Samara Morgan

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Samara Morgan

Origin-Born 1970, Samara was born to a single mother known only as Evylen. They went to St.Mary Magdelen's Woman's Shelter in Washington state. Samara never cried except when near water and never slept. One night, Samara was taken away from Evylen after she tried to drown her in a decorative pool. Evylen said that Samara told her to. Samara was put up for adoption and Evylen was sent to a psychiatric hospital. She was adopted by horse ranchers, Anna and Richard Morgan of Moseko Island, who had tried and failed to have a child of their own. Soon, Anna began to go insane, plagued by horrifying visions Samara was somehow feeding into her mind. Both were checked into hospitals and in Eola County Psychiatric Hospital, it was found that Samara never slept, was completely insensitive to pain, and had the psychic power of projected thermography, or the ability to psychically burn images from the mind onto objects. She couldn't control it. She was eventually released at Richard's request and was forced to live in the loft of the Morgan's barn, with only a chair, a rocking horse, and a small TV. Richard thought the distance would help Anna. The visions continued though and most of the horses who lived in the barn commited suicide, by either drowning themselves by running into the ocean or throwing themselves off a cliff. Anna murdered Samara in a remote, mountainous land the Morgans visited in the summer. She suffocated her with a black plastic bag before bashing her in the head with a rock and dropping her body down a well. Samara survived the fall though. For seven days she lived in the well, tearing off he own fingernails trying to crawl back up, with only a faint ring of light coming from around the lid of the well. Anna committed suicide by jumping off a nearby cliff on the Washington coastline. Samara's spirit lived on. Eventually, a camping resort was bulit n the site, a log cabin built over the well. Shelter Mountain Inn. One day, a group of teens tried to record a football game on the cabin's VCR. Samara's spirit took control and used her projected thermography to curse the tape. The tape then contained a series of disturbing, grainy, black and white images inspired by Samara's life and death. The curse has spread ever since.

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