They Wake up together...

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So after a night of heavy drinking at legally appropriate locations what happens if the following wake up together?

[edit] Notable Post

Ben Grimm stretched and yawned, walking his way to the bathroom through the halls of the Baxter Building. When he passed next to the door of Reed and Sue's room, however, a sound startled him. It was... a snore? That was weird; he knew Reed didn't snore, and that had sounded too gruff and unladylike to come from Sue. Tightening his rocky fists just in case, he stood next to the door, ready for anything.

"Stretcho?" he asked with a low grunt. "Izzat you? Are you okay?".

A low, unintelligible moan came from the inside. That was not Reed's voice, and much less Sue's. Ben Grimm, however, DID know that voice. Cursing to himself, he swung a massive fist against the door, breaking it open, and stomped inside. "Okay, Doom, ya asked for it!! IT'S CLOBBERIN' TI-- UHHH---".

All the orange color on his stony skin suddenly chalked to white upon seeing Susan soundly sleeping on the floor, and there, on the bed, there was Reed Richards, only in his boxers, barely awake... and next to a snoring Victor Von Doom. With his mask off.

Reed looked at his old friend in sudden horror. "Oh, uh, Ben! I... I really can explain this, honest! I think...".

One second after that, however, Ben slammed the broken door as close as he could back, and quickly stomped back across the hall, his steps almost panicked. He ran into Johnny Storm on his way, almost trampling him down.

"Hey, Ben, watch out!" Johnny protested. "What's the big idea, you almost left me flat--". Then he blinked when his friend grabbed him by the shoulders and forced him to turn around, almost dragging him with himself away from the Richards' room, at a surprisingly high speed. "Whoa, whoa! What's happening now?! What's--".

"Don't ask, let's just WALK AWAY!" the Thing said. "AS AWAY AS WE CAN FROM HERE, FINE?!".

- OverMaster

Reed: We're both intelligent men. Rational.

Doom: Rational.

Reed: There's obviously some logical explanation.

Doom: Yes. Logical explanation.

Reed: No need to over-react. We haven't always seen eye-to-eye, but we've both been able to proceed as men of science.

Doom: Science! Precisely.

HERBIE comes out of shower with towel around his waist.




Reed and Doom: AAAAAAAAAAAH!


Reed and Doom: ...


Reed and Doom: ...AAAAAAAAAAAH!


- Black Atom (("Who's HERBIE?" - God of Awesome))

Lois Lane: Mmmmmmm.... *moan*... I can see why Clark was tempted to leave me for you.

Wonder Woman: I can see why he never did...

Lois Lane: How are we going to keep doing this secretly?

Wonder Woman: I've made a deal with someone who's very good at keeping secrets... he'll help us out.

Lois Lane: Who is he?

(Suave, smooth man in a tuxeo and holding a wine glass walks into the room. He has a slight grin on his face, and his eyes are sparkling)

Bruce Wayne: Good evening, ladies. Don't worry... in return for some... favours... I have my ways to keep Superman from ever finding out the truth.

He-Man (waking up): Mmmm... what a night!

Chetarah (waking up as well): Oh, it was... most powerful man in the universe! I can see why you have that title! Meow!

He-Man: Ha ha! I take it that you approve of my... sword of power?

(Chetarah and He-Man both begin laughing simultaneously. However, two blazing eyes penetrate through the shade casted by an opening door. In walks...)

Lion-O (to Chetarah): You two-timing Thundercat Ho! I'll get you for this!

He-Man (getting out of bed): I have a strict 'no killing' policy, Lion-O... and that definitely includes protecting the lovely Chetarah!

Lion-O (making fierce eye contact with He-Man): Ok, you slimey Eternian... let's get it on! You'll regret the day you slept with Lion-O's girl!

And then, we get back to an actual rumble.

Darkseid wakes up shocked to see himself lying naked next to a naked Superman. Superman lites a cigarette stuck in his mouth with his heath vision, and is enjoying the high.

