Game 8
From Reydala
(Note about this log: Apparently Wiki doesn't like the over use of the word "s-e-x", and identified me as a "link spammer" when I tried to add this log. Infact, I *still* cannot use that word, even in this description. As a result, I have replaced every use of the word s-e-x with seCKZ to hopefully avoid any false recognition. It said something about an admin being able to add to a white list...Tony, can you check this? Aknier-4/16/07)
(P.S. Part of this log is missing. Evanthe used to have it, it seems, but the URL on the Reydala LJ isn't working.)
Log filename is "reydala2-30-07-05.html", system is is logging.
(2) Tanja: only because someone had to lure me down there...
(1) Mikhal: log on no, so i don't forge
(1) Mikhal: now*
(4) Tony: The party teleported themselves and "sort of" got the drop on a party of ice elves who were escorting jaze to unknown parts
(4) Tony: During the course of the battle, one of them made off with Jaze
(5) Tristen: Im sure that was a nice pun ;)
(6) Evanthe: erha?
(2) Tanja: well, actually, we almost died
(7) Seara: hmm
(2) Tanja: but tony glossed over that part
(7) Seara: how? >.>
(5) Tristen: got the drop? nevermind
(2) Tanja: 'cause none of us could hit
(6) Evanthe: eh
(6) Evanthe: Tony let him stand with ONE hp
(2) Tanja: lol yeah
(2) Tanja: depriving angel of an awesome killing scene
(6) Evanthe: dm hates elves/girls/angel, pass it on
(7) Seara: hmm
(2) Tanja: *nodnod*
(7) Seara: ah ha!
(6) Evanthe: patti too since he tried to burninate her
(2) Tanja: burned me, and stabbed me
(2) Tanja: i was unconscious twice that game
(8) Locke (enter): 22:01
(4) Tony: It's my job to hate you
(6) Evanthe: Yay flamer ;D
(2) Tanja: wow
(2) Tanja: i didn't expect you to admit it so readily
(7) Seara: hmm
(7) Seara: there
(8) Locke: I just woke up, I'll be 5 minutes :x
(4) Tony: You don't want monsters asking you nicely to go awayy
(7) Seara: fwamie~
** (8) Locke hugs Khar **
** (7) Seara hugs back **
(8) Locke: I knew I forgot something XD;;
(8) Locke: my avatar :o
(6) Evanthe: Oh yeah
(2) Tanja: are any of you playing humans?
(7) Seara: ooh
(2) Tanja: or are you all elves too?
(8) Locke: I'm half
(6) Evanthe: Tristen is a human
(7) Seara: I need to find an avatar thingy
(7) Seara: I'm half
(6) Evanthe: Seara is a half elf
(4) Tony: Yeah... if anyone wants a specific picture.. the size is 60x60
(8) Locke: ah, ok
(4) Tony: Until then you get my generic work of art
(7) Seara: xD
(6) Evanthe: oh to change your 'Idle' 'Typing' message...openrpg - settings - chat
(6) Evanthe: quick fast and in a hurry
(2) Tanja: it may take a few times of going back in and rechanging it until it sticks though...
(8) Locke: after you change it, click on another box
(6) Evanthe: Yeah
(2) Tanja: i always had problems getting mine to stick
(8) Locke: before clicking on ok
(2) Tanja: wow
(2) Tanja: we went from four people to an army o.O
(6) Evanthe: Yeah really xD
(8) Locke: unless Tony sets a ton of traps on us
(4) Tony: Everyone clear on dice rolling and all?
(8) Locke: :p
(2) Tanja: he'll start me out on top of a fake floor that'll collapse under me and drop me 50 feet onto pointed rocks below
(7) Seara: xD
(2) Tanja: just so ya know
(4) Tony: Initiative is 1d20 + your dex modifier
(8) Locke: XD
(4) Tony: Roll it like this: Name (Roll) init
(7) Seara: I'm learning the dice stuff as Igo, I might be a bit stumped now and then, just throw me a hint >.>
(8) Locke: you ran into his trap last time... nearly died twice :x
(2) Tanja: he'll do it just to amuse him now
(8) Locke: XD
(8) Locke: [1d20+1] -> [16,1] = (17)
(4) Tony: DM [1d20+3] -> [19,3] = (22) init
(2) Tanja: "yeah lets throw a locked glass case at a random spot in the game just so i can watch tanja die again!"
(4) Tony: like that *
(6) Evanthe: If you mess up your character dies instantly.
(2) Tanja: TanjaDeath [1d20] -> [5] = (5)
(2) Tanja: see?
(8) Locke: XD
(6) Evanthe: TanjaLIVE [1d20] -> [20] = (20)
(6) Evanthe: :D
(2) Tanja: lol
(2) Tanja: the secret!
(8) Locke: :D
(7) Seara: ahhh okie
(2) Tanja: we found the secret!
(8) Locke: [1d20] -> [9] = (9)
(1) Mikhal: last game, the secret was to swear in your attack action to hit >_>
(7) Seara: SearaZOMG [Bad dice format] - [d20+3]
(5) Tristen: Tristen [1d20] -> [13] = (13)
(7) Seara: err
(7) Seara: oh
(4) Tony: you always need the 1 there ^_^*
(7) Seara: SearaZOMG [1d20+3] -> [3,3] = (6)
(7) Seara: yeah, whoops xD
(2) Tanja: DEN! [1d20] -> [3] = (3)
(4) Tony: Alrightyy, we all good?
(6) Evanthe: lol!
(8) Locke: [5d100] -> [1,52,73,73,58] = (257)
(6) Evanthe: Den has lost it's power :(
(2) Tanja: awww....we abused it
(1) Mikhal: ugh
(2) Tanja: we must go kill death with a trident to give it power again
(6) Evanthe: oooh tooony~
(4) Tony: Yeeeees?
(1) Mikhal: i have to get off the computer in a few minutes for a few -_-
(2) Tanja: what?!
(4) Tony: ..... Can you keep the server running?
(8) Locke: can I identify my dagger? :o
(2) Tanja: just when we got everybody together here for awesomeness?
(1) Mikhal: i'm gonna leave the windows open and hope that they don't get closed
(2) Tanja: yeah...okay so who wants to play the part of the bloodthirsty barbarian who takes all the hits while he's gone? >.>
(6) Evanthe: Should someone else start the server?
(8) Locke: we can wait for you to come back to start the game? >.>;;
(6) Evanthe: Can someone else do that? o_o
(2) Tanja: i wouldn't know how...
(4) Tony: It requires an open tcp port or something.. so I can't do it..
(6) Evanthe: Is it simply done?
(2) Tanja: i don't even know what that is
(6) Evanthe: I odn't mind trying
(6) Evanthe: don't*
(1) Mikhal: getting off for a few now
(4) Tony: Welll we'll see if it stays up.. if not the server should be in the same start menu directory..
(1) Mikhal: -_-
(6) Evanthe: See you soon-ish Scott
(2) Tanja: just tell whoever it is not to close your windows
(5) Tristen: Angel check skype
(8) Locke: skype? :o
(2) Tanja: loo loo skype to my loo...
(7) Seara: [1d8] -> [3] = (3)
(7) Seara: ooh
(7) Seara: dice button thingies
(7) Seara: [1d20] -> [10] = (10)
(7) Seara: [1d10] -> [10] = (10)
(7) Seara: [1d8] -> [7] = (7)
(7) Seara: [1d6] -> [5] = (5)
(7) Seara: [1d6] -> [2] = (2)
(7) Seara: >.>
(8) Locke: how do you do the text before the dice?
(6) Evanthe: Just write it
(6) Evanthe: er type
(4) Tony: Text before the dice [1d20] -> [15] = (15) text after dice [3d20] -> [7,5,8] = (20) yet more text
(2) Tanja: typetypetype [1d20] -> [2] = (2)
(2) Tanja: woah
(6) Evanthe: You can insert [1d20] -> [9] = (9) anywhere in your sentence
(2) Tanja: hitdice [1d20] -> [6] = (6) damage dice [1d6] -> [3] = (3)
(4) Tony: Such as when you're a level 20 fighter..
(8) Locke: ... *tries* [1d20] -> [10] = (10)
(8) Locke: ooh
(2) Tanja: i sense much fun with this
(4) Tony: First attack! [1d20+20] -> [13,20] = (33), Second Attack! [1d20+15] -> [20,15] = (35), Third Attack! [1d20+10] -> [12,10] = (22), Fourth Attack [1d20+5] -> [11,5] = (16).
(2) Tanja: can it add all that up? >.>
(4) Tony: You wouldn't want it to if they're seperate attacks..
(4) Tony: alrighty... everyone ready?
(2) Tanja: i am
(6) Evanthe: hai hai
(7) Seara: suuures
(4) Tony: *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
(8) Locke: ((seCKZ0rz, first words))
(4) GM Voice: A fresh layer of snow has covered the ground outside the library of lucion..
(4) GM Voice: The humble looking building is nestled between the many pine trees of the tundra that stretches south of Krasevae..
(4) GM Voice: Onto this scene, two travelers arrive.. Both holding a necklace that is crafted of ice..
Game disconnected!
Locating server at
Failed to connect to game server...
Locating server at
Game connected!
(9) Mikhal (enter): 23:03
Server Administrator-> You have connected to an <a href="">OpenRPG</a> server, version '1.6.1', named 'A chronical of new hope'.
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Moving to room 'The Gates of Time'..
(9) Mikhal (enter): 23:03
Server Administrator-> <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML//EN">
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
(1) Tony (enter): 23:03
(2) Tristen (enter): 23:03
(5) Seara (enter): 23:03
(6) Locke (enter): 23:03
(7) Evanthe (enter): 23:03
(2) Tristen: Well, we had better not wast time then, every second that passes means their death
(6) Locke: ((has she tried restarting her computer?))
(9) Mikhal: ((sorry abut that -_-))
(2) Tristen: ((sok scott... start up the server :D))
Log filename is "reydala2-30-07-05.html", system is is logging.
(2) Tristen: ((there was a reason I misspelled Flamer ;) ))
(9) Mikhal: ((anything ground breaking happen?))
(6) Locke: ((can't spell? :D))
(6) Locke: ((heheh, I know :P))
(1) Jorue: Hopefully it is not as dire as that... yet I can't think that they wouldn't mind some help... You are aware of the dangers?...
