New Library Books
From Rsgc Library
Additions to the RSGC Guild Library as of October 15, 2007
- MAD about Star Wars: thirty years of classic parodies by Jonathan Bresman
- The Gun Thief by Douglas Coupland
- Elijah of Buxton by Christopher Paul Curtis
- The Film Club : a true story of a father and son by David Gilmour
- Late Nights on Air: a novel by Elizabeth Hay
- Pendragon : book eight : the pilgrims of Rayne by D.J. MacHale
- Darkwing by Kenneth Oppel
- The Cruellest Month by Louise Penny
- A Secret Between Us by Daniel Poliquin
- The End of the Alphabet by C.S. Richardson
- What Happened Later : a novel by Ray Robertson
- The Almost Moon : a novel by Alice Sebold
- Vimpirates : demons of the ocean by Justin Somper
- Vampirates : tide of terror by Justin Somper
- The Assassin's Song: a novel by M.G. Vassanji
- October: a novel by Richard B. Wright
New Graphic Novels, October 2007
- Laika by Nick Abadzis
- White Rapids by Pascal Blanchet
Civil War Series
- Iron Man
- Peter Parker, Spider-Man
- The Road to Civil War
- Artemis Fowl : the graphic novel by Eoin Colfer and Andrew Donkin
- The Fog Mound : volume 2 : faradawn by Susan Schade
Shazam! The Monster Society of Evil Series by Jeff Smith
- Planetary Brigade by Keith Giffen
- Futurama Conquers the Universe by Matt Groening
New Junior School Manga, October 2007
- Whistle : volume 17 by Daisuke Higuchi
- Hikaru no go: volumes 9, 10 by Yumi Hotta
- Beet: the vandel buster: volume 11 by Riku Sanjo
- Megaman: NT Warrior : volumes 7 & 10 by Ryo Takamisaki
- The Prince of Tennis : volumes 19, 20, 21 by Takeshi Konomi
New Senior School Manga, October 2007
- Fullmetal Alchmist : volumes 6, 7, 12, 13, 14 by Hiromu Arakawa
- Tsubasa : volume 13 by Clamp
- Xxxholic : volumes 9 & 10 by Clamp
- GTO : Great Teacher Onizuka : volumes 11-25 by Tohru Fujisawa
- Hellsing : volumes 3, 7, 8 by Kohta Hirano
- Eyeshield 21 : volumes 13-15 by Riichiro Inagaki
- Naruto : volumes 14-18 by Masashi Kishimoto
- One Piece : volumes 14 & 15 by Eiichiro Oda
- Death Note : volumes 11 & 12 by Tsugumi Ohba
- Shaman King : volumes 12 & 13 by Hiroyuji Takei
- Hunter X Hunter : volumes 14 & 15 by Yoshihiro Togashi
- Dr. Slump : volumes 12 & 13 by Akira Toriyama
- Ultimate Muscle : volume 17 by Yudetamago
Additions to the Junior and Intermediate Fiction Collections, September 24th, 2007
- The Blue Helmet: a novel by William Bell
- Just Some Stuff I Wrote: stories by William Bell
- The Worst Boy in the World by Eoin Colfer
- The Fire Within by Chris D'Lacey
- Icefire by Chris D'Lacey
- Jim the Boy: a novel by Tony Earley
- Jakeman by Deborah Ellis
- The Sea of Trolls by Nancy Farmer
- The Great Brain by John D. Fitzgerald
- The Ship Between the Worlds by Julia Golding
- Babymouse: beach babe by Jennifer and Matthew Holm
- Babymouse: our hero by Jennifer and Matthew Holm
- Babymouse: queen of the world by Jennifer and Matthew Holm
- Voyage of Slaves: a tale from the castaways of the Flying Dutchman by Brian Jacques
- Diary of a Wimpy Kid: a novel in cartoons by Jeff Kinney
- Schooled by Gordon Korman
- The Daydreamer by Ian McEwan
- Click: one novel ten authors by Linda Sue Park
- A Perfect Gentle Knight by Kit Pearson
- Speechless by Valerie Sherrard
- Star Wars: the rise and fall of Darth Vader by Ryder Windham
Monster Blood Tattoo Series by D.M. Cornish
- Foundling : bk. 1
The Last Apprentice Series by Joseph Delaney
- Curse of the Bane: bk. 2
Traces Series by Malcolm Rose
- Double Check : bk.4
- Final Lap: bk.5
The Time Warp Trio Series by Jon Scieszka
- Oh Say, I can't See: no. 15
The Demonata Series by Darren Shan
- Lord Loss: bk.1
- Slawter: bk. 3
- Bec: bk. 4
The TimeJumpers Series by James Valentine
- The Past is Gone
- The Present Never Happens
- The Future is Unknown
Canadian Flyer Adventures by Frieda Wishinsky
- Beware Pirates!
