From Safehaus
Name: Miles Thomas
Alias: Mutie
Player: Brer_Lapine.
Allegiances: Safehaus, Avery, Himself .
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[edit] Description
Miles is a mutant, and just like popular lore would have you believe he is massive. Approximately 8'1 according to the old tape measure he owns and still growing, Miles certainly lives up to his name. He is a large man and his weight is a good 480 pounds give or take a couple pounds. His body is stocky and thick, inelegant with uneven formations of muscles on his arms and broad shoulders. While this form makes him strong and he easily shrugs off many things, his body aches and he constantly has to worry about loss of mobility in his limbs. His skin is a light brown and has more in common with leather or a dry river bed than it does with human skin anymore, it is rough and in occasionally grows into larger calloused knobs. Miles is moonfaced and bald but beyond the obviously more exotic he still has a familiar human look to him. He mostly wears old armor made of scrap metal and old tires, partially because it offers protection in the world and partially for convenience, it offers Miles something that fits his body (an extreme rarity) and acts as a brace for his legs, which are otherwise under enormous stress from his body type and weight.
[edit] History
To Be Discovered.
[edit] Personality
At first meeting Miles is often paranoid and overly cautious, it pays to be aware of who you're talking to in these modern times after all. But he quickly warms up to people that aren't scared off by the first couple of threats to hurt them in some graphic way. He has violence issues and seems to openly use shows of force as a way to control and change situations to his liking. He is a very tactile thinker and obviously has a guilty pleasure for physical contact something he admits he tries to avoid as much as he can. While not religious, Miles holds a healthy amount of superstition and respect for such ideas going so far as to ward against such things 'just in case' they're real. He shows an extreme trust of other mutants bordering on naive as he tries to form a bond and understanding that he normally can't share with normal humans.
[edit] Personal Relationships
- Avery
"She's going change the world, just you wait. Sweet, kind, a little stupid about how things work, but the best damn woman I ever met."
Miles found Avery when she first crawled out of the rubble of her apartment and from that evening on they fashioned an emotional bond. While his attraction to her might be fueled by more than just that emotional link, he would put himself in trouble to protect her from the new world she woke up in and get himself killed just to make her happy.
- Godschild
"Not the worst merchant I've ever met, but certainly not the most trustworthy either. Still if I'm going get cheated by someone, I at least like the smile on his face."
Merchants come by the handful out in the world, finding one that isn't a cheat or allied with some nomad raiders or tribe is another. Godschild has been given an honor few merchants know, Miles doesn't instinctively hate the man. While trust is still an issue, with a smile and manner like that it's only a matter of time before the wily merchant has earned that as well.
- Tomas
"Where the hell did you come from? Well on one hand he just seems to come and go like some kind of black spirit, on the other he found us water and is even going excavate it for us, it's even been two days and there still hasn't been a single occurrence of raiders, slavers, or tribals so he passed that test at least. On the other hand, if he says that phrase one more time I'm going have to crush him, you follow me? ... SON OF A-!"'
Miles doesn't 'get' Tomas. He just seems to be helping and almost seems to want to settle down, but Miles can't figure out why a stranger would want to settle down with this motley group. Until his true colors show Miles accepts all the help that Tomas is proving to be but he is constantly reminded that the second he does something to threaten the community Tomas is going be using that shovel as a grave marker.
- Noranti
"Either she's been touched by the spirits or she's been chewing sky weed so long she can't stop flying. Either way I like the old witch, she makes me smile. I just hope helping her won't come back to bite us."
Something about the bird woman is endearing to Miles and he honestly enjoys have the old broad around. He's afraid that she may raise the ire of the local tribes somehow, either being an enemy or an exile but so far all she's been a welcome addition to the town's slowly growing population. MIle's wouldn't admit it but in his mind she seems to fill a grandmother position.
[edit] Character Notes
- Miles is one of the original founders of the town of Safehaus as pathetic it currently is.
- Miles is also one of the few (or only) mutants that currently inhabits safehaus.
- Is in a 'thing' with Avery
- While he hasn't actively tried to 'test' it Miles organs are a complex puzzle of extras and redundant pieces of tissue. While a pain in the ass to get a doctor that can actually help he seems to have no problem surviving (not thriving) on some of the more irradiated and diseased samples of food and water to be found in the area.
- Miles is resistant to pain and his body seems right fine from wounds but hollers like a baby when someone tries to help with something injured on him as Safehaus may discover.