(2) Tristen: I am aware... and am prepared...
(6) Locke: ((you need to inform Khar of what you were talking about >_>))
(7) Evanthe: ((hang on, we may have found something))
(5) Seara: I see... so Jaze was caputred ((I'm assuming I just found out what happened.. I guess xD))
(7) Evanthe: ((he already did flamer))
(9) Mikhal: ((..what happened?))
(6) Locke: ((see XD))
(1) Jorue: We are not sure what happend with Jaze.... He teleported in the process of the ritual, and the travelers from before went in in part looking for him...
(5) Seara: I see
(6) Locke: ((and looking for treasure))
(6) Locke: ((and revenge :O))
(6) Locke: ((and ice elf thongs))
(6) Locke: ((speaking for myself on the last one >_>))
(5) Seara: ((xD))
** (1) Jorue Takes the scroll into his hands and hands it to Tristen.. **
(7) Evanthe: ((brb))
(2) Tristen: So I assume that it is worn... since that is where we found it on the bodies of the ice elves that we slue
(7) Evanthe: Disconnecting from server...
(7) Evanthe (exit): 23:07
(1) Jorue: This is the chant we managed to record... it activated the pendants, and those that read it while wearing them disappeared in a flash of light..
** (2) Tristen recieves the scroll with alittle bow **
(5) Seara: Well... if this one is going, I might as well too... if I help in assisting the party and Jaze, could I receive some help with a necklace of my own?
(2) Tristen: Thank you sir and may the light of Regial be with you
(11) Evanthe (enter): 23:09
(6) Locke: ((XD "may the force be with you"))
** (5) Seara watches the two with curiously, obviously interested in the chant and use of the teleportation pendants **
(1) Jorue: We can only assume the words are the same.... If you do wish to follow, you may also simply read the scroll..
** (2) Tristen places the pendant around my own neck and prepares to read the scroll, unfurling it. **
** (2) Tristen looks to the other traveler and shows her the words on the scroll **
(2) Tristen: Read but do not say until you are ready
(1) Jorue: The words read: Exshartiva Mal'heu...
(2) Tristen: (hehe I know how these things work, use magical device +5 ;) )
(5) Seara: ((can I get an answer, or... erm, am my motives changing? >_>))
(1) Jorue: Certainly... if you manage to help retrieve Jaze for us.. we can reward you with any assistance you might require..
(5) Seara: All right. *reads over scroll*
(9) Mikhal: (("I wish you to make me a bag of holding and a portable hole"))
(2) Tristen: *when certain she is done, he reads over the scroll himself*
(1) Jorue: Please... be Careful...
(2) Tristen: *in a loud commanding voice* Exshartiva Mal'heu!
(5) Seara: *digs out pendant too, and holds it, readying herself*
(5) Seara: we will do our best
(1) GM Voice: Tristen's necklace glows with a bright white light.... and in an instant, he is gone from the room..
(2) Tristen: (My character is pushy and impatient... as you can tell ;) )
(5) Seara: *loudly* Exshartiva Mal'heu!
(1) GM Voice: Seara speaks the same words.... her necklace reacting similarly.... and she too disappearing in a burst of light..
(11) Evanthe: ((guys, Patti can't get her OpenRPG to work))
(6) Locke: ((has she restarted her computer?))
(11) Evanthe: ((yup))
(11) Evanthe: ((restarted, reinstalled twice, i sent her some files))
(2) Tristen: ((actually scott, if you read my history, I might have to go to the Astral Plane to fight my nemesis ;) )
(2) Tristen: ((so a back of holding and portable hole might be needed eventually )
(1) GM Voice: Tanja, Mikhal, Evanthe, and Locke stand in the teleporter room... recovering their wounds from their last battle..
(2) Tristen: ((Wanna see if it helps if scott starts the server?))
(11) Evanthe: ((Before I start RPing, should we figure out Patti's problem?))
(6) Locke: ((yes))
(12) No Name (enter): 23:18
(12) No Name: ((my god))
(12) No Name: ((finally))
(12) Tanja: ((three reinstallations and one complete redownload of everything OpenRPG/python-related...))
(1) GM Voice: ((Ouch.... ))
(12) Tanja: ((yeah i'm not doing that log thing anymroe))
(2) Tristen: (( well atleast everything is good now :) ))
(1) GM Voice: The bright lights in the corners of the teleporter room keep the room bathed in perpetual light...
(2) Tristen: ((sok I know how to do the log))
(9) Mikhal: ((trying to log caused that?))
(11) Evanthe: ((the two of them appeared in frotn of us just now Patti))
(12) Tanja: ((i dunno what caused it...that was the last thing i did))
** (11) Evanthe shields her eyes.. "What the.." **
(1) GM Voice: ((nobody appeared yet...;) ))
(11) Evanthe: ((oh))
(6) Locke: who on...?
(6) Locke: ((:o
(6) Locke: ))
(9) Mikhal: those lights are kind of irritating
** (11) Evanthe rubs her leg gingerly. "We really should go after Jaze" **
(12) Tanja: ::slouches against the wall::: do we have to?
(11) Evanthe: Well...we could just go straight after Alain
(6) Locke: once you've recovered fully, yes
(1) GM Voice: Suddenly.... the magic circle drawn on the rooms floor flares with light...
(11) Evanthe: But the library people mentioned something about an awar---what the
(12) Tanja: not again..!
(12) Tanja: ::shields her eyes::
** (11) Evanthe springs to her feet, hand on her bow. **
** (6) Locke prepares self **
(9) Mikhal: *draws his greatsword*
(1) GM Voice: A blinding light fills the entire room... and when it fades, two new travelers are standing in the center of the room...
(12) Tanja: ::does the exact opposite, hiding behind the others::
** (11) Evanthe points and aims, recognition dawning in her eyes ".....Seara??" **
(12) Tanja: ::blinks:: who the he--i mean...hi
** (11) Evanthe lowers her bow, stepping towards Seara "What the hell are you doing here?" **
** (5) Seara holds sword ready, blinking against the dissappearing light and the sight of the people in front of her **
** (2) Tristen recognises the instant threat of people pointing weapons at him and moves to draw his sword until he hears the elf speak... **
(5) Seara: Evanthe?! What are YOU doing here?!
(12) Tanja: ::thinks to self--what are ANY of us doing here?::
(11) Evanthe: I could ask YOU the same question!
(6) Locke: wait wait wait...
(11) Evanthe: Are you....Seara're not working with them are you?
(6) Locke: you know her? Evanthe?
** (2) Tristen looks around quite confused **
** (5) Seara lowers sword slowly, then raises it again out of instinct at the last comment **
(12) Tanja: ((and confusion runs rampant *mills aimlessly*))
(5) Seara: Of course not! I was sent here to help YOU
(12) Tanja: we can always use more of that around here... ::Shifty eyes::
(11) Evanthe: What..?
** (2) Tristen looks around the room noting its features **
** (6) Locke whispers to Mikhal -- "are you as lost as me?" **
(9) Mikhal: *steps and bit nearer to Tristen, looking up and his face and then sizes him up*
(11) Evanthe: Wait wait wait, who the heck is that?
** (11) Evanthe points at Tristen. **
(12) Tanja: ::whispers to them both:: just go with it
(11) Evanthe: Did you run off with a guy, Seara?
(6) Locke: ((XD))
** (2) Tristen looks to Mikhal glaring at him **
(12) Tanja: ::gapes::
** (11) Evanthe looks again at Tristen "You could have done better..." **
(5) Seara: I was at the library, doing a bit of.. research, and met Jaze and the abbots there---NO, I don't know him!
(12) Tanja: okay i just decided i really don't want to know what's going on
(5) Seara: he just... appeared!
(11) Evanthe: He looks like he's got something lodged in his---Oh
(9) Mikhal: ((you actually have to look DOWN to me ;D))
(12) Tanja: ::sits against the wall until its all straightened out::
(2) Tristen: ((haha ok))
(11) Evanthe: I have so many questions to ask you...but that's not the time
(9) Mikhal: ((yay for being 5'3" :) ))
(2) Tristen: *slightly annoyed with the usless banter*
** (11) Evanthe rushes forth and hugs Seara tightly "I'm glad you're safe." **
(2) Tristen: Is there an immediate threat?
(5) Seara: Ha, same here... so what's the deal here anyways?
(6) Locke: we're in the middle of the ice elf base, no treat
** (11) Evanthe glances at Tristen "Well, Seara here is a friend...who're *you*?" **
(12) Tanja: ::coughs::
(2) Tristen: Where are the elves? *noting the bodies of slain ice elves near the companions*
(12) Tanja: as much as i hate to butt in
(6) Locke: ((*threat))
** (5) Seara hugs back, semi-relunctant, but relieved as well, to see a familar face **
(12) Tanja: we're sort of busy at the moment
** (2) Tristen regards Evanthe **
(12) Tanja: ::stares at them all::
(2) Tristen: I am of the order of Regal Knights, I was sent here to help you all and prove myself in battle
(9) Mikhal: *whispers to Tanja* that explains his stiff manners..
(12) Tanja: ::hushes him:: you saw what they did to those worms up there...don't complain!
(11) Evanthe: Sent by whom?
(12) Tanja: ::stares down the corridor where the elf ran off, looking for any sort of activity::
(2) Tristen: My commander Captain Remel
** (11) Evanthe nods in approval. **
(6) Locke: ::whispers to both:: he said he's proving himself, maybe he's not as strong
(2) Tristen: I already know who you are, I have heard of your exploits
(11) Evanthe: Good ol' Remel, I knew he liked us.
(12) Tanja: as much as i love this whole reunion thing, we should be expecting company soon...
** (11) Evanthe nods **
(11) Evanthe: Jaze...
(12) Tanja: if anybody's listening to me, that is
(11) Evanthe: If we happen to see the kid, we can save him.
(1) GM Voice: The corridor to the south is strangely quiet...
(9) Mikhal: ((DUN DUN DUN!!))
(12) Tanja: i really don't care where all these extra people came from...the more the merrier, right?
(2) Tristen: There are more arriving you say? *to Tanja*
(12) Tanja: so lets just do what we came here to do so we can kill Alain
(6) Locke: so... we're all rested and ready to continue on?
(12) Tanja: well...
