Terre Caine

From Secondheaven

Name Terre Caine
Age 37
Birthday August 28th, 1970
Home Portland, Oregon.
Height 6'5" / 196 cm
Weight 200 lbs / 90.72 kg
Family Mother, older brother, ex-wife, and son (Edmund).
Languages Fluent: English.
Visible Marks A few old scars, nothing dramatic.
Not readily visible Marks A tattoo from his younger days on his back, to the right of his neck .
Subject Taught Science
Years Taught 6
Supervises Journalism.
Played By Clive Owen
Journal tyrantsface



Tall, broad-shouldered, and heavy-browed, Terre tends to remind some of a very grumpy bear. His hair is short and dark brown, and would be slightly wavy if it were longer. There are a few gray streaks in there, but he doesn't care enough to try to hide them. His eyes are dark brown, nearly black, and tight with wrinkles - much more than a man his age should have. His mouth is usually twisted into a half-grimacing line, and he has a tendency to sneer when he speaks, regardless of how he feels about an issue. When he does smile, it's extremely strained and usually unpleasant. He's never seen outside of his wheelchair.


Terre's childhood was generally uneventful. He was the son of an American newspaper columnist and an Irish Kindergarten teacher, and the two split when he was nine. He spent a good amount of high school being a grumpy little shit, but because his test scores were good, he was admitted into a good college, and from there, moved on to a good med school. When he was 23, he was hit by a car on his way to class, and as a result, lost the use of both his legs. The money that had been saved for putting him through med school was used for the multiple surgeries and physical therapy he underwent to attempt to salvage some walking capability, and in the end he was left both without enough money for college and still without the ability to walk. He married one of the nurses who cared for him after the crash, and the two had a son shortly after their wedding. The marriage lasted only four years. After a few years of working at a job he hated, he was able to save up enough to go back to college (though a poor one) and earn a Masters in Education, and shortly after left the States to distance himself from his ex-wife. He's worked as the Science teacher for Second Heaven for six years, and although he makes it clear he dislikes his job, he's never made any move to quit.


Keywords: Negative, unpleasant, critical, bitter, malicious, and grim.

Terre is an extremely unpleasant person. In his youth, he was known for his volatile temper, but the years have dulled it. He rarely explodes in public, although he's still extremely easily irritated. He has very little patience for anything he doesn't find immediately interesting. When unangered, he's grim and usually exceedingly sarcastic. This has gotten him into some trouble in the past, and he has a reputation among the students and teachers at Second Heaven for being, bluntly, a bit of a bastard. He also loves pop quizzes and the mass panic they bring *dearly*.

Other Information

Why Second Heaven?

So he could teach somewhere secluded, away from his ex-wife.

Favorites and Likes

  • Color Green
  • Food Thai food
  • Activity Cooking for himself
  • Subject Science
  • Other Likes Loud music (his own), sitting inside on rainy days, taking a long time in bookstores, his dog, and spending time with his son.

Least Favorites and Dislikes

  • Color Orange
  • Food Fast food
  • Activity Counseling students
  • Subject Drama
  • Other Dislikes Rain, waiting in lines, hippies, computers, nosy people, teenagers, being woken from naps, and riding in cars.



  • Has six testicles. (No, not really.)
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