Justice Everette Bridges

From Secondheaven


Basic Information

Full Name: Justice Everette Bridges
Player: Minitsu
Date of Birth: November 7th 1982
Age: 24
Journal: intodeeperblue
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 144 lbs
Visible Markings: A somewhat small scar on his left elbow and a few shallow ones over his knuckles, as well as on his temple. His right pinky finger is a tad crooked; hadn't healed completely the way it should have.


Long brown bangs that sometimes obscure his vision, accompanied by hair just around his shoulders. Justice has bright, brown eyes and is, more often than not, found wearing a curious sort of face, quite prone to breaking out into a grin. His whole demenor is one of friendliness and he's very approachable. Somewhat thin (but toned!) in build, he's not feminine, though he does have a pretty face (which has caused him much teasing, to his dismay. He is not, however, against using it to weasel into or out of trouble.)

Justice can usually be found wearing black, black, and black. Maybe some color here and there, but for the most part, his wardrobe is rather monochromatic. Strange, as he isn't a bit goth or drab at all!

Justice's PB is Ben Jelen.


There is no doubt that Justice is friendly. Too friendly, maybe, but only in a shallow sense. He's the guy you remember for being especially chatty, but you can never remember much else. Well, that's because he doesn't really show anything else. The part of him that wants revenge is very, very ugly, and this he knows, and keeps it away from those of his normal daily life. It could be said that Justice, in fact, runs two lives: an easy-going counselor and a cold-blooded hunter. With those he conducts business with, he is straight to the point, takes no bull, and is quick and concise.

Justice is also a rather restless fellow. He's always got to be doing something, whether it be talking, tapping his foot against the floor, chewing gum, whistling, smoking... He's not very fond of silence, or of rain, because it reminds him of what happened.

Any female with wavy, dark brown hair and blue eyes unnerves him because those were physical characteristics of Everette. So sometimes he drinks away those feelings. It isn't an often occurance, but it does happen from time to time.


Justice, or rather, Rusty at the time due to his hair color, was an orphan right from the start--the unplanned (and unwanted) result of a sudden trist from the streets. Well, that was fine by him! As soon as he was old enough to understand what that meant, anyway. He may have been unwanted by his parents, but that didn't mean he was unwanted at the orphanage! Right? Right. The boy had an easy time making friends with pretty much everyone, even the stubborn ones that refused his hand of friendship again and again because he was, well, more stubbon than them! More stubborn than anyone else, really.

Within their rag-tag "family," there was a girl, slightly older than Rusty, that everyone looked up to. She was their mother figure, so to speak. Her name was Everette and she was the one to take care of the orphans and give them the love the caretakers could not. She was, in fact, the one to give Rusty his name, and enjoyed playing with his hair. So he kept it long for her.

These two spent a lot of time together, and Everette would sneak Rusty out at night to watch the stars. Though he complained about how cold or boring it was, he always looked forward to those little outings.

The caretakers thought that Rusty would be easy to send to a home because he was a cute kid, though he had his mischieveous streak in him. And they were right--if Rusty would have allowed himself to be adopted. But no, when a hopeful family would come, Rusty would run away and hide until they left. This resulted in many scoldings and serious talks, but Rusty refused to leave. He didn't want to go away! He wanted to stay with his friends, his family! They were his family, no one else could be.

Eventually Rusty was caught off guard one day and a couple, well-off but not wealthy, and unable to bear their own children, fell in love with his inane shrieks to let him go or pay and decided to take him home. Needless to say, Rusty was not a happy camper. He threw tantrums, he sulked, he refused to eat, he tried to run away (succeeded a number of times, too. Poor little tyke was sent back, though. :(! ), and just was, well, a little devil.

After a while, the physical retaliation stopped, but he would hardly talk to his new parents, and when he did, it was sullen and to-the-point. Aghast, his parents decided to take him to the orphanage--just to visit his friends, not to stay. Rusty was begrudgingly pleased with this, and so they decided to take him visiting every month. After that, Rusty opened up to them and after half a year had passed, grew to love them. Despite that, he referred to them with their first names--Nathan and Maria.

On the topic of names, Rusty didn't quite like them, or anyone else, calling him Rusty. It was a name that could only be used by his family back at the orphanage, so they renamed him. Luke, yes. Rusty wasn't very fond of it, but whatever.

For nine years, Rusty lived as Luke Walters, attending the public schools of Los Angeles as your average teenager, though he perhaps stirred up more trouble than others. Boy couldn't help it, he just liked causing mischief! He hung around the not so good, not so bad crowd and occassionally got into fights whenever someone teased him about his long hair or girly face. At one point, someone tried to snip his locks.

That person was sent to the hospital.

Rusty was suspended and spent a night behind bars before his parents got him out. Though he tried to blow it off, he was really ashamed of disappointing them like that, and so helped around the house and did most of the chores since he had no school to attend at the time. He also visited the orphanage more often, and though most of the original gang had since been adopted, there were still a few stragglers. Most importantly, Everette was still there.

