Field Testing Basics

From Sci Wiki

I've discovered a nice little tactic that works like a gem. This tactical advice is probably obvious to some players, but I've decided to spell it out a little for the novices.

(I -AM- supposed to be crazy, you know...)

1. Log in with a full charge.

2. Make sure you have at least 50 reputation; if you don't, you can intentionally spend or lose enough so that you can fight the Training Bot and collect 50 reputation.

3. Go to the Scuffle Room, pick out a target using "Find An Opponent" and click on the Question Mark (?) to examine them. This target should be sufficiently higher than you so that you can collect a good amount of rep by defeating them. Sticking to the lower middle part of the list is generally a good idea. Normally you'd want to skip over the name on the bottom as you won't get much rep for beating them and the rep loss for losing the fight will probably be higher. Preferably you will settle on a target who's vulnerable to your weapon. Make a note of their weapon.

(If you don't have a Spy but do have a scanner you can fight them once to find out what they're packing. If you don't even have a scanner, the damage messages should give you a clue.)

4. Modify your defense to defend against their weapon.

5. Fight 'em. You stand a decent chance of winning and even if you lose you tend to lose less rep attacking a higher ranked player than a lower ranked player. Lesson learned: Rarely ever attack a lower ranked player as they might win and then you lose a lot more rep.

6. If you lose 3 out of 3, you've picked the wrong target... try someone easier next time. You'll need to build up your defenses and hire more minions before you tackle this target again.

7. Keep fighting your target until you're out of charge (assuming you keep winning). But be careful! You need to save at least 50 rep to change your defense back to something that will block most player's attacks. If you've picked the right target, you should have gained somewhere between 50-100 rep for each fight.

8. Remember that the odds will eventually catch up with you, just like they do in Las Vegas. Play the odds and know when to stop.

9. Reinvest your winnings in minions, enhancements, gear and lair upgrades as soon as possible. Lair upgrades are particularly important as they determine whether or not you'll be a pushover when someone else tries these tactics on you!

10. Play often! If nothing else, you should be able to beat the Training Bot at least once per session, and if you're at 0 available rep that's 50 points to spend and to add to your total rep. This improves your rankings and allows you to fight players worth more rep.

Okay, there are a few things that aren't covered here that a novice is going to have to find out for themselves, but this should help the ambitious ones get a leg up and give the pros a run for their rep!

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