From Slinkiwiki
This page contains various information for those who are testing Beyond Lunch!
Enter bugs you find under Stuff Found, using a * to make it a nice list.
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Stuff Found
- Animation for the strength ring in tMADitG is glitchy. Also none of the chests have icons. UM this is the one that is just right of a portal? If that helps? Best to just go back and double-check all your chest code since you'll have to go in for icons anyway.
- By that I mean none of the chests have icons. NONE OF THEM.
- Also the phrase "found a pair of fashionable clothing!" appears from these particular boxes and this is grammatically faulty.
- There's a green line that appears underneath Bryan's sprite during his drawing animation. I noticed this in tMADitG due to the vast expanse of NOTHING that they're standing on.
- I CAN'T LEEEEEEAVE ;_________; Chris keeps saying we need to find the animals BUT I'VE ALREADY FOUND THEM!
- Ambient voice: "Thankfully, portals are much easier to open from this side, so I manage to make it at all. My power is but a shadow of its former self anymore." This is very grammatically awkward and should be rephrased.
- In Skylancer's FMV dialogue, he says "unvieled" -> unveiled.
- Afterward, explaining after Slink wakes up, he and Chris both say "Seperated" -> separated.
- You can walk under chairs and beds at the inn in Dalton.
- White-haired man at the "hard soda shop" says "buisness" -> business
- Girl watching the dancer: "She's such a tease! take it off already!" Caps on Take.
- Weapons upgrader in Dalton repeats dialogue after upgrading your weapons, minus actually saying which ones he needs to upgrade the second time.
- Dialogue with the white-haired businessman in the bar after the sword is fixed, Greg's thoughts are in white.
- Second kid in the warehouse vanishes when you talk to him after fighting him, but the event is still there, just with no sprite.
- Fourth kid: "Satonists?" -> Satanists?
- Team Member on the bottom right room of the second floor takes a step forward after you beat him and then move out from in front of him?
- There seems to be a missing tile on the first pathway branching off south on the second floor.
- In the first set of stones, if you push the middle stone forward and then move to the top or bottom of it to try and push it again, it makes the grinding sound but doesn't move.
- In the second path-blocking set of stones, the one on the left moves like 8 squares to the side if you push it from above.
- Middle rock at the top of the floor pushes to the left when you try to hit it from the top or bottom on your way back.
- Krine's accessory chest opening animation is glitchy.
- The door to the warehouse closes and opens again if you examine it after you've opened it.
- PonyDa seems to cancel out my fire spells somehow...? I tried to use Flaming Napalm against it but it flew into a Yes Rage and the attack never went off at all. The next character up had their attack go off just fine, though. Chris's was completely skipped.
- The Locker Demon shouts "En Guard!" This should be "En Garde!"
- Talking to the priest in Dalton as the animals, Bandit says, "Are all humans this gullable?" -> gullible.
- Talking to the spotted dog near the inn: Bandit: "We should beat some since into them." -> sense
- "This collar keeps flees off Bandit." -> fleas
- When you highlight the weapon or accessory slots for Bandit, some claw or accessories will show up in the equipment window, but you can't select these slots to equip any of them. It doesn't do this for any of the other pets.
- You can go under the beds in the dog's house in Ludville.
- Guy at the top-left of the bar: "Fending off a hoard of monsters" -> horde
- Priest at the bar should use capital He/His if referring to God.
- Magical Crystal in one of the vents says "Got an Magical Crystal" -> a, also has no icon.
- None of the chests in the bullies' warehouse have icons until you get to the ones on the third floor. Also re-read the lines for them, there was one where I picked up an accessory and Sprinty commented that maybe the humans could use it, but I picked up the same accessory from another chest and he didn't say this line.
- B3 floor has a plains battle background instead of the normal warehouse BG.
- Truck uses tMADitG's battle BG.
- LD fight on the trailer: "And kick-ass gagets that serve no real purpose!" -> gadgets
- If you re-enter the gang's warehouse once you have the human party back, it still gives Sprinty's objective when you enter.
- After you convince the family in Ludville to go get their dog back, the dog is still running around in Dalton.
- Likewise, the guy with the horse is in Dalton fixing his cart, but also still in Ludville complaining that he needs glue at the same time.
- You...can get into random battles in the car?
- Not really a glitch, but when you drive by the campsite for the night Slink just kinda runs out of the car and the screen fades. Maybe a line of "We should camp!" would make this work.
- Strangely organized forest uses a plains battle BG.
- Animal sprites disappear when status becomes "Stoned."
- Atlantic Shield chest in the top-left of the strangely organized forest is missing the A and has the wrong icon.
- Animals will lose Stoned status at the end of a battle to victory dance but still have it at the beginning of the next battle.
- Strength Ring +2 in the forest has no icon.
- Humans will do a hit animation while stoned.
- In a fight with two one of them will be placed floating.
- Pony Da has a non-transparent pixel on the underside of its tail.
- My M Pony has this too, but it is less noticable.
- Locker Demon's horns are blue in the portrait art but red on his battle sprite.
- Hard mode: Enemies seem too easy if you level up as insanely as guindo does
- >(!
- Well... I'll be fixing THIS little problem. Yes.
No wait when you get to the floating glass dungeon the difficulty jump is insane :( It's not even funny, I'm getting one-shotted.Hilarious. I mean uh, fixed.
