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Lilli was a past leader of The Hooded.


Before she became involved in The Hooded, she was very shy person, always traveling with a ghost named Akurai; Akurai's vocal cords had been ripped out, so she could only speak in moans. Lilli had watched a tape, causing her to have very weird symptom- her left eye had become red and she became very attached from the world for her seven days, even though she had passed the tape.

The Hooded

She had apparently been a part of the Hooded, but PROJECT:DARK's papers had said she was convinced to join it after her arrival at RINGS Communities. Her memories of the past could possibly be faked, or made up as her mind rotted away. Lilli had made an AI which stimulated the World Wars, testing it on Dark at first- she then said she needed other test subjects, turning to Largo and Neo-X, among some others.

She was then killed by Largo, who was possessed by a ghost.

External links

Lilli's profile

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