes*I was close.

Link: Now let us fight!

Mario: Lets-a Go!

  • Mario runs towards Link*

Link: Ha!You think running at me is gonna scare me?Don't make me luagh.

  • Mario Smiles,And then Jumps over Link*

Toad: Whats he doing?!?

  • The croud Gasps*

Mario: Take this!*Marios hands flare Red*

Link: What the?

Mario: Fire Ball Destruction!

  • Marios Hands Catch on Fire as he falls behind Link,then charges at him.*

Mario: Time to-a say good bye!

  • Mario Runs up to Link and Grabs him.Mario throughs him in the air and fires

at least 70-80 Fire balls at him*

Link: You fool*Link blocks them with his Master Sword*

Mario: Im not done yet!*Mario pulls a Fire Flower out of his pocket,and then it dissolves into his hand. Mario's Overalls Turn Red while his Hat and under shirt turn White.*

Link: I better think of something quik!

  • Mario aims his glowing Red hands in the air this time,but instead of 70-80 Fire Balls coming out,700-800

come flying out at Link*

Link: Gah!

  • The Fire Balls Fire drastically at Link*

Link: Ha!I'll just reflect them with my shield!

  • But instead of the Fire Balls hitting Link,they hit the side of the areana polls and bounce off above Link.

The Fire Balls then Hit the Lights at the top of the dome.*

Link: What!?No way!

  • Mario Dashes away from the falling fire and glass.The Fire and Glass it Link and sets off a big explosion*

Mario: Simple Tricks.*Walking out of the stadium.*

Link Not so fast!*Coughing up blood*

Mario: Impossible!

Link: Heh,you think a few wounds are gonna stop me?

Mario: Well-a you think-a you can beat me with that rusty old sword?

Link: As a matter of a fact I do.*wiping blood from his mouth*

Mario: Bring it!

Link: I will!!

  • Link charges at the wall*

Mario: Simpleton.

  • Link runs up the wall and then kicks the remains from the light fixture,causing himself to bounce directly

at Mario*

Mario: Theres no way!

Link: Thats what you think*Link begins to smirk*

  • Mario trys to dash away,buts its too late.Link sliced Mario a few times and then through a bomb at him*

Mario: You won't win*with one eye open coughing*

Link: I beg to differ.

  • Links Bomb gos off,as the eastern part of the stadium is knocked out*

Link: Simple Tricks for a simple minded simpleton*smirking*

Mario:!I..will not....loose!

Link: Still alive huh?I've met some stubborn people in my day,but you,you take the cake.Thats for sure.

Mario: As long as there is an "M" in Mario and an "M" in the Mushroom Kingdom,I will not loose!

Link: Thats what you think!

  • Mario walks out of the cloud of smoke coughing*

Link: Now let me show you your doom!

Mario: Never!I'm not going to loose to you!

  • Mario and Link charge at eachother*
  • Marios Pulls out a Metal hat and puts it on*

Mario: I am now made of Metal.

Link: Impossible!Now die!

Mario: Hmph.

  • Link charges while holding his sword in attack position*

Mario: This should be good.

  • Link hits Mario's Metal Exterior with his Master Sword*

Link: What?

  • Links Sword Breaks in 5 pieces*

Mario: You should have listened.

  • Mario Punches Link in the face*

Link: Ah!You broke my nose!

Mario: Its-a your own-a fault!You should have listened to me!

Link: Never!*Link pulls out a bomb and ignites it*

Mario: That old trick?

  • Link throughs th bomb at Bowser in the near by croud.Bowser reacts to the flying bomb by catching it and then

throwing towards Mario while breathing fire breath on the bomb causing a massive explosion.*

Link: I did it!I won!

  • Mario walks out of the cloud of dust*

Mario: This is-a why I-a carry invisible Caps.

  • Mario Had put an Invisible cap on right before the explosion*

Link: Damn!I was so close!