- Crazy for Gold
- Danger Dinosaurs!
- Yikes, Vikings!
Additions to the RSGC Library as of September 1, 2007
*Automania! Series
- Muscle Cars by Katharine Bailey
- Sweet Rides by Katharine Bailey
- Sport Bikes by Katharine Bailey
- Street Bikes by Rachel Eagen
- Nascar by Rachel Eagen
- Trucks: pickups to big rigs by Adrianna Morganelli
- Formula One by Adrianna Morganelli
- Classic Cars: 1931-1980 by Norm Mort
- Vintage Cars: 1919-1930 by L. Michelle Nielsen
- Street Cred by John Zronik
*Cambridge History Programme Series
- The USA: 1917-1941 by Ian Campbell
- Industrial Britain: the workshop of the world by Christine Counsell
- African Peoples of the Americas: from slavery to civil rights by Ron Field
- Germany: 1918-1945 by Paul Grey & Rosemary Little
- Revolutionary France: liberty, tyranny and terror by Greg Hetherton
- Russia and the USSR: 1905-1991 by Philip Ingram
- The Roman World: from Republic to Empire by Peter Mantin & Richard Pulley
- The Arab-Israeli Conflict by Tony McAleavy
- Superpower Rivalry: the Cold War: 1945-1991 by Tony AcAleavy
- South Africa: 1948-1994 by Rosemary Mulholland
- The First World War by Andrew Wrenn
*Cambridge School Shakespeare Series
- Hamlet edited by Richard Andrews
- King Lear edited by Elspeth Bain
- A Midsummer Night's Dream edited by Linda Buckle
- Romeo and Juliet edited by Rex Gibson
- Twelfth Night edited by Rex Gibson
*Canada: A People's History Series
- Canada's First Peoples
- Confederation: the great enterprise
- Emerging Loyalties
- Explorers and Pathfinders
- First Contact
- Opening the West
- Rebellions
- Settling Canada
*Canadian Fur Trade
- Forts and Trading Posts by Bev Cline
- North West Company by Jennifer Nault
- Trade Routes by Jennifer Nault
- Hudson's Bay Company by Jennifer Nault
*Canadian Industries
- Fishing by Graham Beehag
- Agriculture by Heather Kissock
- Forestry by Heather Kissock
- Mining by Sheelagh Matthews
- Energy by Melanie Ostopowich
- Manufacturing by Tina Schwartzenberger
*Canadian Government Series
- Canadian Citizenship edited by Don Wells
- Canadian Unity edited by Don Wells
- Canada's System of Government edited by Don Wells
- Canada and the Global Village edited by Don Wells
- Canada's Road to Independence edited by Don Wells
- The Canadian Identity edited by Don Wells
*Canadian Prime Ministers Warts and All Series
- Sir John S. D. Thompson: the pushover who died too soon by Elle Andra-Warner
- Sir Charles Tupper: the bully who battled for Canada by Johanna Bertin
- John Diefenbaker: the outsider who refused to quit by Lanny Boutin
- Sir John A. Macdonald: the rascal who built Canada by Jacqueline Brown
- Jean Chretien: the scrapper who climbed his way to the top by Nate Hendley
- William Lyon Mackenzie King: the loner who kept Canada together by Nate Hendley
- Lester B. Pearson: the geek who make Canada proud by Gordon Gibb
- Pierre Elliott Trudeau: the prankster who never flinched by Sandra Phinney
- Sir Wilfrid Laurier: the weakling who stood his ground Heather Stewart
*Disaster Alert! Series
- Avalanche and Landslide Alert by Amanda Bishop & Vanessa Walker
- Volcano Alert! by Paul Challen
