
From Sinanju

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Spirits have the same attributes as humans (Brawn, Guts, Wits and Luck). When confronted in the spirit world, these attributes define what the spirit can and can't do.
In order to interact with the material world, a spirit must spend energy, expressed as a Fatigue cost. Fatigue is the most important attribute of a spirit.
''Spirit Abilities''
Spirits are usually invisible and intangible in the physical world; only other spirits can sense them without the aid of supernatural abilities. Beyond this, they have a number of powers:
''Spirit Powers''
Spirits can see, hear and smell normally. Their sense of touch is very limited unless they materialize. They can even taste objects to a limited degree, especially objects offered to them in ritual. Many spirits enjoy the smell and taste of ritually offered food and drink.
All spirits can sense the presence of other spirits and magic. A successful Wits roll allows a spirit to sense the location and approximate power of a nearby magical item, a being's mental or emotional state, mortals with supernatural abilities and the like.
Spirits can also hear their names whenever they are ritually invoked, regardless of distance or intervening barriers. This can include anything from a sincere prayer to a medium attempting to channel the spirit or a sorceror's ritual of summoning.
Spirits move at normal speed for their physical forms, except that they can move in any direction, through the air and solid objects. A spirit can instantly transport itself into the presence of someone who ritually invokes its name.
Spirits can project their thoughts as speech and hear thoughts directed at them. Evil spirits sometimes use this power to 'plant' thoughts in a mortal's head.
Spirit-Specific Traits
Fatigue (Attribute) – Equal to Brawn for formerly-human spirits (ghosts), may be higher for other spirits
Gifts/Supernormal Powers
2 Invisible to the material world
2 Intangible to the material world
2 Supernatural Awareness (sense other spirits/psychics/magic with a Wits roll)
2 Spirit Speech: can "speak" mentally
2 Can hear its name ritually invoked, regardless of distance or barriers
2 Can instantly travel to the presence of anyone who ritually invokes its name
1 Can "hitch a ride" on a vehicle for 1 Fatigue/hour
-1 Limited sense of touch (material world)
Simple Sounds (moans & howls) – 1 Fatigue/10 seconds
Speech/Complex Sounds – 1 Fatigue/second (Will roll to "speak" clearly)
Apparition (visible image) – 1 Fatigue/5 seconds (2 Fatigue to appear solid)
Ectoplasm – 1 Fatigue/10 seconds
Full Materialization – 1 Fatigue/minute/level of relevant Attribute

Revision as of 05:37, 1 February 2007

The Santa Carla Game


  • Vampires are not all alike. There are three kinds of vampires. This is not a matter of "clans" or of learning various "disciplines," but of innate nature. Each kind of vampire fills an ecological niche, and collectively they fulfill all the classic vampiric stereotypes.
    • Type 1: These vampires are the physically weakest. They do not possess superhuman strength or speed. Their advantages are all mental, or psychic. They have an innate glamor that makes them attractive and gives them an aura of power. Like The Shadow, they possess the power to cloud mens' minds, the better to manipulate the humans around them.
    • Type 2: These vampires


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