Nigel Townsend

From Sinanju

Actor Name as Nigel Townsend
Nigel Townsend
Played by snuffylicious
Goes By none
Status Alive
Race Human
Gender Male
Age 35
Primary Occupation Medical Examiner, Criminologist
Special Abilities Whatever makes this character stand out from the crowd.

Nigel Townsend (Series: Crossing Jordan)



Character History/Biography

Nigel was born in Liverpool, England. His father ran off before he had the chance to know him, and his mother was an emotionally unstable Bohemian woman with a fanatical devotion to Elvis Presley. After he died, she soon followed, dying of leukemia in Nigel's third year at Oxford Medical.

Distraught, Nigel left England and spent year in Boston, Massachusetts to finish his thesis. He rapidly fell in love with the city and never went back, getting a job at and becoming an invaluable member of the morgue there, working under the Chief Medical Examiner.

Post-Arrival Events

Character trivia and knowledge

Nigel is on the tall side -- 5' 10" -- and for that height, he's drastically underweight, topping a hearty 150 lbs. He has pitch black hair that falls straight around his jaw and sideburns halfway down his ears and pleasantly warm brown eyes. His physique is vaguely reminiscent of tinkertoys.

Nigel's Nature

Knowledge of other characters

Romantic Relationships (If Applicable)

Future plans and Goals

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