- Hurricane and Typhoon Alert! by Paul Challen
- Environmental Disaster Alert! by Paul Challen
- Drought and Heat Wave Alert! by Paul Challen
- Global Warming Alert! by Richard Cheel
- Flood and Monsoon Alert! by Rachel Eagen
*Discovering Canada Series
- John Cabot by Galadriel Watson
- Jacques Cartier by Heather Hudak
- Samuel de Champlain by Heather Hudak
- Simon Fraser by Galadriel Watson
- John Franklin by Erinn Banting
- Martin Frobisher by Erinn Banting
- Henry Hudson by Erinn Banting
- Henry Kelsey by Gillian Richardson
- David Thompson by Erinn Banting
- George Vancouver by Erinn Banting
- Pierre de La Verendyre by Anna Rebus
- Groseilliers and Radisson by Galadriel Watson
*Early Canada Series
- Aboriginal Peoples
- Acadians
- Explorers
- Fur Traders
- Missionaries
- Settlers
*Early Canadian Life Series
- The RCMP by Erinn Banting
- The Blacksmith by Rennay Craats
- The General Store by Rennay Craats
- The Schoolhouse by Jill Foran
- The Doctor by Jill Foran
- Family Life by Jill Foran
- The Sawmill by Megan Lappi
- The Church by Megan Lappi
- The Grist Mill by Celeste A. Peters
- The Railway by Galadriel Watson
- The Bank by Christine Webster
- The Post Office by Christine Webster
*Extreme Sports: No Limits Series
- Extreme Skateboarding by John Crossingham
- Extreme Sports by John Crossingham
- Extreme Wakeboarding by Bobbie Kalman
*In The Footsteps of Explorers Series
- James Cook: the Pacific Coast and beyond by R.A. Beales
- Henry Hudson: seeking the Northwest Passage by Carrie Gleason
- Roald Amundsen: the conquest of the South Pole by Julie Karner
- Sir John Franklin: the search for the Northwest Passage by Anders Knudsen
- Hernando Cortes: Spanish invader of Mexico by John Zronik
- Jacques Cousteau: conserving underwater worlds by John Zronik
*Historic Communities Series
- 18th Century Clothing by Bobbie Kalman
- 19th Century Clothing by Bobbie Kalman
- A Child's Day by Bobbie Kalman & Tammy Everts
- Games From Long Ago by Bobbie Kalman
- Tools and Gadgets by Bobbie Kalman
- Travel in the Early Days by Bobbie Kalman & Kate Calder
*Hockey in Canada
- Calgary Flames by Don Cruickshank
- Edmonton Oilers by Don Cruickshank
- Montreal Canadiens by Don Cruickshank
- Ottawa Senators by Don Cruickshank
- Vancouver Canucks by Don Cruickshank
*The Medieval World Series
- Life on a Medieval Manor by Marc Cels
- Arts and Literature in the Middle Ages by Marc Cels
- Life in a Medieval Monastary by Marc Cels
- Women and Girls in the Middle Ages by Kay Eastwood
- Medieval Society by Kay Eastwood
- The Life of a Knight by Kay Eastwood
- Life in a Castle by Kay Eastwood
- Places of Worship in the Middle Ages by Kay Eastwood
- Food and Feasts in the Middle Ages by Lynne Elliott
- Children and Games in the Middle Ages by Lynne Elliott
- Medieval Medicine and the Plague by Lynne Elliott
- Clothing in the Middle Ages by Lynne Elliott
- Medieval Towns, Trade, and Travel by Lynne Elliott
- Science and Technology in the Middle Ages by Joanne Findon
- Manners and Customs in the Middle Ages by Marsha Groves
- Medieval Projects you can do! by Marsha Groves
- Medieval Warfare by Tara Steele