** (11) Evanthe nods **
(12) Tanja: ::scratches back of her head:: we sort of let one get away
** (2) Tristen draws his sword and readies his shield **
(12) Tanja: purely unintentional
** (11) Evanthe whispers to Seara "I'll explain everything later." **
(2) Tristen: I see..
(12) Tanja: and he made off with a kid
(12) Tanja: so...i bet a bunch more elves know we're here by now
(1) GM Voice: Then.... a loud clanging sound echoes from the south, as if something made of metal just fell... very muffled...
** (5) Seara whispers back "Okay... I guess I have some explaining to do too.. for now let's get outta here and do what we need to do" **
(12) Tanja: the longer we stay here, the less nice of a place this is turning into
(11) Evanthe: Looks like we have company..
(12) Tanja: (('ve got some 'splainin' to do....))
** (11) Evanthe touches a hand to her bow and peeks out the doorway **
(9) Mikhal: *goes over to the south door*
(5) Seara: ((xD))
(12) Tanja: ::pulls out her bow instead, deciding she doesn't want anything to do with that mace that nearly got her killed last time::
(1) GM Voice: All is silent... Evanthe just sees the door at the end of the corridor..
** (6) Locke whispers to Evanthe: "you got a close range weapon to use?" **
(11) Evanthe: I don't see anything..
(12) Tanja: ((are you kiddng??? that's how i got killed last time))
** (11) Evanthe steps into the corridor **
(1) GM Voice: ((Just a sec bathroom..>_>))
** (2) Tristen looks to where the noise came from and casts detect evil... **
(11) Evanthe: ((free RP))
(12) Tanja: ((quick, run through the dungeon))
(11) Evanthe: ((xD))
(6) Locke: ((XD))
(12) Tanja: ((*goes back to the library and robs those glass cases*))
(5) Seara: ((KILL EVERYTHING))
(6) Locke: ((*runs to Jaze and saves him*))
(5) Seara: ((xD))
** (11) Evanthe looks at Tristen again "Sonya is well, I hope?" **
(9) Mikhal: ((*becomes a god*))
(12) Tanja: ((*comes back and kills Alain with a sword +1141235 *))
(6) Locke: ((*seCKZ0rz an ice elf of hundred*))
(2) Tristen: She is well. *not concerning himself with petty talk when there is a possible threat*
(5) Seara: ((seCKZ0rz the cute lil' aco boi))
(5) Seara: ((;)))
(11) Evanthe: Good, we kinda miss
(11) Evanthe: ((and l337 killing skills))
(1) GM Voice: Evanthe and Mikhal step into the corridor, Mikhal reaching the door..
(2) Tristen: (( do I get a range of the evil thats closest?))
(12) Tanja: ::follows at a safe distance...::
** (6) Locke follows last **
** (5) Seara draws bow and follows at a safe distance **
(12) Tanja: ((man...all these people make it hard to get an arrow off without hitting someone...))
(6) Locke: ((hit on me :D))
(9) Mikhal: *puts an ear up to the door and listens*
(2) Tristen: *keeps on detecting evil for the next two rounds so I can get a range* :P
(5) Seara: ((xD))
(2) Tristen: (())*
(12) Tanja: ((lol oooo ))
(9) Mikhal: Listen Skill Check: [1d20+4] -> [5,4] = (9)
(9) Mikhal: ((*wins*))
(2) Tristen: ((you hear a loud banging... wait its your own heart haha))
(12) Tanja: ((you hear....wood.))
(2) Tristen: ((xD))
(1) GM Voice: Mikhal hears nothing on the other side of the door..
** (11) Evanthe listens as well **
(11) Evanthe: Listen Skill Check [1d20+8] -> [20,8] = (28)
(11) Evanthe: ((muwahahah))
(12) Tanja: ((jesus))
(12) Tanja: ((and evanthe hears a butterfly flap across the planet...))
(5) Seara: ((enough to hear cockroaches!))
(6) Locke: ((winnar))
(11) Evanthe: ((i have big ears ;_;))
(6) Locke: ((you elf :p))
(1) GM Voice: Evanthe tries to listen as well... and hears the faint sound of shuffling feet, but it seems quite distant...
(12) Tanja: ::swallows::
(11) Evanthe: I...hear feet
(12) Tanja: ((i guess that means he won't let us hear anything))
(11) Evanthe: But they're far away
(12) Tanja: ::coughs:: i guess its safe to assume they're on foot then...
(2) Tristen: *continues to detect evil*
** (11) Evanthe nods **
** (11) Evanthe opens the door **
(12) Tanja: ::thinks to self--as if we didn't know that already...::
(9) Mikhal: *pushes open the door*
(11) Evanthe: Might as well head in that direction
(11) Evanthe: It might be Jaze
(9) Mikhal: ((they could of been on those lizard thingies))
(12) Tanja: ((or Death on two legs))
(11) Evanthe: ((;D))
(5) Seara: ((it could be bunnies! with pointy teeth!))
(9) Mikhal: ((Death Do you have it? Can i have it?))
(12) Tanja: ::tries to peer around the others to see what's in the room from the distance::
(1) GM Voice: ((Patti naming a queen song . . . I think we can assume that's a coincidence..))
(12) Tanja: ((well, y'know, some things stuck living with my mom... *coughs*))
(2) Tristen: *tries moving to the front of the group*
(9) Mikhal: *poitedly keeps Tristen behind him*
(1) GM Voice: Mikhal pushes open the door... he remembers this sight... the room is similar in size to the room they began with... though there is no transportation circle...
(12) Tanja: ::brings up the rear...because someone has to, after all::
(1) GM Voice: Similar to that room there are four spheres of light.. illuminating the room brightly..
(9) Mikhal: ((barbarian movement, for the win!))
(11) Evanthe: Oh great
(1) GM Voice: On each wall of the room is a door..
** (11) Evanthe pushes past Mikhal and into the room. **
(2) Tristen: ((bah Im a Regal knight, Im supposed to protect YOU :P ))
(12) Tanja: ((north!))
(11) Evanthe: ((elf wins!))
(11) Evanthe: What.
(11) Evanthe: Which way?
(9) Mikhal: ((*chops you in half* what protection?))
(12) Tanja: ::follows the others into the room, looking for signs of passage::
(2) Tristen: *pushes past Mikhal, if not a little forcefully to make his point and moves into the new room and casts detect evil for the 3rd time*
(12) Tanja: ((as in...determining if someone has passed by recently?::
(12) Tanja: ))
(9) Mikhal: ((that reminds me of SMRPG days.. XD))
(12) Tanja: ((lol))
(12) Tanja: ((auto-detect evil))
(9) Mikhal: ((*detect evil, detect evil, detect evil DAMNIT >_>*))
(1) GM Voice: Tanja looks on the ground... There's no tracks on the ice to be seen...
(12) Tanja: ((detect evil is on tony! remember!))
(1) GM Voice: ((Notedd))
(2) Tristen: ((Im trying to get a range of the evil :P ))
(12) Tanja: ::checks the doors instead of the floor, for signs of recent use::
(1) GM Voice: ((If it's out of your line of sight, you can only get a direction...))
** (6) Locke listens for which way they headed in **
(2) Tristen: ((ahh right *read over that part*
(9) Mikhal: *goes to listen at the south door*
(9) Mikhal: Listen Skill Check: [1d20+4] -> [8,4] = (12)
(11) Evanthe: Why don't we try this one?
** (11) Evanthe goes to a random door and opens it **
(12) Tanja: ((do i have to roll a d20?))
(5) Seara: Annnnd behind door number 3... what would any fortress be without a bunch of doors to choose from...
(12) Tanja: a fortress that makes sense..
(1) GM Voice: Tanja checks all the doors for signs of being disturbed... but they all look identical..
** (5) Seara goes to another and takes an ear to it **
(12) Tanja: ::sighs::
(12) Tanja: well i guess that's that
(11) Evanthe: Well ya know, we're gonna have to fight someone sometime, no sense tip toeing around
(12) Tanja: ((what walls are the doors on, tony?))
(12) Tanja: ((one door on each wall?))
(2) Tristen: No sense in making too much noise either
(1) GM Voice: Mikhal hears nothing beyond the south door...
(6) Locke: you make it sound like this is a game
(1) GM Voice: ((Yes))
(5) Seara: ((psst, what do I roll, just so I know?~))
(2) Tristen: I am only one knight and you only have so many arrows
(6) Locke: ((which it is... beside the point))
(9) Mikhal: ((1d20+listen bonus))
(12) Tanja: ((i don't think there's anything behind the west door...))
(11) Evanthe: Then you should keep it quiet *smiles sweetly at Tristen*
(12) Tanja: ((i mean, the map ends there.. >.>))
(9) Mikhal: ((maybe tony wants us to THINK that!))
(12) Tanja: ((lol))
(5) Seara: ((xD))
(12) Tanja: ((a minuscule corridor))
(1) GM Voice: ((Welll if you don't *want* to find the stairs to the treasure horde...))
(9) Mikhal: ((the supper uder treasure is to the west!))
(12) Tanja: ((oh no))
(12) Tanja: ((you tried that with me once))
(9) Mikhal: ((uber, even))
(5) Seara: ((listen bonus being points I have in the skill?))
(12) Tanja: ((you gotta do better than that to sucker me in again))
(9) Mikhal: ((1d20+points in listen+WIS modifier))
(11) Evanthe: ((yup, Khar +wis))
(11) Evanthe: ((oh yeah))
** (2) Tristen points his sword to the south door "they are there" **
** (6) Locke opens the door on the west a crack **
(12) Tanja: ::blinks::
(12) Tanja: are you sure?
(2) Tristen: I am sure.
(12) Tanja: how sure?
(2) Tristen: Positive.
(11) Evanthe: Why not open them all just for fun.
(1) GM Voice: Locke peeks through the west door.... there is another large room with many cells along the wall, all of them seem to be empty, though....
(12) Tanja: ::snickers::
(12) Tanja: ((told you =D ))
(12) Tanja: well...i guess that settles that
(12) Tanja: south it is
(9) Mikhal: *opens the south door*
** (11) Evanthe peeks through the east door really quickly **
** (11) Evanthe before following the others **
(12) Tanja: ((*takes an arrow in the back*))
** (2) Tristen moves next to Mikhal reading himself for anything that might come through the door. **
(12) Tanja: ((if it glitters, i don't want to know))
(6) Locke: ((XD))
(6) Locke: ((*shines his glittering dagger at Tanja*))
(1) GM Voice: Mikhal opens up the south door... some feet beyond the door, an Iron portillicus blocks the path further south..
