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Revision as of 15:37, 27 January 2007 by Timbok28 (Talk | contribs)

IBM's work in both Second Life and the wider Metaverse warrants a separate page of its own.

Links to Internet Articles

  • Articles by Irving Wladawsky-Berger, Vice President of Technical Strategy and Innovation, "responsible for identifying emerging technologies and marketplace developments that are critical to the future of the IT industry." Wladawsky-Berger believes online virtual reality environments will provide the next stage of development for internet collaboration. In October, 2006 he told Computing, 'Over the past few years we have seen cutting-edge visualisation and interactivity created in the world of gaming.’
    • Experimenting with Virtual Worlds in the Real Marketplace
    • Transforming Business through Virtual Worlds Capabilities – it's Déjà Vu All Over Again
    • 'Broadband into your brain'; in this interview he talks with CNET about virtual environments. Rather than slowly processing information from e-mail and Web browsers, immersive 3D environments communicate on a deeper level--what Wladawsky-Berger describes as "broadband into our brains." He went on to say ,'I really believe that highly visual and collaborative interfaces will become very important in the way we interact with all IT (information technology) applications in the future. This may be one of the most revolutionary changes in IT because it changes everything and transforms the applications. Second Life is a very good platform for collaboration, but there will be other styles of visual applications as well.'

Blogs, Wikis and Other Sources

  • Eightbar is an excellent and informative blog written by "a group of techie/creative people working in and around IBM’s Hursley Park Lab in the UK."
  • Images from bbc online news of IBM's virtual islands.
  • Team Mascot wrote a page in his blog about the IBM SOA exhibit / building in SL.
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