Darkseid: What the... ?!

Superman: Just basking in the afterglow, baby.

Darkseid: This can not be, Kal-El! I am a god! You are my greatest enemy!

Superman: Come on, dude... admit it! You love me, man! Why else where you snooping around my parent's farm house waiting for me, you peeping tom perv?

Darkseid: That... that wasn't about that!

Superman: Yeah... riiiight. Anyway, I've been pwning you for years. I figured it was time to make you my ***** in the other sense of the word!

Darkseid: How dare you do this to me?! How dare you make me suffer such an ignoble defeat?!

Superman: You weren't complaing last night, sweetie... Besides, I'm what you've always been searching for, Darkseid!

Darkseid: ... What do you mean?

Superman: I'm your own personal anti-life equation, dude! Your existence is meaningless, as per the order of the great and mighty Jeph Loeb. You exist solely to be pwned by me... again... and again... and again... forever more! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

Darkseid: NOOOOOOO!!!!!

- Darth Joker

Doom wakes up with Reed hugging him half asleep.

Reed: Mmmmmm... you know, Sue, I haven't been wearing anything all night. Glad to see you didn't either.

Doom practically shits himself and nearly flips out of bed.

Doom: Richards!!!! Doom does not wish to engage in tapping any of that!!!

Reed: Dammit...not again. First Galactus...and now this?...

{stare at each other}

Doom: Doom is sure you have skill Richards, but Doom still does not want to tap any of that...

Reed: ........

Doom: ........

Reed: ........

Doom: ........

Reed: Ahem...

Doom: Stop staring...

Reed: O_o

Doom: Any chance you could pull a plot device out of your ass to make us forget this, Richards?...

Reed: Maybe you can do it for me...

Doom: What? ...........*_*

Reed: Nothing... <_<



- Spidey-kid1

Morocco Mole and Secret Squirrel

Morocco: O SECRET..............I never KNEW! That thing! THAT THING YOU DO........OH!

  • cane pointed at his face*

SS: This is a machine gun cane that goes ratatattat, so ifyou dont want me to use it, then get under them covers, got that?


god im sick

- Froggy

  • As dawn broke through the windows of the still nameless shop of infamous devil hunter, Dante, it also brought with it the hangover and surprises of the night before.*

Dante: "Ugh! My that freaky old guy wasn't kidding about that sake...What the--?!"

  • Surprises such as the strange white wolf that was in his bed and the strange sensation that he had been introduced to the wolf in ways that were...immoral*

Dante: "Oh man...don't tell me..."

  • A strange itch began at his crotch, and itch that only meant trouble. Looking down, Dante's eyes nearly bugged out*

Dante: "What is this?!!"

  • Like an STD, flowers were in full bloom across our devil hunter's crotch.*

Dante: "...well, things couldn't get any worse I suppose..."

  • As if on cue, the windows exploded with a shower of glass as a motorcycle carrying Trish crashed through. On the other side, a large section of the walls fell as Vergil sliced through them like paper. Both were stopped cold as they noticed a nude Dante and his 'garden' on display.*

Dante: "...umm...howdy?"

- Yun Lao

Ranma opened his eyes. This action introduced him to headache that threatened split his eyes apart along with the two halves of his head.

"Oooo.... what happened? No, wait..." Shampoo told him she'd serve him a special ramen. Must've had alcohol or something. She must have planned to seduce him while under the influence.

"Wait.... did she? O, Kami-sami, no...."

He looked to his left.

"Phew, just some blonde brat."




Naruto awoke with a start. Clutching his forehead, he moaned.

"Ahhh..... how does bushy-brows do it?"


Naruto looks to Ranma, squinting stupidly.

"Who are.... wait, I remember," Naurto, is eye opening with a thought, "But.... you were a girl last night."

"I was?" Ranma asked before the previous night's memories flooded back to him, "Wait a minute. So were you."

- God of Awesome ((My first one!!! *Does ratardo dance*))

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