(12) Tanja: ((lol))
(12) Tanja: ((cheater!))
(1) GM Voice: Beyond it.. against the east wall is a lever connceted to a large chain mechanism..
(12) Tanja: ::stares at it thoughtfully::
(12) Tanja: ((a little more info please))
(2) Tristen: ((hmm no need to roll a spot check... whee))
(1) GM Voice: The chain goes up into the ceiling, presumably it would raise and lower the portilicus..
(9) Mikhal: *thinks about raiseing the portillicus and then dropping it on Tristen*
** (6) Locke touches the lever **
(12) Tanja: ((how is the lever in relation to us? and how big are the openings in the portcullis?))
(1) GM Voice: Locke finds the lever a bit too far beyond the portillicus to reach it
(6) Locke: ((wah))
** (11) Evanthe gives up on the east door and heads south **
(11) Evanthe: Hmmm
(1) GM Voice: The lever is about 10 feet beyond the portillicus... the bars are far too narrow for anyone to slip through, 6 inches apart...
(9) Mikhal: ((would it be possible to throw a rope at the lever and then move it that way?))
(1) GM Voice: The east door merely led to a similar room as the west... a row of empty cells..
(11) Evanthe: ((ask us IC :D))
(12) Tanja: ::takes her 50' of silk rope out and starts thoughtfully tying it into a lasso of sorts::
(11) Evanthe: ((or your idea is stolen!))
(11) Evanthe: ((waha)
(11) Evanthe: Ooh, good idea Tanja
(12) Tanja: ((hey he didn't wanna ask in chat :) ))
(9) Mikhal: ((/slap Altair))
(1) GM Voice: Beyond the lever is another door at the end of the hallway... of similar construction to the other doors...
(12) Tanja: ::shrugs as she hefts her lasso::: its worth a shot?
(1) GM Voice: Except the handles on this one are beginning to turn...
(12) Tanja: ((hey!))
(12) Tanja: ((i'm not done being genius yet!))
(2) Tristen: Wait
(2) Tristen: The door on the other side is opening
** (11) Evanthe peers at the door. **
(2) Tristen: move back and set up an ambush *quietly*
(12) Tanja: ::speedily packs her rope back into her pack smoothly as if having had practice and stands to one side of the door away from direct sight::
(11) Evanthe: It's kind of hard to set up an ambush in a hallway.
** (6) Locke hides behind Tristen ((my meat wall :D)) **
(12) Tanja: ((we're still in the big room, i think))
(9) Mikhal: *smiles wryly at Tristen*i'm sure Remiel would LOVE you hear that you propsed to ambush the enemy, not giving them honest combat
(1) GM Voice: The door opens wide... On the other side, two ice elves, wearing pure blue armor that shrouds any aspect of their figures step inside the room...
(6) Locke: ((CHARGE))
(12) Tanja: ((maybe they'll be stumped at how to work the portcullis in their own fortres... >.> ))
(2) Tristen: *glares at Mikhal* who said anything about ME being the ambusher
** (11) Evanthe pulls her bow out slowly **
(12) Tanja: ::hisses:: shhH!
(1) GM Voice: Two others file in next to them.. and stand at their sides..
(9) Mikhal: ((Mikhal 1, Tristen 0))
** (6) Locke pulls out his crossbow **
** (11) Evanthe cocks her head to the side, watching **
** (5) Seara readies bow **
(1) GM Voice: One last one files into the room... clearly not an ice elf... his features look human.. with cropped blond hair... he is wearing robes of dark blue.... how familiar
(9) Mikhal:!
(12) Tanja: ::eyes narrow::
** (11) Evanthe says in a lowlowlowlowlow voice "Should we--" chokes off on her words, pointing. **
** (2) Tristen readies his shield and holds up his regular sword ready to charge **
** (6) Locke mumbles... "Alain" **
** (1) Alain walks slowly in front of his personal retinue. **
** (11) Evanthe aims an arrow at Alain, preparing to follow **
(11) Evanthe: ((fire, too))
** (6) Locke stands up, not hiding anymore **
(1) Alain: "Ah, my friends... I had not expected you to make it here, not in my wildest dreams.... You suprise me"
(11) Evanthe: ((can I shoot ;_;))
(9) Mikhal: ((of course ;D))
(1) Alain: ((If you like ;) ))
** (11) Evanthe lets loose an arrow towards Alain **
(6) Locke: ((do it))
** (6) Locke aims at Alain **
(12) Tanja: ::watches the arrow, praying it hits
(11) Evanthe: You don't give us enough credit, Alain
(1) Alain: ((Roll ^_^))
(11) Evanthe: ((how close is he?))
(12) Tanja: ::stands next to Evanthe, resisting the urge to shake her stolen silverware at him::
(6) Locke: ((*tension*))
(11) Evanthe: ((WITHIN 30 Ft plzkthx))
(1) Alain: The other end of the hallway.. about 50 ft
(12) Tanja: ((30.5 feet))
(11) Evanthe: ((>.>))
(6) Locke: ((geez...))
(5) Seara: ((xD))
(12) Tanja: ((so we're kinda like shouting?))
(11) Evanthe: Masterwork Longbow [1d20+8] -> [5,8] = (13)
(11) Evanthe: ((;_;))
(12) Tanja: ((maybe it'll take out a guard instead))
(6) Locke: ((I'm behing Tristen))
(11) Evanthe: ((or skitter to the floor 2 ft in front of me))
(6) Locke: ((XD))
(11) Evanthe: ((i'd like a retry!))
(2) Tristen: ((Im next to Mikhal))
(12) Tanja: ((i'm in tahiti))
** (2) Tristen feels an arrow whiz my his head at the retinue before him **
(9) Mikhal: ((i'm in japan))
(11) Evanthe: ((I won't shoot you :P))
(1) GM Voice: One of Alains guards steps forward, catching the arrow in a mailed hand in one quick movement..
(11) Evanthe: Oh come on!
(12) Tanja: ((woah...))
(1) Alain: "Now now... what kind of welcome is that?"
(6) Locke: impressive
(5) Seara: ((o.o;;))
(11) Evanthe: I won't miss next time
(2) Tristen: ((by*))
(12) Tanja: ((okay, where do we sign up to be badguys?))
** (6) Locke shoots at the guard that caught the arrow **
(11) Evanthe: That was just a warning shot!
(6) Locke: ((~))
(9) Mikhal: ((Patti, we sign under the pentagram))
(1) Alain: ((Fine fine, one shot per personn))
(11) Evanthe: So feel free to surrender now!
(12) Tanja: ((woo hoo))
(6) Locke: ((XD))
(12) Tanja: ((firing squad!))
(6) Locke: [1d20] -> [3] = (3)
(6) Locke: ((aww man))
(12) Tanja: ::draws her own bow and attempts to perform the impossible::
** (5) Seara shoots the guard as well **
(5) Seara: ((xD))
(11) Evanthe: ((alain!))
(11) Evanthe: ((fux the guard))
(2) Tristen: ((Tony tampered with the dice... thats why he is letting us roll))
(1) Alain: Locke fires an arrow into the ground in front of him..
(12) Tanja: awesomebownessofdeath! [1d20+4] -> [8,4] = (12) @ Alain
(6) Locke: ((;-;))
** (11) Evanthe coughs **
(11) Evanthe: We're just warming up!
(5) Seara: [1d20+5] -> [20,5] = (25)
(1) Alain: Tanja's arrow buzzes past Alain's head..
(11) Evanthe: ((awesome Khar :D))
(6) Locke: ((awesome!))
(1) Alain: ((At who?))
(5) Seara: ((ooh))
(6) Locke: ((the guard))
(11) Evanthe: ((alainalainalain))
(5) Seara: ((guard for me))
(11) Evanthe: ((alain))
(1) Alain: ((And d20 again for crit chance))
(12) Tanja: ::twirls her bow expertly:: save that pretty face for my next one
(5) Seara: CRITS I LIKE CRITS [1d20] -> [12] = (12)
(11) Evanthe: ((xD))
(6) Locke: ((XD))
(9) Mikhal: ((you add +5 to that also))
(5) Seara: ((>.>))
(9) Mikhal: (so it's a 17))
(5) Seara: ((oh, okie))
(1) Alain: Seara's arrow sticks into the guard that caught the arrow.. somehow penetrating his armor...
(1) Alain: ((Normal damage.. d8))
(12) Tanja: ((tony just told us to fire so he can give Alain material for degrading comments...))
(5) Seara: [1d8] -> [6] = (6)
(11) Evanthe: ((Pretty much))
(1) Alain: The guard looks down at the arrow in his shoulder in disbelief...
(11) Evanthe: Ha!
(12) Tanja: ((lol))
(1) Alain: He chuckles faintly as he pulls it out and tosses it aside like a used toothpick..
(5) Seara: ((;_;))
** (11) Evanthe looks on in disbelief **
(11) Evanthe: It won't be so easy next time!
(6) Locke: so they're tougher than the others
(12) Tanja: ::doesn't even flinch, continues glaring daggers at Alain::
(11) Evanthe: Alain, are you afraid of us?
** (2) Tristen grunts and his eyes narrow **
(6) Locke: ((>_>))
(2) Tristen: Come alain fight us on open ground
(11) Evanthe: ((we hate this guy, it's IC to challenge him :P))
(12) Tanja: if there wasn't a portcullis between us and you, would you be sounding so confident?
(2) Tristen: enough with this trickery
(1) Alain: "Well.. Had I known you were going to be so hostile I would have played my trump card sooner.... but, alas, alas..."
(12) Tanja: ((*bluffs*))
(11) Evanthe: Then stop being such a coward and running away
(9) Mikhal: ((Alain's guards = Impossible to gauge?))
(6) Locke: ((nah, not with your OHKO))
(12) Tanja: what could you possibly do that would top what you've already done?!
(1) Alain: Oh I'm not running.... I think the time has come to deal with you... you've meddled long enough, and I don't need you causing more trouble..
(11) Evanthe: Well, you certainly talk big
(11) Evanthe: ((la la at least i'll have trash talked him before i die painfully))
(2) Tristen: Come foul one, I will smite you with my sword in your chest..
