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Revision as of 21:10, 29 March 2008 by Bahu (Talk | contribs)

This page contains various information for those who are testing Beyond Lunch!

Enter bugs you find by typing two asterisks ** and/or replacing my explanation text that follow two asterisks. You can opt to use this page as a reference and just make a txt file containing things you find, you can copy this and use it as a template for a txt file, or you can edit this page directly.


Stuff Found

  • Statue north of Manchester: "Here lies Claire, wonderful wife and selfless mother. She was found here and lay to rest." Laid to rest.

Error Finding


  • Treasure Chest saying it has the wrong item. Especially shields, which have gone through name changes.
    • If you find any, note them here.
  • Treasure Chest is opened when you found it.
    • Or here.
  • Treasure Chest can be opened more than once.
    • Or here.
  • Treasure Chest open animation is odd-- it appears to open, close, then open more.
    • Or here.
  • Number of times you attack the enemy is wrong.
    • Ditto.
  • Treasure Item Get message doesn't show the item's icon
    • Should always do that!
  • Claus Combo doesn't work!
    • Oops!
  • Backtracking troubles!
    • Does backtracking cause a glitch or weird dialog?
  • Saving and loading a game causes an event to repeat or other glitches
    • BL lets you save almost anywhere. Maybe some scenes should disable it?
  • Leaving and coming back causes an event to repeat or some other glitch
    • This more or less will tie in with save glitches, for the same reason. Map reloads.
  • Cutscene Picture has a problem
    • Like, part of it can be seen through.
  • Party Changer can be used when it shouldn't be possible.
    • BL generally removes it if forcing you to use certain characters... or it should.
  • When changing areas, the Area Dialog (Ie. "Tennessee") doesn't auto-vanish or doesn't insto-appear.
    • Dialog showing where you are should auto-vanish after a second or two. It also should show the entire name instantly, instead of typing out like most dialogs.
  • Area Dialog is up too long or not long enough!
    • Should be long enough to read it, but not so long it's annoying.
  • Item doesn't have an icon or has the wrong icon
    • Like, a sword icon for weapons, etc. Quest-type items should have a ! icon.


  • The next objective isn't made obvious enough.
    • Note examples here.
  • Typo or misspelling!
    • This one will probably see a lot :X
  • Story segment makes no sense/contradicts story in another area
    • Only harsh contradictions or confusion. No critiques.


  • Sprite animation seems overly odd or misplaced.
    • Note examples here. No critiques.
  • Monster image has a glitch of some kind.
    • Or here. No critiques.
  • Battle/Event Animation has a notable flaw
    • Yo. No critiques.
  • Battle Background is an RPGmaker Default
    • There's a lot of areas, though I tried to get them all!
  • Some other background is an RPGmaker Default
    • Like clouds on a mountain, etc.


  • Missing a pause for a Comma or Period
    • BL should pause for those, and for elipses.
  • Chris's dialog has a pause for a comma or period
    • His text should only pause for effect or elipses.
  • Locker Demon/Minion's dialog is the wrong color
    • Should be dark grey and pinkish.
  • Thoughts are the wrong color (animal dialog excluded)
    • Thoughts should be a light grey. Animal dialog should be white.
  • Animal dialog is the wrong color
    • Should be white.


  • Midi doesn't loop properly or has a long delay before looping.
  • Midi sounds odd, somehow. No critiques.
  • Midi plays a default song for a split second before switching to an event song.
    • This was just now fixed, so there'll be plenty to note.
  • MP3 version... will come out later. Sorry.


-Easy Mode-

  • Are monsters too hard?
    • MAYBE
  • Do monsters sit there doing nothing or just attack?

-Normal Mode-

  • Enemy seems too powerful or too weak for its point in the game!
    • Beyond reasonable fluctuation.

-Hard Mode-

  • Enemy is too easy!
    • Except in the first hour of gameplay.
  • Enemy is a little TOO hard!
    • Pansy. Level up some!

Balance Issues

Note: This isn't spoiler free! But it's nothing game-breaking.

  • Animal seems overly powerful/weak
    • They have only recieved mild testing from me, so please try them for me!
  • Animals not strong enough with level 50 cap
    • I beat the last boss with them, partly thanks to Reflection. But can anyone else?
  • Ace is over/under powered in the late game
    • He is supposed to be stronger than you at first, but more on your level later on
  • Animal/BLT party combination is too powerful/weak
    • I didn't test this much...
  • An overly powerful spell is learned before it should be
    • This'll always be the case if someone levels enough, so I'm looking for Within Reason
  • A spell is too powerful/useless
    • Reflection is in this catagory. Should it be removed from Sprinty's spell list?

Things I can't fix cause it's RPGmaker's fault

Note: This isn't 100% Spoiler free, though it tries. Mostly just try to check here before posting a glitch!

  • Greg's arm disconnects from his sprite for a bit during the MSOP lifting scene!
    • Hey, I tried.
  • Bryan's Toss Wooden happens twice during the battle with Nice Lady!
    • This is due to RPGmaker version 1.8 changing the order in which events happen during battle. I could downgrade, but then "Miss!" and critical flashes wouldn't work. Among other things.
  • Reflection has the animation play on the target, the opposing party, then the target again! How confusing!
    • The spell DOES reflect properly, and this is just a graphical glitch.
  • Reflection reflects practically everything the enemy does, but not your own healing magic!
    • That's why it costs so much MP!
  • Characters switch from Victory Pose to normal pose as the battle fades out!
  • In an event in which a scene shift or battle takes place, the default song will play for 1/10 a second before switching to another song!
    • This can be avoided sometimes before a battle in an event.
  • Divide by 0 error?
    • This happens very rarely if you kill 4 or more enemies with one spell. Save often!
  • If a 2+ hit attack kills the last enemy on the first hit, the second one hits anyway, attacking thin air!
  • A 2+ hit attack only crit flashes at the very end, even if the crit takes place in the beginning or middle!
  • Armor doesn't do jack!
    • RPGmaker has horrible formulas. I tried, though.
  • Sometimes when attacking, if a battle event triggers or a spell goes off before someone runs all the way back, they'll stay out in front until their next move!
  • Alt-tabbing during an automatic sequence (Prolouge, Ending) causes the music to lose sync!
    • RPGmaker isn't nice enough to pause the midi, too. Try not to alt-tab!
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