Mario: You wish!

  • Mario removes his invisible hat*

Mario: I'll spare you if you give up.

Link: Heh,you wish lardio!

Mario: Why you little!

  • Link throughs his bommerang at Marios head.At the impact of the metal hitting Mario's face,Mario is

slammed against the western coner of the areana.Link does this several times*

Link: How about you give up and i'll spare you?

Mario: Never!*Mario barley gets up to stand*

Link: Its a pity you will have to go like this,and to think I'll be the next Mr.Nintendo.

Toad: *Yawns*What time is it Luigi?I want a Taco.

Luigi: *Luigi looks at the clocl behind him* 7:30pm.

Toad: Wow an hour and a half this has been going on.

Croud: *Cheering Mario*

Mario: Link,you have forgotten that I have one last trick up my sleeve-a.

Link: Ya,you and your pathetic tricks.Honestly it will be a shame that you won't just give up? Even if you did I would only let you go if you gave me the title as Mr.Nintendo.

Mario: Ha!Link you would never be half the Mr.Nintendo I am!

Link: Enough Talk!

Mario: Don't you shush me you little brat!

Link: Whatever,admit it your no match for me.

Mario: Thats what you think,boy.

  • Link smirks and charges at Mario with his broken Sword.

Link: Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*Still charging at Mario*

Mario: Hmph,I'd like-a to see you beat me now!*Mario puts on a Wing Cap*

Link: Die!*Link swings his broken sword at Mario,but misses* What?

Mario: Told you that you wouldn't-a beat-a me!

Link: Oh foolish boy I've nearly begun!

Mario: Your in denial!Face it you have no chance at winning!

Link: Gah*coughing up blood*I can barley see?!?Whats going on?

Mario: You've used all the energy you can,your done for.

Link: No!Its not over yet!

Mario: *Mario Smirks for the first time in the battle*Allright Link have it your way!

  • Mario Flys towards Link at speeds of over 500MPH*

Link: No I won't loose to you!For Hyrule!

Mario: Hyrule is a fraction of the popularity the Mushroom Kingdom has! The nightmare is Over Link!Fry!

  • Mario eats a Fire shroom while diving towards Link causing him to become Fire Wing Cap Mario*

Croud: *Gasping*

  • Mario's Hands turn Red with the rest of his body and turns himself to be what it looks like a giant

Fire Ball.*

Luigi: I can watch!*Luigi Covers his eyes*

Toad: You can't miss this Luigi!*Toad uncovers Luigi's Eyes*

Mario: Sianora!*Mario Hits Link Blowing the roof of the Stadium off*

Link: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!*Link is screaming with intesnse pain*

Mario: There is only one Mr.Nintendo,and that-a me!

  • After the explosion and the smoke clears,Mario is standing bleeding a bit with a broken arm while Link

has his neck snapped unconches.The Medi-Guys appear on the northern wing of the stadium and rush towards Link and Mario*

Medi-Guy#1: Link will be fine.

Medi-Guy#3: But h needs immediate medical attention.

Medi-Guy#2: And what can I do for you Mario?

Mario: I'll be-a fine.

Medi-Guy#3: Thats kinda risky Mario.

Medi-Guy#1: Could we get you a sling for that arm at least?

Mario: Well.....Ok.

Medi-Guy#1: You heard the man!Lets move!

Medi-Guy#2: Ok,but I'll take Link to the Emergency room.

Medi-Guy#1: Will do,lets Go #3.

Medi-Guy#3: Yes sir.

  • Mario helps load Link into the ambulance.*

Toad: Well folks that seems to be it for today.

Croud: Awwwwwwwwwww!

Luigi: But don't worry!Next Friday at 6:00pm is our next match,so stay tuned!

Croud: Yaaaaaaaaaaaaayyy!

Toad: Well this is Toad signing off.

Luigi: ANd this is Luigi Mario signing off at 8:01,night folks.

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