(12) Tanja: ((lol ditto))
(5) Seara: ((haha))
(12) Tanja: ((this is like the Demi-Lich))
(11) Evanthe: ((yeah xD))
** (1) Alain waves his hand dismissively.. **
(1) Alain: I'm not stupid, fool.. I like you there in your cage
(11) Evanthe: You're a coward!
(12) Tanja: why are you doing this, Alain?
(12) Tanja: that's the one thing i haven't figured out
** (11) Evanthe nudges Tanja "Can you get that lever with your rope now?" **
** (11) Evanthe in a low voice **
(2) Tristen: ((wonder how much pressure it would take to move that lever.... like the force of an arrow? hint hint))
(11) Evanthe: ((too late! I'm ahead of you))
(12) Tanja: ::whispers back:: i'd have to get close enough to stick my hands through the portcullis...but maybe
(2) Tristen: ((haha damn))
(12) Tanja: he'd notice it for sure though
(1) Alain: "The Ice queen has offered more than Krasevae ever could.... that pathetic city, it was starting to bore me..." he turns back toward the door...
(11) Evanthe: I'll try to keep him talking
(11) Evanthe: How dare you call yourself a follower of Mulinel!
(9) Mikhal: *bends down and tries to lift the portillicus up*
(12) Tanja: ::sidles up to the portcullis with her already lasso'd rope already out::
(9) Mikhal: Strength Check [1d20+4] -> [6,4] = (10)
(9) Mikhal: ((damn >_>))
(11) Evanthe: You are nothing but a weak coward who runs at the very sight of trouble!
(12) Tanja: ((*sigh*))
(1) Alain: "It suited my position to do so.. so I did.. I don't see what's so wrong with that.."
** (2) Tristen tries to help Mikhal with his combined strength **
(11) Evanthe: Don't see what's wrong with that? People died!
(1) GM Voice: Mikhal strains against the portillicus... but it's definitely too heavy for him...
** (11) Evanthe makes a mental note to shoot Mikhal and Tristen with arrows later **
(6) Locke: watch your back, soon Mulinel shall unleash his wrath upon you
(12) Tanja: ((lol))
(2) Tristen: Strength check [1d20+2] -> [3,2] = (5)
(12) Tanja: ((*cheerfully ties them up with her rope*))
(1) GM Voice: ...Even with Tristen's help
(1) Alain: Even if people did... they had little connection to me, why should I care, afterall?
(2) Tristen: ((we suck Scott haha))
(11) Evanthe: Because they believed in you!
(9) Mikhal: ((tony = teh suck ;-;))
(12) Tanja: ::carefully feeds the rope through the portcullis with her arms until her arms are through with the full length of rope::
(12) Tanja: ((now if they come forward and chop my arms off---you owe me a new rope))
(11) Evanthe: They trusted you.....Aaron trusted you!
(6) Locke: ((XD))
(5) Seara: ((...I have a higher str mod than a paladin?))
(9) Mikhal: ((XD))
(11) Evanthe: ((xD))
(6) Locke: ((hahah, pwned))
(2) Tristen: ((because of what you chose Khar :P ))
** (1) Alain chuckles slightly to himself... **
** (5) Seara helps the boys! ((>.>)) **
(2) Tristen: ((Im much more attractive then you though ;) )
(12) Tanja: ::Lets some slack out, enough she estimates to reach the lever::
(11) Evanthe: ((charismatic))
(5) Seara: str something [1d20+4] -> [14,4] = (18)
(6) Locke: (( Khar = teh hawt))
(1) Alain: People trust in alot of things.. and later find out they're wrong.. It happens everyday
(11) Evanthe: ((okay I think you killed Tanja))
(6) Locke: ((she pwned))
(12) Tanja: ((lol))
(5) Seara: ((kekeke... *hides*))
(12) Tanja: ((i'm caught in the portcullis as it goes up))
(12) Tanja: ((garage door of death))
(2) Tristen: ((tumble check Tanja ;) ))
(11) Evanthe: ((aw shit))
(12) Tanja: ((we'll wait and see what tony does))
(9) Mikhal: ((i think it's more of a OMGPWN'D check))
(12) Tanja: ((maybe its still not strong enough...))
(5) Seara: ((probably not >.>))
(12) Tanja: (('cause...y'know...i still have to try and make the rope loop around the lever...))
(11) Evanthe: ((yar))
(1) Alain: All Three of them try... but still nothing... the bars go well into the ceiling...
(2) Tristen: ((yeah))
(5) Seara: ((but the thought was too humurous to pass up))
(12) Tanja: ((keep him talking!))
(11) Evanthe: And you think that's okay?
** (6) Locke tries to help as well ((>.>)) **
(11) Evanthe: To have all those people believe that you were there to help them?
(2) Tristen: (("and did you know the sky is blue... and has clouds.. and..." ))
(11) Evanthe: ((hey guys))
(5) Seara: ((xD))
(11) Evanthe: ((let's wait til tanja finishes her stuff before we try to kill her))
(6) Locke: [1d20] -> [19] = (19)
(6) Locke: ((booyah))
(11) Evanthe: ((>.>))
(12) Tanja: ((knock it off!))
(5) Seara: ((ooh :o))
(6) Locke: ((XD))
(9) Mikhal: ((XD))
(5) Seara: ((lmao))
(12) Tanja: ((do you guys know that i'm actually caught up in the portcullis right now?))
(12) Tanja: ((-.-))
(1) Alain: "Why should I care about them?.." He says.. "They'll soon be dead anyway..."
(11) Evanthe: And so will you
(6) Locke: ((it's hard to follow :x))
(11) Evanthe: What good are you to a goddess?
(5) Seara: ((I didn't, sorry >.>))
(11) Evanthe: You're not even ELVEN
(9) Mikhal: ((Go Evanthe! :D))
(12) Tanja: ::swing her lasso back and forth in her hands to get a bit of momentum...then on a swing out, lets the rope arc out towards the lever!::
(12) Tanja: ((that would be a what... 1d20 + do i get any pluses?))
(11) Evanthe: ((dex))
(12) Tanja: ((i'm thinking about a 20))
(11) Evanthe: ((plus your skills))
(1) Alain: "The only thing the Gods respect is power.. Apparently I was deemed worth enough for her powers"
(11) Evanthe: ((skill points even))
(9) Mikhal: ((i'd say it's a ranged attack..maybe?))
(11) Evanthe: Only until the ice elves win, then you'll be left out in the cold
(9) Mikhal: ((or a use rope skill check))
(12) Tanja: ((i dunno what it's categorized as))
(5) Seara: ((brb for a sec))
(1) Alain: ((Use rope))
(11) Evanthe: ((her use rope is dex + skill))
(12) Tanja: ((so my dex is a +4, right?))
(12) Tanja: ((or no?))
(1) Alain: "Anyway.. no more time for this useless chit-chat... I've arranged a gift for you..."
(11) Evanthe: ((what is your dex? :o))
(12) Tanja: ((18))
(1) Alain: ((yes))
(11) Evanthe: ((yup))
(12) Tanja: [1d20+6] -> [5,6] = (11)
(12) Tanja: ((...))
(12) Tanja: ((Not even with a +6))
(11) Evanthe: ((;_;))
(12) Tanja: ((keep him talking! >.> ))
(1) Alain: Tanja tries to lob the rope through the bars of the portillicus.. but ropes don't really lob well.. it falls well short...
(11) Evanthe: Why not take care of us personally?
(12) Tanja: ::reels it back quickly::
(11) Evanthe: If you're so all powerful, why do you not want to face us?
(11) Evanthe: We'll prove to you that your power is meaningless
(1) GM Voice: the two nearest guards chuckle at Tanja's efforts...
(2) Tristen: *lets go of the portcullis when he realizes he cant lift it* Yes Alain fight us
(12) Tanja: ((*/cry*))
(6) Locke: ((XD))
(2) Tristen: Come, you foul coward
(1) Alain: "I'm afraid you've started to bore me... But hey, if everything works out, do come see me again sometime... we'll do lunch.. " He grins.. opening the south door again
(11) Evanthe: IMBECILE!
(9) Mikhal: idiot
(12) Tanja: ::tries to lasso the lever once more before he escapes
(12) Tanja: [1d20+6] -> [1,6] = (7)
(12) Tanja: ((...))
(6) Locke: ((>.>))
(12) Tanja: ((freakin' .. ))
** (11) Evanthe tries with her own rope **
(11) Evanthe: Use Rope [1d20+7] -> [19,7] = (26)
** (1) Alain steps out the door.. shaking his head.. **
(11) Evanthe: Stop! Alain!
(12) Tanja: ((you should've done it =D ))
(1) Alain: Evanthe tosses her rope... it lands on the lever perfectly...!
(12) Tanja: ((yank!))
(12) Tanja: ((oh wait
(12) Tanja: ((don't yank...pull the rope through first))
** (11) Evanthe tugs, trying to pull the lever **
(12) Tanja: ((otherwise your arms will still be in the portcullis))
(12) Tanja: ::speedily unthreads her arms from the portcullis::
** (11) Evanthe does that..yeah **
(1) GM Voice: Evanthe yanks on her rope... the lever pulls.. heavy chain clanking noises...
(6) Locke: ((and we all go splat))
(1) GM Voice: The portilicus slowly begins to rise...
(11) Evanthe: haHA!
(12) Tanja: ((drops a rock on us))
(2) Tristen: *prepares to charge as he hears the clanking of the mechanism, readying his sword and shield once again*
(12) Tanja: ::sighs somewhat dejectedly::
(1) GM Voice: Until one of the guards steps forward and cuts through the rope cleanly with his sword...
(12) Tanja: ((but its already been triggered!))
(11) Evanthe: ((haha loophole!))
(12) Tanja: ((how far up is the portcullis?))
(1) GM Voice: ((about an inch))
** (11) Evanthe tries to duck under the porticullis **
(12) Tanja: ((lol))
(11) Evanthe: ((>.>))
(9) Mikhal: ((damn >_>))
(11) Evanthe: ((nevermind that))
** (6) Locke tries to duck under as well **
(6) Locke: ((:x))
(12) Tanja: ((its only an inch people))
(6) Locke: ((an inch >.>))
(2) Tristen: ((anyone have a reducing spell?))
(1) GM Voice: Locke bangs his head against a far too low limbo stick..
