Aiyanna Whiteeagle

From Sinanju

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Actor Name as Aiyanna Whiteeagle
Aiyanna Whiteeagle
Played by cbeckett_md
Goes By none
Status Alive
Race Human
Gender Female
Age 40 (officially)
Primary Occupation Medical Doctor
Special Abilities Immortal.

Aiyanna Whiteeage (Original Character based on Series: Highlander)


Character History/Biography

Before the Gamma Site she was working as an Emergency Room doctor. She has had many professions before this, but right now she is a medical doctor with a law degree. Post Gamma Site she is still a doctor, and she has informed people that if necessary she can assist in coroner/medical examiner duties.

Aiyanna's official history puts her at about 40 years in age. She was born on the Hopi reservation and is a reservation raised girl made good. She graduated medical school at the age of 24 and started her residency. She went back to the reservation for 5 years after she became a doctor before transferring to a large hospital and working in the ER. After leaving the reservation she went back to school part time to obtain her medical degree. She was pulled for the lifeboat for her medical skills and her cool under pressure.

Aiyanna's actual history spans much longer. She is Native to the United States, born into a tribe that through war and disease no longer exists. As far as she is aware she is the only person who even knows the language. She died for the first time when she was in her 20s, killed in an attack by a rival tribe. When she came back to life her people could have taken things many ways but they chose to see her as blessed by the Great Spirit. She was then trained to be a medicine woman, eventually taking on the spiritual guidance of her people.

Aiyanna also had the ability to be a warrior and she learned those skills as well, trying to defend her people. Of course even in those times, some 3000 years ago talk travelled. Her people were known to have a powerful medicine woman and while this protected them from some tribes it did not protect them from others. Even by the time that the 'White Man' set foot on what would become United States soil her people were virtually gone. Disease took the last of them hundreds of years ago.

With the fall of the White Man on Native American soil also came the Game. Aiyanna had not really known of it before, but thankfully for her she was discovered by another Immortal who took it upon himself to train her and not take her head. He taught her of the Game and for a while she played. For a time she hoped to drive the White Man off Native soil, but eventually she learned that he would not go.

Aiyanna was there at many of the major battles in the war against the Indians. She didn't care which tribes she was helping as at that point she thought of herself as the protector of all Native peoples. Her identity was known among many tribes as being touched by the Great Spirit. Even today she is known by at least the leaders of many tribes as being a repository of Native American history.

Eventually Aiyanna realized that she could not fight the White Man with guns and spears. She began to educate herself and spent many years rallying for the Native Americans. She has fought in court as a lawyer, and even taken her case to the lawmakers. She has stood before many sets of Congress and lobbied for her people.

In the last several decades Aiyanna has left the fight to others. She has decided that helping all will help her people.

Aiyanna's skills include herbal medicine as well as modern. She is a fairly good woodworker and if called out could create a bow or an atlatl if need be... and use them as well. She helps out where she can when no one needs her medical knowledge. Her last job before becoming a medical doctor was as a professor of history, particularly Native American history. She seems to have some knowledge of crops and crop growth, as well as hunting, as far as people can see. She at least won't stab herself in the foot with a knife.

Post-Arrival Events

Character trivia and knowledge

About 5 feet tall, long black hair that is usually kept in a braid, dark brown eyes, tanned skin. She is definitely of Native American heritage.

Aiyanna's Nature

As far as Aiyanna's attitude, she is very laid back. She doesn't tend to get bent out of shape about much and she is calm and cool under pressure. She has had over 3000 years to perfect that sense of calm, so she is pretty good at it.

Knowledge of other characters

Romantic Relationships (If Applicable)

Future plans and Goals

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