
From Sinanju

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Werewolves (Garou) have the same attributes as normal humans (Brawn, Guts, Wits, and Luck). In addition, werewolves have two additional attributes; Rage, which is a measure of the beast's power, and Gnosis, which is a measure of the werewolf's connection to the spirit world.


Garou Basics

Garou are made, not born. A person is turned when a Garou attacks him with repeated bites and scratches with the intent of inflicting the change.* This does not happen by accident; it also doesn't always work. For this reason, packs will often make the attack collectively, in hopes that multiple attackers will improve the odds of the change 'taking' (and as a kind of 'hazing' of the potential new pack mate). There is no immediate way to know if it worked. If the attack succeeded, the victim's scent will begin to change over the next week or two as he begins to smell like another Garou. And of course, if he changes on the night of the next full moon, there's no question....

*How does such an attack differ from an ordinary attack? Aside from the fact that a Garou attacking with lethal intent is extremely unlikely to fail to kill his victim, it's all about intent. It's magic. Attempts to ascribe the change to a virus, disease or some other relatively mundane cause are doomed to failure.

Garou heal very quickly in all forms, recovering one wound level per hour (as opposed to one level per week for normal humans) from most injuries. A Garou who is near death may also burn Rage points to supercharge his healing, recovering one wound level per Rage point spent--though this will almost certainly leave scars. Expending Rage points this way will require the Garou to Frenzy, either fleeing immediately or attacking with berserker fury.

Garou in human form do not possess the strength of their other forms, but they do retain the heightened senses.

Garou Forms

  • Homid or human. This is the werewolf's base form.
  • Glabro, a monstrous intermediate form, mid-way between Homid and Crinos form.
  • Crinos, the classic "wolf-man" form. Immense, powerful, an engine of destruction.
  • Hispo, a monstrous intermediate form, larger and far more powerful than a normal wolf.
  • Lupus or wolf form, a completely normal wolf.

Garou Gifts/Supernormal Powers

  • 2 Garou Forms: can transform into Glabro, Crinos, Hispo and Lupus forms at will
  • 2 Fast Healing: Garou heals one wound level per hour.
  • 2 Fast Regeneration: Can burn Rage points to heal one wound level per Rage point spent.
  • 2 Step Sideways: can shift into the Umbra with a successful Gnosis roll
  • 1 Superhuman Speed: can burn Rage points to gain extra actions per turn
  • 1 Combat Reflexes: respond instantly to surprise, react instinctively to threats
  • 1 Night Vision
  • 1 Tracking Scent

Garou Flaws

  • -2 Must change on the nights of the full moon
  • -2 Frenzy: garou must struggle to maintain control under stress
  • -1 Must burn Rage points to gain extra actions/turn
  • -1 Must burn Rage points to gain fast regeneration
  • -2 Deadly Secret (Werewolf)

Garou Forms

===Glabro (Brute) Form=== (Final Total: +3 OCF, +2 DCF) Gifts

  • 2 Glabro Physique (Scale 2)
  • 1 Sharp Teeth & Claws (+1 OCF)


  • -1 Ugly
  • -1 Disturbing Voice

===Crinos (Wolf-Man) Form=== (Final Total: +7 OCF, +5 DCF) Gifts

  • 4 Crinos Physique (Scale 4)
  • 3 Fangs & Talons (+3 OCF)
  • 2 Fast Movement (Scale 2)
  • 1 Heavy Fur (+1 DCF)
  • 1 Penetrating Call (Howl)


  • -1 Blood Lust
  • -4 Inconvenient Size (Scale 4)
  • -2 Monstrous Appearance
  • -1 Speaks Garou Only

===Hispo (Dire Wolf) Form=== (Final Total: +5 OCF, +4 DCF) Gifts

  • 3 Hispo Physique (Scale 3)
  • 2 Fangs & Talons (+2 OCF)
  • 1 Fast Movement (Scale 1)
  • 1 Heavy Fur (+1 DCF)
  • 1 Penetrating Call (Howl)


  • -1 Horizontal Form
  • -2 Monstrous Appearance
  • -1 No Hands (Terrible effective skill for manipulating physical objects)
  • -1 Speaks Garou Only

===Lupus (Wolf) Form=== (Final Total: +1 OCF, +0 DCF) Gifts

  • 2 Fast Movement (Scale 2)
  • 1 Penetrating Call (Howl)
  • 1 Sharp Teeth & Claws (+1 OCF)


  • -1 Horizontal Form
  • -1 No Hands (Terrible effective skill for manipulating physical objects)
  • -1 Speaks Garou Only
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