- Medieval Myths, Legends, and Songs by Donna Trembinski
- Medieval Law and Punishment by Donna Trembinski
- Famous People of the Middle Ages by Donna Trembinski
*Native Nations of North America Series
- Nations of the Northeast Coast by Molly Aloian
- Nations of the Southeast by Molly Aloian
- Life in a Longhouse Village by Bobbie Kalman
- Life in a Plains Camp by Bobbie Kalman
- Life in the Far North by Bobbie Kalman
- Native Homes by Bobbie Kalman
- Famous Native North Americans by Bobbie Kalman
- Life of the Powhatan by Rebecca Sjonger
- Nations of the Eastern Great Lakes by Rebecca Sjonger
- Nations of the Western Great Lakes by Kathryn Smithyman
- Native North American Foods and Recipes by Kathryn Smithyman
- Nations of the Northwest Coast by Kathryn Smithyman
- Native North American Wisdom and Gifts by Niki Walker
- Life in an Anishinabe Camp by Niki Walker
*Ole Steen Hansen's The Story of Flight Series
- Air Combat
- Commercial Aviation
- Modern Military Aircraft
- Flying for Fun
- Amazing Flights: the golden age
- The Wright Brothers and other Pioneers of Flight
- Weird and Wonderful Aircraft
- Helicopters
- Seaplanes and Naval Aviation
- Space Flight
- Military Aircraft of WWI
- Military Aircraft of WWII
*Peoples of the Ancient World Series
- Life in Ancient China by Paul Challen
- Life in Ancient Mesopotamia by Shilpa Mehta-Jones
- Life in Ancient Rome by Shilpa Mehta-Jones
- Life in Ancient Greece by Lynn Peppas
- Life in Ancient Mesoamerica by Lynn Peppas
- Life in Ancient Africa by Hazel Richardson
- Life in the Ancient Indus River Valley by Hazel Richardson
- Life of the Ancient Vikingsby Hazel Richardson
- Life of the Ancient Celts by Hazel Richardson
- Life in Ancient Japan by Hazel Richardson
- Life in Ancient South America by Hazel Richardson
*Reaching Readers Canadian Biographies
- Donovan Bailey: Super Sprinter by Chelsea Donaldson
- Catrina Le May Doan: fastest woman on ice by Dayle Campbell Gaetz
- David Suzuki: champion of nature by Leslie Garrett
- Tom Longboat: born to run by Leslie Garrett
- Rick Hansen: Canadian hero by Edward O'Connor
- Wayne Gretzky: the great one by Eric Zweig
*Remarkable Canadians Series
- Emily Carr by Bryan Pezzi
- Terry Fox by Bryan Pezzi
- Craig Kielburger by Bryan Pezzi
- David Suzuki by Bryan Pezzi
*Snapshots: Images of People, and Places in History Series
- Eleanor Roosevelt: an inspiring life by Elizabeth MacLeod
- The Wright Brothers: a flying start by Elizabeth MacLeod
*Sports in Action Series
- Snowboarding in Action by John Crossingham
- Cycling in Action by John Crossingham
- Basketball in Action by John Crossingham & Sarah Dann
- Lacrosse in Action by John Crossingham
- Martial Arts in Action by Heather Levigne
- Golf in Action by Hannelore Sotzek
- Hockey in Action by Niki Walker & Sarah Dann
*Times Past Series
- 1885 by Daniel Baum
- 1900 by Daniel Baum
- 1917 by Daniel Baum
- 1933 by Daniel Baum
- 1947 by Daniel Baum
*Understanding Global Issues Series
- Land Abuse and Soil Erosion
- Saving the Natural World
- Terrorism
- International Law
- The Battle for Oil
- Substance Use and Abuse
*Junior and Senior Non-Fiction
- Baseball Top 10 by James Buckley Jr.
