Constitution of possible new country

From Roach Busters

[edit] The President of the Republic

Article 1. The President of the Republic represents the Nation.

He is the guarantor of independence, national unity and of the integrity and security of the territory.

He can preside over the Council of Ministers.

He is the commander in chief of the Armed Forces; as such, he presides over the superior council of defense.

Article 2. The President of the Republic shall be elected for seven years by universal, direct, and secret suffrage. Any citizen who is _____ by birth and who is forty years of age may be elected President of the Republic.

Article 3. Declarations of candidacy for the position for the position of President of the Republic shall be received and examined by the Supreme Court.

Election is by a majority of the votes cast.

Conditions of eligibility, of declaration of candidacy, of balloting, of the counting and proclamation of results shall be determined by law.

Article 4. Before taking office, the President of the Republic shall swear before the Nation, in the presence of the Supreme Court, which shall record it, the following:

I, ... ... ... ... ... ... elected President of the Republic, I swear to observe the Constitution and the laws of the Republic, to maintain the independence of the Nation and its territorial integrity.

Article 5. The duties of the President of the Republic shall be terminated through resignation, death, permanent disability or dismissal.

The Supreme Court shall record the resignation, note the death and permanent disability and pronounce the dismissal.

In all cases enumerated in the first paragraph, the Supreme Court shall inform the Nation through a message.

When the vacancy has been declared by the Supreme Court, the duties of the President of the Republic shall be temporarily exercised by the President of the National Assembly.

The provisions of article _____ of the present Constitution shall not be applicable to him.

[edit] The Government

Article 1. The Government is the institution charged with the execution of the laws and the implementation of the politics of the State.

The Government shall determine the politics of the State in conjunction with the President of the Republic.

The Government is responsible to the National Assembly.

Article 2. The Government shall consist of a Prime Minister, Ministers and State Secretaries.

The Prime Minister shall be appointed by the President of the Republic.

The Ministers and the State Secretaries shall be appointed by the President of the Republic upon nomination by the Prime Minister.

Their number and their duties shall be established by the President of the Republic upon the nomination of the Prime Minister.

Article 3. Before taking office, the Prime Minister, the Ministers and the State Secretaries shall take an oath before the President of the Republic, who shall record it.

Article 4. The Prime Minister is the head of Government.

He presides over the Council of Ministers.

He directs the activities of the Government.

He shall keep the President of the Republic fully informed on the conduct of affairs of State.

Article 5. The Prime Minister, the Ministers and the State Secretaries are responsible to the National Assembly for their acts.

The Ministers are the heads of their ministries.

They shall apply the programs fixed and the decisions taken by the Government.

The Prime Minister and the Ministers shall rule by decree.

Article 6. The Prime Minister, Ministers and the State Secretaries shall resign whenever the duties of the President of the Republic shall terminate or in the event of vacancy created by resignation, definitive disability, or dismissal of the Prime Minister.

Article 7. The members of the Government may not be prosecuted except with the authorization of the President of the Republic, or for the acts committed in the exercise of their official functions which are placed in accusation by the President or by the National Assembly.

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