Grand Ecxhange

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== Grand Ecxhange ==
== Grand Exchange ==
Grand Exchange on paikka jossa voit ostaa tai myydä tavaroita helposti. GE sijaitsee [[Varrock]]ista luoteeseen (NW). GE on käytössä sekä P2P:llä että F2P:llä, mutta F2P-pelaajilla voi olla samanaikaisesti vain kaksi kauppaa jonossa, kun taas P2P-pelaajilla voi olla kuusi (6). GE:n suurimpia etu on se, että sinun ei tarvitse vaihdella worldejä ja siirtyä paikasta toiseen halutessasi ostaa tai myydä jotain.  
The Grand Exchange is a place where you can buy or sell goods with many traders across Runescape. The GE is located in the north-west section of [[Varrock]], right above the west bank. The GE can be used by F2P and P2P, but the F2P players may only have two offers in queue, while the P2P players may have six. One of the GE's biggest advantages is that you can trade with anyone anywhere without moving or travelling worlds.
== Aloitus ==
== How to begin trading ==
Ennen kuin voit käyttää GE:tä, sinun täytyy käydä puhumassa Brugsen Bursenille, joka neuvoo sinua. Brugsen on merkitty karttaan kysymysmerkillä.
Before you can use GE, you need to talk to Brugsen Bursen, who will give you a guide on how to use the GE. Brugsen is marked on the map with a question mark. Alternatively, you may talk to the Grand Exchange Tutor, who will give a much shorter version of Brugsen's tutorial. He stands across from Brugsen.
== Osto ja myyminen ==
== Buying and Selling ==
1.Ota rahat tai tavarat jotka haluat vaihtaa mukaan. Paina oikealla napilla yhtä Grand Exchange clerkeistä ja valitse Exchange.
1.Withdraw the item you wish to sell (or GP you wish to spend)
2.Paina tyhjää laatikkoa ja valitse haluatko ostaa vai myydä tavaraa.
2.Inside one of the boxes, there will be two buttons, one with an arrow pointing into a backpack, and another with an arrow pointing out of the backpack. If you wish to sell an item, press on the button with the arrow pointing out of the backpack. If you wish to buy an item, press on the button with the arrow pointing into the backpack.
3. Seuraavassa ikkunassa paina suurennuslasin kuvaa ja voit etsiä tavaran listasta. Kirjoita tavaran nimi ja valitse listasta oikea tavara.
3a. If you decided to buy, in the next window there will be a text box. Type the name of the item that you wish to buy, and select it in the menu.
3b. If you decided to sell, in the next window there will be no text box. Instead, you choose the item that you wish to sell in you inventory.
Kun tavara on valittu, sinun täytyy päättää kuinka paljon haluat ostaa/myydä ko. tavaraa ja mihin hintaan. Tavaroiden hinnoissa on valmiiksi määritelty hintahaitari joka vaihtelee kysynnän ja tarjonnan lain mukaan. Hinnaksi voi laittaa vain tämän hintahaitarin rajoissa olevan hinnan. Quantity kenttään laitetaan ostettavien/myytävien tavaroiden määrä. Price per item, on tavaran kappalehinta (ea). Painamalla Confirm offer varmistat kaupan. Kaupan voi perua puhumalla uudestaan Clerkille ja painamalla Abort trade.
5.Kun kauppa on käynnissä, järjestelmä hakee automaattisesti tarjouksen joka myy haluamaasi tavaraa tai ostaa sinun tarjoamaasi tavaraa. Kauppa voi onnistua heti tai siinä voi mennä jonkin aikaa. Kun kauppa on käynnissä voit tehdä mitä vain muuta.
4a. When you have selected your item (if you are buying), you will need to decide how many you want to buy, and at what price. There is a guide price that is automatically defined, but using the arrows near the price menu, you can manually set your price.
6. Kun kauppa on valmistunut voit mennä hakemaan rahat/tavarat, joko GE:stä tai jostain muusta pankista painamalla Bankeria oikealla napilla ja valitsemalla Collect.
4b. When you have selected your item (if you are selling), you will need to decide how many you want to sell (if you have more than one item) and at what price. Again, the guide price is automatically defined, but you can manually set your price as well.
== Set ==
5. When your offer is running, it may be completed instantly if there is a buyer waiting. Otherwise, you will have to wait for someone to buy/sell that item to you. If you set your item price higher (if buying) or lower (if selling) your offer may be completed faster. Otherwise, you can do something else while you are waiting for your offer to be completed.
1. Painamalla Grand Exchange clerkkiä ja valitsemalla Sets, voit tehdä haarniskoista settejä, jotta voit myydä koko setin yhdessä slotissa. Settien purkaminen tapahtuu samalla tavalla.
6. Once the offer is completed, you can go and pick up the GP/item, either GE or any other bank, by pressing the right mouse button on the Banker, and clicking Collect.
== History ==
Note: if you wish to abort your offer when you placed it, you can abort it by going to the GE and viewing your offer. Find the red X button and click on it, and your GP/item will be returned.
Painamalla Grand Exchange clerkkiä ja valitsemalla History, näet viisi viimeisintä kauppaa jotka olet suorittanut.
== Sets ==
== Lisätietoa ==
Right click on one of the Grand Exchange Clerks, and then click Sets. You can make armor sets that enable you to sell the whole armor set instead of selling each piece individually.
== History ==
G.E:ssä on myös reunoilla tietokoneen hahmoja, joilta näet tavaroita ja mitä ne maksavat.
Right click on one of the Grand Exchange Clerks, and then click History. You'll be able to see the last five trades you have made.
Grand Ecxhangessa myös myydään tavaroita ja puhutaan jatkuvasti. Nykyään Grand Ecxhange on [[runescape]]n kuuluisin paikka!

