From Safehaus
Revision as of 01:06, 2 November 2007
Name: Noranti
Alias: Old Witch, the bird woman
Player: QuicksilverFox85
Allegiances: Her crows
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At first glance, Noranti seems to be little more than a mobile pile of rags. Once she uncovers her head, though, an old woman's face is revealed, covered in creases brought on by both age and environment. Her eyes are deep black, with very little white to be seen, while a beaklike nose perches itself over a mouth full of sharpened teeth. She stands at about 4'6", but seems even shorter since she's usually crouching.
The most noticable thing about Noranti, though, are her birds. A murder of crows have seemed to have adopted the old woman, and are often at her side. She seems to have names for them, but which bird has which name is hard to gather.
Coming soon!
Noranti is, in a word, off her rocker. Well, in a phrase. Whatever. Whether from her life in the wilds, whatever ability she gained to speak with her murder, or some inbred trait which surfaced a long time ago, Noranti is, while kind overall, not quite right in the head. She constantly talks with her murder, and responds to their cawing; no one is sure, though, if they're actually saying anything.
Character Notes
- Is never without at least one crow.