Talk:List of scenes

From Rom Com

Revision as of 01:34, 12 June 2007 by Olivia (Talk | contribs)

What sort of scenes are you envisioning for the remaining open sections?

We need a climax, a genuine climax, of which I don't think there is, instead all I see is a froth of microclimaxes, which is gennerally fitting with your description of this as a series of scenes strung togeather... but I keep on longing for a scene that pullls out all the stops, One which brings all of the people togeather in a way which is both awkward and hilarious.

I also want to have the old "two lovers in the closet" gimick, this might be combined with the climax somehow... I'm not sure. My best idea is that Dylan changes his mind and decides to go to hallie and apologize for blowing her off the other day (about the time of the first blank scene), Hallie blows him off and says that Nick's been very interested in her, despite the fact that she pushed nick away for dylan just last scene. After a couple of minutes of bantering, There's a knocking at the door, Hallie looks through the spyhole and concludes that its nick. Dylan, abruptly ducks into the nearest closet to avoid upsetting Hallie's chances. In the closet, mysteriously is Alex (or perhaps Katie), We then proceed with two different scenes at once... one of which is the dylan/alex confrontation, and one of which is a romance scene between Nick and Hallie... or at least is until Aimee walks through the door. Aimee is appologetic, Nick is appologetic, they each try to excuse themselves, and then Alex/Dylan burst fighting out of the closet. Aimee tries to leave more, Nick and Hallie try to break them up... katie walks out of a nearby bedroom, wearing somewhat little and wondering what the rucus is about, (implying that Hallie slept with her). Dylan yells, and lunges at her, Alex grabs him by the waste, Nick grabs Alex... Aimee pushes nick out of the way, and Hallie tries desperatley to do something to stop the scene.... we fade out.

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