(12) Tanja: ((better off squeezing through the 6 inch holes in the portcullis))
(5) Seara: ((yookie))
(6) Locke: ((hey, I didn't see that >_>))
(1) GM Voice: Far behind them there is a flash of light...
(1) GM Voice: Three of the guards begin to file out after alain...
(11) Evanthe: ((my poor rope ;_;))
** (2) Tristen notices the flash of light and spins around to face it. **
(1) GM Voice: It seems to have come from the teleporter room....
(11) Evanthe: Oh great
(11) Evanthe: What now
(12) Tanja: let me guess...
(2) Tristen: Keep on trying to open that porcullis
(12) Tanja: more elves?
(11) Evanthe: Alain was right there, too....
(11) Evanthe: Well he cut my rope!
** (2) Tristen moves back to the room they just came from **
(12) Tanja: ::sighs and threads herself back into the portcullis with her own rope::
(11) Evanthe: ((how much rope do I have left?))
(1) GM Voice: Tristen moves back to the second room...
(1) GM Voice: ((At least 40 feet))
(11) Evanthe: ((okay))
New Initiative
Roll new Initiatives
(12) Tanja: ::takes another crack at playing cowgirl... loop + lever = love ::
(12) Tanja: [1d20+6] -> [3,6] = (9)
(12) Tanja: ((for ..))
(9) Mikhal: Mikhal [1d20+2] -> [5,2] = (7) Init
(2) Tristen: [1d20] -> [15] = (15)
(12) Tanja: [1d20+4] -> [17,4] = (21)
(12) Tanja: ((oh yeah))
(12) Tanja: ((now i get the 21))
(11) Evanthe: Init [1d20+4] -> [19,4] = (23)
(12) Tanja: ((gee, thanks dice))
(5) Seara: [1d20+3] -> [1,3] = (4)
(9) Mikhal: ((my init always sucks
(5) Seara: ((wow xD))
(5) Seara: ((better than mine!))
(12) Tanja: ((still want me to try? >.> ))
(6) Locke: [1d20+1] -> [10,1] = (11)
(11) Evanthe: ((unless you want to wait for the fight to be over))
(11) Evanthe: ((it's cool either way, I think))
(12) Tanja: ((it'll still be there after the fight))
(12) Tanja: ((not like i wanna go charging after Alain with guys behind us too))
Next init:
(23): : Init
(11) Evanthe: ((yeah xD))
(2) Tristen: ((I was figuring we could close the portcullis after us))
(12) Tanja: ((.... oh. ))
(1) GM Voice: Far from behind them comes a deafening roar.... Echoing against the Ice walls...
(12) Tanja: ((egads...that's no elf...))
(6) Locke: ((ice worm >_>))
(11) Evanthe: ((distance? :o))
(12) Tanja: ::whips around, arms still into the portcullis:: what was that..?!
(11) Evanthe: I...don't know
(9) Mikhal: *helpfuly* somethign roaring
(5) Seara: fun, fun...
(1) GM Voice: About 85 feet away.. back in the transporter room..
(11) Evanthe: ((eeeeevil))
(11) Evanthe: ((maybe we should run))
** (2) Tristen is noticably eager to fight, anxious to banish this evil back to the astral plane. **
(11) Evanthe: ((and trap it behind the porticullis))
(12) Tanja: ((i'm gonna keep at the portcullis))
(11) Evanthe: ((okay))
(12) Tanja: ((i don't really want to go toe-to-toe with whatever it is that is))
(2) Tristen: ((remember that last ice elf is still behind the portcullis))
(12) Tanja: ((they all went out after alain))
(2) Tristen: ((gotta take him out or youre going to lose more rope))
(11) Evanthe: (yeah))
(2) Tristen: ((3 went after Alain))
(11) Evanthe: ((he's gone))
(1) GM Voice: ((I said 3 went out after alain))
(11) Evanthe: ((well shit))
(11) Evanthe: ((I guess..i'll shoot at him))
(5) Seara: ((I thought the gate porti thingy was falling down already?))
(9) Mikhal: ((there is where a mage would be useful. a mage could Magic Missle that ice elf to death))
(11) Evanthe: ((one inch off the ground, Khar))
(1) GM Voice: ((The portillicus is back where it started, on the ground))
(12) Tanja: ((i'll decide which i wanna fight after i hear what's behind us >.> ))
(5) Seara: ((oh okay))
(12) Tanja: (('cause knowing tony, that elf behind the portcullis will be a master archer with a +23412 bow))
(11) Evanthe: ((;_;))
(6) Locke: ((I'm completely lost >.>))
(11) Evanthe: ((something behind us, a gate in front of us that we're trying to open Flamer))
(12) Tanja: ((there's a guard remaining behind the portcullis, the portcullis, us , and then something behind us
(1) GM Voice: It's Evanthe's Turn, there's one guard standing over the lever, back in the transporter room something big just roared...
(12) Tanja: ))
(5) Seara: ((can't we shoot the lever with ours bows?))
** (11) Evanthe fires off two arrows at the guard **
(12) Tanja: ((doesn't do us any good if we need to pull it))
(11) Evanthe: Masterwork Longbow [1d20+6] -> [1,6] = (7)
(11) Evanthe: Masterwork Longbow [1d20+6] -> [7,6] = (13)
(11) Evanthe: ((;_;))
(5) Seara: ((oh, doh))
(1) GM Voice: Evanthe's arrow goes wide, slamming into the arrow in the back of the corridor... the other one bounces off the guards armor
Next init:
(15): Tristen
(11) Evanthe: ((use my rope if you want :3))
(5) Seara: ((lame question time... when we're in battle init mode, only that person can take an action, right?))
(12) Tanja: ((want me to take shots at the guard, or keep trying to open the portcullis?))
(11) Evanthe: ((yeah))
(11) Evanthe: ((J, use my rope if you want))
(2) Tristen: ((was the door north still open?))
(2) Tristen: ((Ive got rope))
(2) Tristen: ((but its against my creed to run from a battle, I have to protect... sorry))
(11) Evanthe: ((yeah to Khar that is))
(1) GM Voice: The door immediately north is still open... the other two between you and the transporter room are closed
(5) Seara: ((I figured >.>))
(11) Evanthe: ((I'm not sure Patti..))
(6) Locke: ((brb))
(11) Evanthe: ((and isn't patti next in the init?))
(2) Tristen: ((yeah patti is next)()
(12) Tanja: ((so if we get the portcullis open, you won't follow us to safety?))
(2) Tristen: ((Ill follow, but I have to distract whatever it is before you guys go to safety))
(11) Evanthe: ((It's against your creed to be smart? :o))
(12) Tanja: ((lol))
(12) Tanja: ((so is it me?))
(11) Evanthe: ((The smart thing to do would be to not fight battles we can't win))
(12) Tanja: ((and do you want me to keep at the lever? or take cheap shots at the guard?))
(1) GM Voice: What's it going to be?
(2) Tristen: ((-.-))
(2) Tristen: ((its patti's turn))
(11) Evanthe: ((I'd say leave the lever to the melee people))
(9) Mikhal: ((J, it's your turn))
(1) GM Voice: ((It's your turn...))
(12) Tanja: ((okay))
(11) Evanthe: ((go j))
(2) Tristen: *tries the level knowing the monster isnt in range yet*
(2) Tristen: *uses Evanthe's rope*
(12) Tanja: ::takes her arms out of the portcullis::
(2) Tristen: [1d20] -> [12] = (12)
(6) Locke: ((level?))
(1) GM Voice: Tristen's rope can't seem to make it... The guard tsks.
(6) Locke: ((lever?))
(11) Evanthe: ((typo))
Next init:
(11): Locke
(2) Tristen: ((lever*))
(12) Tanja: ((...))
(12) Tanja: ((wasn't my init up there..?))
(11) Evanthe: ((21 yeah :o))
(5) Seara: ((lvl plz))
(5) Seara: ((;)))
(1) GM Voice: ((I had you at 9..>_> was the first roll not the right dice?))
(11) Evanthe: ((2 hi 4 u))
(12) Tanja: ((9?))
(11) Evanthe: ((er, patti rolled a 21
(11) Evanthe: ))
** (6) Locke aims at the guard with his crossbow and fires **
(12) Tanja: ((oh, did it take the dice i rolled to hook the lever just before you hit init? ))
(5) Seara: ((lolz u sux))
(12) Tanja: ((well whatever, 21...9...doesn't
(1) GM Voice: ((It didn't but I did))
(6) Locke: Fire of justice [1d20] -> [20] = (20)
(6) Locke: ((ooh))
(2) Tristen: ((crit crit crit))
(1) GM Voice: ... at the guard?
(12) Tanja: ((right between the eyes!))
(6) Locke: ((how does a crit work with this?))
(12) Tanja: ((say yes))
(1) GM Voice: ((D20 again))
(9) Mikhal: ((Crossbows use your dex modifier too, if you have one))
(6) Locke: ((that I wouldn't know either >.>;;))
(6) Locke: Crit [1d20] -> [1] = (1)
(11) Evanthe: ((haha))
(12) Tanja: ((... lol ))
(6) Locke: ((oh for god's ..........))
(2) Tristen: ((crap... duck))
(1) GM Voice: ((normal damage))
(12) Tanja: ((no fumbles))
(11) Evanthe: ((thank goodness))
(6) Locke: [1d8] -> [5] = (5)
(2) Tristen: ((oh.... good... thats a good thing))
(12) Tanja: ((yah...we did our last RP with fumbles... i have nightmares about those))
(2) Tristen: ((hehe))
(1) GM Voice: Locke loads a bolt into his crossbow.... aiming at the guard across the way... a bolt flies through the air through the guards' armor....
(11) Evanthe: Useless pawn!
(11) Evanthe: ((so, he's gonna shoot me, i'm pretty sure))
(2) Tristen: ((better to shoot at you then chop the rope when we get it around the lever? :D?))
(1) GM Voice: He grasps it in his gauntleted hand and snaps it like a twig... staring at those shooting at him..
(11) Evanthe: ((:P))
** (6) Locke glares back **
Next init:
(9): Tanja
(12) Tanja: ((he doesn't look happy))
(11) Evanthe: ((wtf mate ;_;))
(6) Locke: you're the one standing there being an open target to us
(11) Evanthe (whispering): how many rapid fire shots do I get?