- Ontario Rocks: three billion years of environmental change by Nick Eyles
- Lion's Honey: the myth of Samson by David Grossman
- Guinness World Records 2008: with glow-in-the-dark features
- Basketball Top 10 by John Hareas
- Great Canadian Political Cartoons 1820-1914 by Charles and Cynthia Hou
- Great Canadian Political Cartoons 1915-1945 by Charles and Cynthia Hou
- Coming to Canada: building a life in a new land by Susan Hughes
- Fateful Choices: then decisions that changed the world, 1940-1941 by Ian Kershaw
- The Shock Doctrine: the rise of disaster capitalism by Naomi Klein
- Lights Out: the electricity crisis, the global economy, and what it means to yoy by Jason Makansi
- Why Mexican's Don't Drink Molson: rescuing Canadian business from the suds of global obscurity by Andrea Mandel-Campbell
- Healing our World: inside Doctor's Without Borders by David Morley
- Two Innocents in Red China by Pierre Trudeau and Jacques Hebert
- The Forgotten Man: a new history of the Great Depression by Amity Shlaes
- The World Without Us by Alan Weisman
- The Founding Moment: church, society, and the construction of Trinity College by William Westfall
*Junior and Senior Fiction
- Tell Your Sister by Andrew Daley
- An Abundance of Katharines by John Green
- A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini
- On Chesil Beach by Ian McEwan
- Moby-Dick, Billy Budd, and Other Writings by Herman Melville
- Suite Francaise by Irene Nemirovsky
- Hugh: confessions of a pot smuggler by Brian O'Dea
- Tamar: a novel by Mal Peet
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling
- The Architects are Here by Michael Winter
Additions to the RSGC Library as of June 1, 2007
- Jesus of Nazareth by Pope Benedict XVI
- The Future of the Earth: an introduction to sustainable development for young readers by Yann Arthus-Bertrand
- Intent for a Nation: what is Canada for? A relentlessly optimistic manifesto for Canada's role in the world by Michael Byers
- Inside Hamas: the untold story of the Militant Islamic Movement by Zaki Chehab
- Young Thugs: inside the dangerous world of Canadian street gangs by Michael C. Chettleburgh
- The Never-Ending Days of Being Dead: dispatches from the front line of science by Marcus Chown
- Brodeur: beyond the crease by Damien Cox & Martin Brodeur
- Life on a Famine Ship: a journal of the Irish Famine 1845-1850 by Duncan Crosbie
- Falling Man: a novel by Don DeLillo
- Underworld: a novel by Don DeLillo
- The Royal Woods by Matt Duggan
- What is the What: the autobiography of Valentino Achak Deng: a novel by Dave Eggers
- Why Read? by Mark Edmundson
- American Fascists: the Christian Right and the War on America by Chris Hedges
- The Children of Men by P.D. James
- Jacob's Ladder by Brian Keaney
- The Cult of the Amateur: how today's internet is killing our culture by Andrew Keen
- Castle Waiting by Linda Medley
- All-Star Superman by Grant Morrison
- Rant: an oral biography of Buster Casey by Chuck Palahniuk
New All Ages Graphic Books
- Tim Burton's the Nightmare Before Christmas
- Cartoon Network Block Party : read all about it!
- Cartoon Network Block Party: blast off!
- Cartoon Network Block Party: get down!
- The Fairly Odd Parents : let the games begin
- The Fairly Odd Parents: father knows less
- Manga Shakespeare Series : Hamlet
- Manga Shakespeare Series : Romeo and Juliet
- Futurama: the time bender trilogy by Matt Groening
- The Real Ghostbusters: this ghost is toast!