Current revision as of 00:57, 26 May 2011


Grand Exchange

The Grand Exchange is a place where you can buy or sell goods with many traders across Runescape. The GE is located in the north-west section of Varrock, right above the west bank. The GE can be used by F2P and P2P, but the F2P players may only have two offers in queue, while the P2P players may have six. One of the GE's biggest advantages is that you can trade with anyone anywhere without moving or travelling worlds.

How to begin trading

Before you can use GE, you need to talk to Brugsen Bursen, who will give you a guide on how to use the GE. Brugsen is marked on the map with a question mark. Alternatively, you may talk to the Grand Exchange Tutor, who will give a much shorter version of Brugsen's tutorial. He stands across from Brugsen.

Buying and Selling

1.Withdraw the item you wish to sell (or GP you wish to spend)

2.Inside one of the boxes, there will be two buttons, one with an arrow pointing into a backpack, and another with an arrow pointing out of the backpack. If you wish to sell an item, press on the button with the arrow pointing out of the backpack. If you wish to buy an item, press on the button with the arrow pointing into the backpack.

3a. If you decided to buy, in the next window there will be a text box. Type the name of the item that you wish to buy, and select it in the menu.

3b. If you decided to sell, in the next window there will be no text box. Instead, you choose the item that you wish to sell in you inventory.

4a. When you have selected your item (if you are buying), you will need to decide how many you want to buy, and at what price. There is a guide price that is automatically defined, but using the arrows near the price menu, you can manually set your price.

4b. When you have selected your item (if you are selling), you will need to decide how many you want to sell (if you have more than one item) and at what price. Again, the guide price is automatically defined, but you can manually set your price as well.

5. When your offer is running, it may be completed instantly if there is a buyer waiting. Otherwise, you will have to wait for someone to buy/sell that item to you. If you set your item price higher (if buying) or lower (if selling) your offer may be completed faster. Otherwise, you can do something else while you are waiting for your offer to be completed.

6. Once the offer is completed, you can go and pick up the GP/item, either GE or any other bank, by pressing the right mouse button on the Banker, and clicking Collect.

Note: if you wish to abort your offer when you placed it, you can abort it by going to the GE and viewing your offer. Find the red X button and click on it, and your GP/item will be returned.


Right click on one of the Grand Exchange Clerks, and then click Sets. You can make armor sets that enable you to sell the whole armor set instead of selling each piece individually.


Right click on one of the Grand Exchange Clerks, and then click History. You'll be able to see the last five trades you have made.

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