User:RHaworth/Logan by me
From Rhaworth
I would be grateful if you could get in touch with me regarding using pictures of our business and our home online (Logan Fish Pond) and incorrect information stated with it. It has only just come to our attention and we strictly do not allow material either photographic or otherwise without prior permission for use on the net.There has been signage here for a long time that states photographs must not be for internet use. Yours faithfully, Ruth Daynes
On the third time of asking, Ruth came up with the following:
Anticipating eventual deletion, I have posted backup copies to:
Also, I find copied by someone else:
- YourLocalWeb used from this page
I find:
- This on where my image did exist but has been deleted
I thought of acting like the Lernean Hydra - as soon as one copy of the image is deleted, two more will be posted. But I might run out of websites.