
From Secondheaven


Hello! I'm Meimei. Never know what to put in profiles.


Name: Mei Francis

Age: 21

AIM: MeiGoRawr

LiveJournal: pocky121 (that's my characters. I don't have a LJ for myself. I have a myspace. ).

Other Things!!

I guess most of the info you would want you could find on my myspace. I'm happily married as of 07-07-07!~ Yay! *\\o/* I draw, I read, I know...all those generic hobbies people are so fond of putting in these types of things. I'm a college drop out, but I intend to go back and finish my degree... I only need 3 semesters to finish. I'm an English major with an Art minor. I used to be in theater...never really RP'd until I met Evan (Francis), so I'm still learning.

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