Unfortunately, the kid Rusty sent to the hospital was part of a high group, a mini-gang, if you will. They watched his movements and into the second month of his suspension, did something Rusty would never be able to forgive them for.

They dragged Rusty's gang out at night, beat them, and did the despicable to the person that meant the most to him--Everette.

It was the night, however, that Rusty and Everette were going to watch the stars. When the boy found his friends on the ground and Everette sullied, something in him snapped.

He also snapped quite a few necks.

It didn't matter that he was bleeding from various wounds or that his head was throbbing so painfully that he could hardly walk in a straight line--no, they would die, they would all die. But he was only one person and they far out-numbered him, and so as a parting gift before they split, the remaining few dragged Everette in front of Rusty and they snapped her neck.

Laughter followed their departure and Rusty could do nothing to stop them. After staring at Everette's lifeless body for a good twenty minutes or so, he got up, mechanically dumping the dead bodies of the gang members into the rushing canals of the rain season. Then he passed out.

Rusty woke up in the hospital, strangely light-headed. Was it the medicine? No... With a sinking feeling, his hand snaked to the back of his head, only to find that most of the hair he'd been growing for twelve and a half years was gone.

So they didn't just take his family and Everette away from him, huh?

If there was any chance of him retaining some semblence of sanity, it was pretty much gone at that point. Thankfully, he could still feel the cruisifix on his chest, the chain Everette had given him when he'd been adopted...and so he clung to that, clung to it for dear life. It hasn't left his person since.

Since the bodies were missing, there was no suspicion on him. Though the police asked him to describe the assailants, he knew they wouldn't get caught. So Rusty was released and from then on, just got deeper and deeper into trouble. He started to hang with the "wrong crowd." He did some drugs, he smoked cigarettes, he drank and he grew distant from Nathan and Maria, all the while thinking of ways to avenge his friends and Everette. He transferred to a different school and it was clearly by a miracle that he ever managed to get into the 12th grade.

During that year, he took out two of the people responsible for his loss.

Right before graduation, he heard that the last one, the one he'd initially sent to the hospital for trying to cut his hair, moved to Europe. Upon further inspection (and threatening), he found out that this person was near a really strange school, Second Heaven. (What the hell kind of school name was that?) As soon as he graduated, he entered college with the intent of getting a masters in counseling. It sounded like the easiest job to aim for, and it meant he didn't have to deal with students 5 days a week or grade papers. It would leave ample time to sniff the last remaining bastard out and off him. If asked why he was going in that major, he'd say he was interested in giving a helping hand to kids since he hadn't had one. Which was partially true, he did like the idea of helping those who faced problems, since he'd faced his own. But for the most part, it was all revenge.

The only draw back was that it would take him six years to get that masters, and so he'd constantly check to make sure LRB was still in the area. Compulsively.

During college, Rusty cleaned up his act, and at 19 (the legal age to change names), he changed his name to Justice Everette Bridges. He was doing this for their justice, he was doing this for Everette, and he was willing to cross all sorts of shit to make it happen.

Unfortunately, when he graduated, Second Heaven wasn't accepting any new counselors. Undeterred, Justice moved there anyway, settling in a small studio apartment in Bach and picking up a job as a waiter at a few nightclubs. Amazing, the kind of information you could get there. He almost decided to remain that instead of bother with the counseling position, but the stubborn streak in him told him that was bullshit since that would be six years down the drain and he needed a higher paying job to help pay off the student loans.

Yeah yeah yeah, fine.

It was a simple matter of setting up an act when one of the officials of the school happened to be in town--kid runs into official, Justice goes to help him up, kid says he's lost, Justice helps him back to his destination, official remembers him when he asks if there's a position available again. In reality, said kid was paid, but hey. It scored him the job, so no harm done there, right?

Kid got paid, afterall.

He checks up on his old friends from time to time, but never tell them of what he's up to concerning them. Those that were present at the incident have an inkling, but never bring it up.

Other Information

Birth Location: LA, CA, USA. (THEY RHYME!!!)
Why Second Heaven?: LRB is nearby, also money.
Favourite color/food/activity/subject: Blue (Everette's eyes were blue...) / Pizza (w/lots and lots of pepper) / Climbing trees / --
Least favourite color/food/activity/subject: Green / AVACADO PUDDING / Being still / History
Likes: (Really) spicy food, gum, fiddling with the guitar, strong coffee, music, playing the occasional game here and there whenever he can't concentrate on anything else, basketball (used to be on the team in middle/high school.)
Dislikes: Rain, overcast weather, getting teased about his looks, people touching his hair/getting too close, milk, tea, getting wet.
Family: Nathan and Maria Walters.
Languages: English (fluent).

School Information

Subject taught/Position: Counselor
Years at stablishment: Year and a half. (Joined in the middle of the previous year as a TA, so to speak.)


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