- The Price of Victory by Stewart Ross
- Curse of the Crocodile God by Stewart Ross
- Shazam! The Monster Society of Evil: chapter 3 by Jeff Smith
- Wallace & Gromit: the bootiful game
- Wallace & Gromit: catch of the day
Additions to the RSGC Library as of May 1, 2007
- The Promised One by David Alric
- Grey by Jon Armstrong
- Cartooning for Kids by Mike Artell
- The Future of the Earth: an introduction to sustainable development for young readers by Yann Arthus-Bertrand
- The Thousandfold Thought by R. Scott Bakker
- The State of the Art by Iain M. Banks
- Only in Canada, You Say: a treasury of Canadian Language by Katherine Barber
- Six Words You Never Knew Had Something To Do With Pigs: and other fascinating facts about the language from Canada's word lady by Katherine Barber
- Barron's: The Basics of Drawing
- Just Some Stuff I Wrote: stories by William Bell
- Children of the Mind by Orson Scott Card
- The Crystal City by Orson Scott Card
- Shadow of the Giant by Orson Scott Card
- Life on a Famine Ship: a journal of the Irish Famine 1845-1850 by Duncan Crosbie
- Muhammad by Demi
- Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip Dick
- Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom by Cory Doctorow
- Over Clocked: stories of the future present by Cory Doctorow
- Someone Comes to Town, Someone Leaves Town by Cory Doctorow
- Directed by Kaspar Snit by Cary Fagan
- Anansi Boys by Neil Gaiman
- Smoke and Mirrors: short fictions and illusions by Neil Gaiman
- Virtual Light by William Gibson
- 9Tail Fox by Jon Courtenay Grimwood
- Kids Draw Manga Shoujo by Christopher Hart
- How to Draw Manga Urban Crew
- How it happened in Peach Hill by Marthe Jocelyn
- The Crimson Labyrinth: a novel by Yusuke Kishi
- You Wish: the misadventures of Benjamin Bartholomew Piff by Jason Lethcoe
- Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine
- The Hardy Boys Undercover Brothers Series: Malled by Scott Lobdell
- The Call of Cthulhu and other Weird Stories by H.P. Lovecraft
- Tales of H.P. Lovecraft
- Marvel Comics: the Amazing Spider-Man Pop-up
- Perdido Street Station by China Mieville
- The Scar by China Mieville
- Imagining Egypt: a living portrait of the time of the Pharaohs by Mark Millmore
- Rampage: the Social Roots of School Violence: why violence erupts in close-knit communities and what can be done to stop it by Katherine S. Newman
- 28 stories of AIDS in Africa by Stephanie Nolen
- Blood: the last vampire : night of the beasts by Mamoru Oshi
- Ripley's Believe it or Not!: Special Edition 2007 by Mary Packard
- Maximum Ride: school's out-forever by James Patterson
- The Diary of Petr Ginz : 1941-1942 edited by Chava Pressburger
- Squirt: the most interesting book you'll ever read about blood by Trudee Romanek
- Calculating God by Robert J. Sawyer
- Flash Forward by Robert J. Sawyer
- Humans by Robert J. Sawyer
- Hybrids by Robert J. Sawyer
- The Fog Mound Series : travels of Thelonious by Susan Schade
- The Boy who Loved Words by Roni Schotter
- Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson
- The Confusion: volume two of the Baroque Cycle by Neal Stephenson
- The System of the World: volume three of the Baroque cycle by Neal Stephenson
- Crane : the Five Ancestors book 4 by Jeff Stone
- Our Game: the History of Hockey in Canada by Dave Stubbs
- Dark Water: stories by Koji Suzuki
- Loop by Koji Suzuki
- The Traveler: a novel by John Twelve Hawks
- London Revenant by Conrad Williams
- The Complete Rhyming Dictionary: the essential handbook for songwriters, poets, students, teachers, speechmakers, and members of the performing arts by Clement Wood