Dylan/Alex Confrontation
From Rom Com
Basically, Dylan confronts Alex about his seduction of Aimee. Dylan ends up saying something along the lines of "If all you care about is the photo, I'll get you a photo"...and then, well...I'll get around to talking about that once we're sure that Dylan and Alex are okay with an extremely awkward kiss.
I'm sorry, what were you saying?
We're friends, wouldn't you say? We're friends.
Yes. Although you can be boring.
And you can be a fucking jerk, but that's not my point. This bet.
I want you to stop it.
Okay what?
Okay, I realize you want me to stop it.
But you're not going to stop it.
Why would I? For that matter, why do you want me to stop?
Because you're hurting people.
(Makes buzzer noise) Incorrect! Since when have you cared about people? (Imitates an announcer) And that's a lie, Alan, going all the way back in left field...Santiago making a dash for home plate...and the ball is in the air, he's reaching for it, it might be over the fence...
(cutting Alex off) Because you're hurting Carmen.
Carmen's a big girl. She can handle it.
Do you like her?
That's one of those questions that's just begging to be answered untruthfully.
That's the problem with you naturalists, you see everything as formulaic, governed by law and not by nature. You have two people, they pair off, they fuck, have children, raise them, and then die. But we're--I'm--not a bloody animal; I'm not going to conform to your preconceived notions of love just because you happen to think I'm bound to some contractual social obligation. I'm not a fucking tool, I'm not a machine... I'm a rational human being, and that means thinking about yourself, and struggling to rise above what you are.
You are fucking formulaic, don't give me that shit... you're more formulaic than the fucking Fibonacci sequence. You try and win, whatever walks into your path you take, and that's all you care about. I hate to sound like a republican, but there's more to humanity than just a constant drive to win, you've got to have compassion; that's what makes you more than an animal.
Alex is not buying it.
You're heartless. (pause) Look, you just need a fucking picture, right? I'll kiss you.
I didn't say you could use tongue.
Alex then proceeds to spit for a moment, as if to wash the taste out of his mouth.
You're sick
Alex laughs with his farsical barritone.
You're one to talk,
Well, my dear Toby, Carmen is yours. Enjoy!
Alex slaps Dylan on the back while talking
You honestly didn't hear anything I told you...
Oh, I heard you, like the wind wispering through the emptry trees.
Dylan turns and walks out.
Once Dylan slams the door, Alex looses his haughty and confidant demeanor, after a few moments of contemplation, Alex turns and slams his first into the nearest object.