Things to look for
- Treasure Chest saying it has the wrong item. Especially shields, which have gone through name changes.
- Treasure Chest is opened when you found it.
- Treasure Chest can be opened more than once.
- Treasure Chest open animation is odd-- it appears to open, close, then open more.
- Number of times you attack the enemy is wrong.
- Treasure Item Get message doesn't show the item's icon
- Claus Combo doesn't work!
- Backtracking troubles!
- Does backtracking cause a glitch or weird dialog?
- Saving and loading a game causes an event to repeat or other glitches
- BL lets you save almost anywhere. Maybe some scenes should disable it?
- Leaving and coming back causes an event to repeat or some other glitch
- This more or less will tie in with save glitches, for the same reason. Map reloads.
- Cutscene Picture has a problem
- Like, part of it can be seen through.
- Party Changer can be used when it shouldn't be possible.
- BL generally removes it if forcing you to use certain characters... or it should.
- When changing areas, the Area Dialog (Ie. "Tennessee") doesn't auto-vanish or doesn't insto-appear.
- Dialog showing where you are should auto-vanish after a second or two. It also should show the entire name instantly, instead of typing out like most dialogs.
- Area Dialog is up too long or not long enough!
- Should be long enough to read it, but not so long it's annoying.
- Item doesn't have an icon or has the wrong icon
- Like, a sword icon for weapons, etc. Quest-type items should have a ! icon.
- The next objective isn't made obvious enough.
- Typo or misspelling!
- This one will probably see a lot :X
- Story segment makes no sense/contradicts story in another area
- Only harsh contradictions or confusion. No critiques.
- Sprite animation seems overly odd or misplaced.
- No critiques.
- Monster image has a glitch of some kind.
- No critiques.
- Battle/Event Animation has a notable flaw
- No critiques.
- Battle Background is an RPGmaker Default
- There's a lot of areas, though I tried to get them all!
- Some other background is an RPGmaker Default
- Like clouds on a mountain, etc.
- Missing a pause for a Comma or Period
- BL should pause for those, and for elipses.
- Chris's dialog has a pause for a comma or period
- His text should only pause for effect or elipses.
- Locker Demon/Minion's dialog is the wrong color
- Should be dark grey and pinkish.
- Thoughts are the wrong color (animal dialog excluded)
- Thoughts should be a light grey. Animal dialog should be white.
- Animal dialog is the wrong color
- Should be white.
- Midi doesn't loop properly or has a long delay before looping.
- Midi sounds odd, somehow. No critiques.
- Midi plays a default song for a split second before switching to an event song.
- This was just now fixed, so there'll be plenty to note.
- MP3 version... will come out later. Sorry.
-Easy Mode-
- Are monsters too hard?
- Do monsters sit there doing nothing or just attack?
-Normal Mode-
- Enemy seems too powerful or too weak for its point in the game!
- Beyond reasonable fluctuation.
-Hard Mode-
- Enemy is too easy!
- Except in the first hour of gameplay.
- Enemy is a little TOO hard!
- Pansy. Level up some!
Balance Issues
Note: This isn't spoiler free! But it's nothing game-breaking.
- Animal seems overly powerful/weak
- They have only recieved mild testing from me, so please try them for me!
- Animals not strong enough with level 50 cap
- I beat the last boss with them, partly thanks to Reflection. But can anyone else?
- Ace is over/under powered in the late game
- He is supposed to be stronger than you at first, but more on your level later on
- Animal/BLT party combination is too powerful/weak
- I didn't test this much...
- An overly powerful spell is learned before it should be
- This'll always be the case if someone levels enough, so I'm looking for Within Reason
- A spell is too powerful/useless
- Reflection is in this catagory. Should it be removed from Sprinty's spell list?
Things I can't fix cause it's RPGmaker's fault
Note: This isn't 100% Spoiler free, though it tries. Mostly just try to check here before posting a glitch!
- Greg's arm disconnects from his sprite for a bit during the MSOP lifting scene!
- Hey, I tried.
- Bryan's Toss Wooden happens twice during the battle with Nice Lady!
- This is due to RPGmaker version 1.8 changing the order in which events happen during battle. I could downgrade, but then "Miss!" and critical flashes wouldn't work. Among other things.
- Reflection has the animation play on the target, the opposing party, then the target again! How confusing!
- The spell DOES reflect properly, and this is just a graphical glitch.
- Reflection reflects practically everything the enemy does, but not your own healing magic!
- That's why it costs so much MP!
- Characters switch from Victory Pose to normal pose as the battle fades out!
- In an event in which a scene shift or battle takes place, the default song will play for 1/10 a second before switching to another song!
- This can be avoided sometimes before a battle in an event.
- Divide by 0 error?
- This happens very rarely if you kill 4 or more enemies with one spell. Save often!
- If a 2+ hit attack kills the last enemy on the first hit, the second one hits anyway, attacking thin air!
- A 2+ hit attack only crit flashes at the very end, even if the crit takes place in the beginning or middle!
- Armor doesn't do jack!
- RPGmaker has horrible formulas. I tried, though.
- Sometimes when attacking, if a battle event triggers or a spell goes off before someone runs all the way back, they'll stay out in front until their next move!
- Alt-tabbing during an automatic sequence (Prolouge, Ending) causes the music to lose sync!
- RPGmaker isn't nice enough to pause the midi, too. Try not to alt-tab!