Char Building

From Secondheaven

In the interest of brevity, I'm going to be kinda funny-blunt here.


  • Fill out Application completely. Pick clubs and sports that don't cross over too much.
  • Wanted Character List!! CHECK THIS OUT, you might be able to fill a need and still create what you'd like!
  • Have fun! Be creative! Be melodramatic, sappy, or even fluffy! Have a lost boyfriend in tibet! Have two fathers! Have a dead twin somewhere! Go at! You know, there's only so much creativity we can waste in this world. Just be plausible with whatever you do! Having all of these in one app might be overwhelming.
  • Talk to the mods! If there's anything that SEEMS not allowed, we can maybe find a way for you. ;3
  • Keep it PG-13. Sorry, guys, it's just the way it is.
  • Dorm! We can't stress it enough - unless you're a strong strong player who's good at CR building, dorming is just the place for your char to build a lot and fast.
  • Mind the OOC and IC rules.
  • Read through the info! It's a lot, but I read through a lot of sources to get that far (see Odds and Ends of administratives). It's researched, tagged, and given leeways when appropriate. Don't make Snapple sad and ignore her hard work. :<


  • Prostitution to pay tuition. Snapple says, "I really don't see the appeal in this kind of character, and it's not rated PG-13."
  • Pick mismatched clubs and sports to vex us. That's not nice.
  • Ask for more than 3 exceptions from the expulsion rule unless you've got a really good reason. Chances are we'll call it implausible.
  • If recreating a canon char, don't expect to have super phenomenal powers if they do. Remember it's AU.
  • Forget to provide the former game and journal of recreated canon chars, as well.
  • Not read the info. :< Sad Snapples are sad.
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