(12) Tanja: ::whips out her own bow and starts to...uh...pelt the guard with sharpened twigs like the rest of them::
(12) Tanja: [1d20+4] -> [10,4] = (14)
(12) Tanja: ((maybe? yesno?))
(5) Seara: ((xD))
(6) Locke: ((XD))
(1) GM Voice: Loud scraping sounds.... The sound of wood being splintered by an incredible force...
whispering to Evanthe, 2, i think</font>
(11) Evanthe: That doesn't sound good...
(1) GM Voice: Tanja takes out her bow and tries to aim at the gaurd... but he's getting wise to this, and easily dodges it.
(2) Tristen: No, it sounds evil
(6) Locke: ((sorry, I farted))
(11) Evanthe: ((do i get 2 rapid fire shots?))
(12) Tanja: i think that was an understatement... ::grits teeth::
(2) Tristen: ((bad pun))
(5) Seara: ((I need a bird, dangit))
(5) Seara: ((xD))
(12) Tanja: ((i wanna know what's behind us))
whispering to Evanthe, yup, 1 extra attack at a -2 penality</font>
Next init:
(7): : Mikhal
(9) Mikhal: *takes his rope out, forms a lasso and tries to toss the rope over the guard*
(12) Tanja: ((brb bathroom))
(9) Mikhal: Use Rope Skill Check: [1d20+2] -> [9,2] = (11)
(11) Evanthe: ((:o))
(2) Tristen: ((good Idea!))
(11) Evanthe: ((yeah but he's badass))
(2) Tristen: ((I think he might be undead? or something))
(11) Evanthe: ((he's an elf))
(2) Tristen: ((undead elf?))
(1) GM Voice: Mikhal tosses the rope to the guard... and he catches it
(11) Evanthe: ((ice elf?))
(11) Evanthe: ((since we're in the ice elf place))
(6) Locke: ((yes, lasso his ass and pull him to us, so we can pummel him))
(2) Tristen: ((undead ice elf?))
(11) Evanthe: ((why undead?))
(6) Locke: pull!!
(5) Seara: ((mm icey ass))
(2) Tristen: ((doesnt seem to be affected by arrows in his chest))
(1) GM Voice: ((Strength Check Mikhal))
(9) Mikhal: windamnitplz [1d20+4] -> [9,4] = (13)
(12) Tanja: ((he'll pull you through 6 inch holes now))
(1) GM Voice: Mikhal yanks on the rope... The Ice elf doesen't budge
(11) Evanthe: ((lol, i'd like to see that))
(1) GM Voice: ((Str check again))
(5) Seara: ((these impossible-seeming battles are fun :3))
(11) Evanthe: ((until we start dying ;_;))
(1) GM Voice: ((*poke*))
(5) Seara: ((>.>))
(9) Mikhal: Str check: [1d20+4] -> [20,4] = (24)
(11) Evanthe: ((yay!))
(9) Mikhal: ((:D))
(5) Seara: ((ooh))
(12) Tanja: ((well i think it was originally just supposed to be whatever's behind us...but tony's keeping this elf here so we don't escape >.> ))
(1) GM Voice: The Ice elf pulls his side in turn.... They both seem to be at a standstill tug of war..
(11) Evanthe: ((well i hope it's a giant))
Next init:
(4): Seara
(5) Seara: ((ooh, can I join him in his tugging?))
(11) Evanthe: ((ooh))
(1) GM Voice: ((I suppose...>_>))
(11) Evanthe: ((loopholes!))
(9) Mikhal: ((XD))
(5) Seara: ((xD;; I dunno what else to do... arrows don't seem to do shit >.>))
(12) Tanja: ((pull *him* through the 6 inch holes)
(11) Evanthe: ((yeesss))
** (5) Seara looks around, unsure of what to do, then shrugs and helps mikhal tug on the guard **
(5) Seara: ((str check, right?))
(1) GM Voice: ((Well you both have equal strength.... so d20+6 now))
(12) Tanja: ((i'm a little concerned over ignoring what's behind us though...))
(5) Seara: ((when it gets here we're deal with it? :D))
(5) Seara: [1d20+6] -> [10,6] = (16)
(11) Evanthe: ((*throws mikhal and tristen at it* problem solved))
(5) Seara: ((bingo!))
(1) GM Voice: Seara and Mikhal pull on the rope... The ice elves' boots begin to skin on the ground nearer to the bars.. They give another heave, and the ice elf topples to the ground and releases the rope..
(11) Evanthe: ((now someone throw a rock at his head))
End of Initiative Round, Starting New Initiative Round
(12) Tanja: ((lol))
Next init:
(23): : Init
(5) Seara: ((lolz))
** (11) Evanthe tries to loop the lever while the elf is down **
(12) Tanja: ((well we could try to open the portcullis now...but then we'd be locked into the cage with the elf))
(11) Evanthe: Use Rope: [1d20+7] -> [10,7] = (17)
(1) GM Voice: Evanthe's rope lands on the lever.. again!
** (11) Evanthe pullllssss **
(1) GM Voice: And Pulls again... more heavy clanking..... slowwwly it starts to rise..
(11) Evanthe: ((yay!))
(11) Evanthe: ((...maybe))
Next init:
(15): Tristen
(12) Tanja: ((i dunno....that elf may be
(5) Seara: ((xD))
(11) Evanthe: ((melee may do better))
** (2) Tristen puts his hands on the portcullis and tries to force it to rise faster. **
(5) Seara: ((yeah, that's what I'm thinking))
(11) Evanthe: ((if you break it, we can't lower it again))
(12) Tanja: ((true))
(11) Evanthe: ((which would kill the entire point :o))
(12) Tanja: ((that'd be just like tony))
(1) GM Voice: Tristen tries to help it rise, but it seems it's going to rise on it's own schedule...
(2) Tristen: ((not even a str check? :P))
(2) Tristen: ((haha))
(11) Evanthe: ((how high is it now?))
(1) GM Voice: ((It's really too heavy for anything under 30 str or so =p))
(2) Tristen: ((ahh))
(6) Locke: ((*pumps strength*))
(1) GM Voice: It's raised another inch or so...
(5) Seara: ((now he tells us... that makes us all 4 trying to the lift the thing even more amusing ;))
(12) Tanja: ((...))
(11) Evanthe: ((xD yeah))
Next init:
(11): Locke
(11) Evanthe: ((is it still rising?))
(1) GM Voice: ((Yes))
(1) GM Voice: ((1 inch a round))
(12) Tanja: ((how long is a round?))
(6) Locke: ((>.>))
(1) GM Voice: ((6 seconds))
(6) Locke: ((how high is it now?))
(12) Tanja: ((lol well that solves taht))
(1) GM Voice: ((...2 inches))
(12) Tanja: ((just sit here and wait >.> ))
(11) Evanthe: ((*twirls thumbs*))
(12) Tanja: ((*twiddles thumbs*))
(11) Evanthe: ((shoot the elf :D))
(6) Locke: ((so.... shoot the elf?))
(6) Locke: ((ok))
(12) Tanja: ((shoot the elf))
(1) GM Voice: ((*Guard stands up... Guard puts portillicus back down again...*))
(12) Tanja: ((lol))
(12) Tanja: ((yeah you guys kinda need to keep him down....))
** (6) Locke aims at the ice elf with the crossbow and shoots **
(11) Evanthe: ((evildoer!))
(6) Locke: [1d20] -> [9] = (9)
(6) Locke: ((screwed >_>))
(12) Tanja: ((so...any bright ideas?))
(1) GM Voice: Locke's bolt merely glances off the elves' armor
Next init:
(9): Tanja
(11) Evanthe: ((shoot him? I don't know))
(1) GM Voice: The sound of shattering ice... another deafing war.... the unopened door to the north is hit by something huge... It starts to splinter along the middle...
(1) GM Voice: ((Deafening roar yeah))
(11) Evanthe: ((yikes))
(12) Tanja: ::takes another shot at the elf since nobody's suggested anything better::
** (11) Evanthe whirls around staring at the door. **
(12) Tanja: [1d20+4] -> [6,4] = (10)
(12) Tanja: ((*sacrifices her dice*))
(12) Tanja: ((i quit.))
(11) Evanthe: ((xD))
(5) Seara: ((xD))
(12) Tanja: ((no seriously...this sucks))
(1) GM Voice: Another arrow plinks off the ice elves armor..
Next init:
(7): : Mikhal
(11) Evanthe: ((goo mikhal :D))
(11) Evanthe: ((go fight win))
(11) Evanthe: ((even though i don't know what you can do))
(12) Tanja: ((*lounges back against the wall and waits for enevitable death*))
(2) Tristen: ((rope the elf again and pull him forward?))
(1) GM Voice: ((Throw your sword so you don't have a melee weapon for said inevitable death =D))
(12) Tanja: ((isn't it kinda hard to rope something on the guard?))
(9) Mikhal: *helps Tristen with trying to raise the portillicus*
(12) Tanja: ((ground..yeah))
(5) Seara: ((lmao))
(9) Mikhal: ((yeah, the elf is laying face down on the ground))
(11) Evanthe: ((you need 30 str, scott))
(2) Tristen: ((nahhhh... shhhhh)))
(12) Tanja: ((scott...did you not read when tony said your strength wouldn't matter?))
(11) Evanthe: ((it's impossible))
(9) Mikhal: ((i know..but it sbetter then doing nothing >_>))
(11) Evanthe: ((i think trying to rope the elf would be better))
(1) GM Voice: ((Ah nobody wants to face the peril))
(2) Tristen: ((just had a thought... what if the porcullis doesnt stop the monster behind us..)))
(6) Locke: ((yeah >_>))
(12) Tanja: ((its better than turning around and looking))
(11) Evanthe: ((well at least we can run))
(5) Seara: ((then we're screeeeewed anyhow :D))
(12) Tanja: (('cause if a solid iron portcullis doesn't stop it, we can't))
(1) GM Voice: Mikhal struggles at the portillicus, and feels the warm fuzzy feeling of helping a friend do nothing
(5) Seara: ((or we can teleport out >.>))
(5) Seara: ((but that defeats the pupose of us being here))
(2) Tristen: ((xD tony))
(11) Evanthe: ((xD))
(5) Seara: ((LOL))
(9) Mikhal: ((i hate you ;-;))
(1) GM Voice: The ice elf in turn rises up from the ground, shakes his head slightly..
