Match1: Mario Vs. Link

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Revision as of 08:20, 26 January 2008 by Admin (Talk | contribs)

Toad: Welcome to the grand opening of the Nintendo World Stadium! As you saw coming in from the entrance of the dome,The Schedule states that we are only Open on Fridays.

Croud: Awwwwwww!

Toad: Don't be sad this might cheer you up,The Time schedule!6:00-whenever the opponent is unable to fight.

Croud: *Silence*

Toad: Err...*Drops Microphone,then scrounges for it*Um sorry ladys and gentlemen. So um why Don't I cut to the chace then?

Croud: Ya,why don't you?

Toad: Because the contestants aren't here at the moment.

Mario: *Running*I'm here*breathing heavily*Links on his-a way!

Toad: *Covers the top of the Microphone with his hand*Mario don't tell them who the contestants are*Frowning*

Mario: Sorry.*Arriving at the Announcer's Box*

Toad: *Covering the MicroPhone again*Wheres Link?

Mario: On his way.

Toad: Ya,but wheres Link?

Mario: Ummmm.............

Toad: Mario....

Mario: Hes on his way?*shrugging*

Toad: Where is he?

Mario: I already told you......

Toad: 1......2....Don't make me get to 3!

Mario: Ok!ok!Truth is hes posing for some scenes for SSB.

Toad: That came out 2 years ago..............

Mario: Where not in 1998?

Toad: You don't know where he is do you?

Mario: Nope.............

Toad: Then why did you lie?

Croud: Whats taking so long?!?!?

Toad: *Uncovers Microphone*Shaddd Up!

  • A 15th of the croud leaves*

Mario: Toad!*Mario Grabs the Microphone from Toad*Sorry about that folks,anyway since Link is running late, heres Luigi with the evening joke!*whispering*Luigi your on!

Luigi: *Whispering*What do I say?

Mario: *Whispering*Anything!

Toad: This is hopless.....

Mario: *Whispering*Fine then Toad,you think you can do it better,then you do it!

Toad: I will!*Grabs Microphone*Hey everybody!

Croud: Boooooooooooo!

Toad: Wait!I forgot to tell you who the annoucers are! Ok its almost always Mario and Luigi.But I fill in for them wh

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