(12) Tanja: ((i need some death music))
** (11) Evanthe fidgets **
** (11) Evanthe looks back and forth between the splintering door and the porticullis, willing it to raise high enough for them tos lip under ((*cough*)) **
(1) GM Voice: And starts heading back to the lever..
Next init:
(4): Seara
(9) Mikhal: ((Patti, how about One Winged Angel?))
(11) Evanthe: Agh! Stop him!
(12) Tanja: ((maybe the monster behind is one of Jaze's >.> ))
(12) Tanja: ((*keeps up blind hope*))
(5) Seara: (( it possible to take a grappling hook and throw it at him to like, knock him out or something? xD;; (wishful thinking)))
(12) Tanja: ((lol))
(11) Evanthe: ((xD))
(11) Evanthe: ((that'd be awesome))
(5) Seara: ((xD))
(12) Tanja: ((anything's possible with the dice >.> ))
(12) Tanja: ((its just a matter of rolling right...))
(1) GM Voice: ((Well if you did enough non leathal damage to bring him to 0 hp..>_>))
(9) Mikhal: ((*puts on One Winged Angel*))
(11) Evanthe: ((just try to kill him))
(5) Seara: ((oh... so that's a no I take it >.> bow or rope then?))
(2) Tristen: ((whats a Cryonyura?))
(6) Locke: ((shoot him))
(12) Tanja: ((i don't suppose my two points into escape artist will let me squeeze through 6 inch holes, will it?))
(1) GM Voice: ((Oh boo.. curse text labels ;) ))
(1) GM Voice: ((Scott now knows what it is))
(2) Tristen: ((haha))
(12) Tanja: ((oooh))
(12) Tanja: ((i can look it up!))
(12) Tanja: ((or not))
(5) Seara: ((alrighty >.>))
(12) Tanja: ((curse you, incomplete d20 srd))
** (5) Seara aims for his HEAD **
(5) Seara: [1d20+6] -> [14,6] = (20)
(5) Seara: ((bow >.>))
(1) GM Voice: Seara aims at the guard... firing an arrow that penetrates the armor once again...!
(1) GM Voice: ((D8))
(6) Locke: ((secksed!!))
(5) Seara: nifty
(5) Seara: [Bad dice format] - [1D8+1]
(5) Seara: [1d8+1] -> [1,1] = (2)
(5) Seara: ...
(11) Evanthe: ((regular d8 xD))
(1) GM Voice: A tiny rivulet of blood comes from the wound...
(11) Evanthe: ((YES))
(2) Tristen: ((so her arrow clips its ear off))
(11) Evanthe: ((blood!))
(5) Seara: ((lmao))
End of Initiative Round, Starting New Initiative Round
(1) GM Voice:
Next init:
(23): : Init
(6) Locke: ((XD))
** (11) Evanthe fires off two more arrows **
(11) Evanthe: ((can I do that?))
(11) Evanthe: ((i don't know my limit))
(5) Seara: ((how are you shooting 2? oh, that skill thing?))
(1) GM Voice: The portilicus seems to rise faster... like perpetual motion.... it's now 6 inches off the ground...
(11) Evanthe: ((yep))
(6) Locke: ((yeah))
(1) GM Voice: ((Yes))
(11) Evanthe: Masterwork Longbow [1d20+6] -> [17,6] = (23)
(11) Evanthe: Masterwork Longbow [1d20+6] -> [7,6] = (13)
(12) Tanja: ((*cheer*))
(1) GM Voice: One arrow sinks in deep..
(11) Evanthe: [1d8] -> [8] = (8)
(11) Evanthe: ((:D))
(5) Seara: ((ooh))
(9) Mikhal: ((angel, the first arrow is +8, the second is +6 ;) ))
(12) Tanja: ((maybe we'll distract him enough so he'll stop...))
(1) GM Voice: ((No scott))
(11) Evanthe: ((no it's not :o))
(5) Seara: ((don't you get a +1 for range though on damage?))
(11) Evanthe: ((Tony and I worked it all out))
(11) Evanthe: ((Khar, he's more than 30 ft away))
(5) Seara: ((for point blank shot? or is he that far away still? o.O))
(1) GM Voice: ((Not really.. they dragged him nearer..>_>))
(11) Evanthe: ((then +1 that biaatch))
(5) Seara: ((xD))
(9) Mikhal: (oh..aha. i can't read XD))
(1) GM Voice: The arrow sinks into the Ice elves shoulder.... a dark stream of blood covers the elf's armor... dripping onto the floor with a dripping sound..
Next init:
(15): Tristen
(12) Tanja: ((what sound is dripping supposed to make? o.O ))
(11) Evanthe: ((I was thinking that xD))
(1) GM Voice: ((*drip?*))
(5) Seara: ((booyeah! go slowly-bleeding pinhole due to many arrows!))
(11) Evanthe: ((drips with a dripping sound that sounds like dripping))
(2) Tristen: ((hmmm Ive got two swords... maybe I should throw one at him?))
(11) Evanthe: ((no way))
(11) Evanthe: ((try to rope him again))
(11) Evanthe: ((he's standing))
(11) Evanthe: ((he's nearing our lever))
(2) Tristen: ((good point))
(2) Tristen: *uses his own rope this time to try to rope the ice elf as the other rope is around the lever*
(2) Tristen: [1d20] -> [1] = (1)
(12) Tanja: ((lol))
(6) Locke: ((lmao))
(11) Evanthe: ((and he ropes ...tanja instead!))
(2) Tristen: ((wow I cant even tie a knot))
(5) Seara: ((xD))
(12) Tanja: ((wheee))
(1) GM Voice: Tristen nearly gets tied up in his own rope
Next init:
(11): Locke
(11) Evanthe: ((xD))
(6) Locke: ((XD))
(5) Seara: ((haha))
** (6) Locke opens the door slightly to see what's on the other side **
(6) Locke: ((I'm beyond curious >.>))
(2) Tristen: ((BAH SHOOT))
(11) Evanthe: ((it's hitting the door @.@))
(2) Tristen: ((-.-))
(1) GM Voice: Locke steps north, up to the nearly splintered in half door...
(12) Tanja: [1d4] -> [4] = (4)
(12) Tanja: ((oops))
(6) Locke: ((hey, my character is a curious type, so SUE ME >_>))
(12) Tanja: ((sorry, was clicking on the bar and hit the buttons))
(11) Evanthe: ((mine is too @.@ but she likes living))
(12) Tanja: ((so you're going to kill us all now?))
(1) GM Voice: The door is a bit difficult to open given it's gross misshapenness..
(2) Tristen: ((I always knew some where in the back of my mind that Flamer would unleash the apocolypse))
(1) GM Voice: But Locke opens it up a smidge anyhow..
(12) Tanja: ((and lets the hordes of hell into the room!))
(11) Evanthe: ((poke him in the eye!))
(11) Evanthe: ((then close the door again))
(11) Evanthe: ((and run))
(6) Locke: ((muahahah >:D))
(1) GM Voice: A beast so huge it nearly doesen't fit in the corridor...
(6) Locke: wow...
(1) GM Voice: Somewhat reptilian.... with 5 blue skinned heads..each with razor sharp maws....
(12) Tanja: ((my god))
(2) Tristen: ((its a hydra...))
(5) Seara: ((lovely))
(1) GM Voice: The door locke opened promptly falls off it's hinge..
(12) Tanja: ((i don't think i can count high enough to get to its level))
(11) Evanthe: ((oh shit))
(2) Tristen: ((cryohydra..))
(5) Seara: ((nice xD))
(12) Tanja: ((gee thanks flamer))
(12) Tanja: ((oh THAT'S what it is!))
(11) Evanthe: ((so much for the plan ;_;))
(12) Tanja: ((it was misspelled before))
(12) Tanja: ((oh good lord))
(6) Locke: ((XD))
(2) Tristen: ((nah it looks like Cryonyura with the line right there))
(1) GM Voice: Going to do anything or stare at it?.. ^_^
(11) Evanthe: ((it's not gonna be funny when we all DIE))
** (6) Locke runs back **
(12) Tanja: ((please get us out of this))
(5) Seara: ((xD))
(12) Tanja: ((we can't fight that... >.> ))
(1) GM Voice: Locke hoofs it back to where he was...!
Next init:
(9): Tanja
(2) Tristen: ((closethedoorclosethedoorclosethedoor))
(11) Evanthe: ((the door broke))
(12) Tanja: ((thed oor fell off))
(2) Tristen: ((the door right behind us))
(12) Tanja: ((that's the one that fell off)
(11) Evanthe: ((get yer arse under that gate is what I say))
(2) Tristen: ((ahh...))
(12) Tanja: ((how high is the gate?))
(1) GM Voice: ((6 inches, rate seems to be doubling every round))
(12) Tanja: ((dammit))
(12) Tanja: ((what do i do? lol))
(2) Tristen: ((shoot the elf))
(11) Evanthe: ((shoot the elf...rope him))
(11) Evanthe: ((make like pancake and get under there))
(12) Tanja: ::tries to rope the elf away from the lever again... ::
(12) Tanja: [1d20+6] -> [19,6] = (25)
(12) Tanja: ((oh sweet))
(2) Tristen: ((woot))
(6) Locke: ((I wanna fight it :D?))
(5) Seara: ((lol yey))
(2) Tristen: ((you go fight it Flamer -.-))
(1) GM Voice: The rope lands on the Ice elf..
(12) Tanja: :::tugs for all she's worth!::
(1) GM Voice: ((Str Check))
(12) Tanja: ((what's that again?))
(6) Locke: ((lighten up >_>))
(1) GM Voice: ((d20 _ str mod))
(12) Tanja: ((STR 15, what's my mod? I odn't have that one written down))
(1) GM Voice: ((+2))
(12) Tanja: ((err.. 14))
(11) Evanthe: ((same))
(12) Tanja: [1d20+2] -> [5,2] = (7)
(12) Tanja: ((frack))
(12) Tanja: ((gimme some help with the rope?))
(1) GM Voice: The ice elf doesen't budge.... he pulls on it in response... ((Str check again))
(11) Evanthe: ((;_;))
(12) Tanja: [1d20+2] -> [9,2] = (11)
(1) GM Voice: ((Let go of the rope or be pulled prone))
(12) Tanja: ((My...rope...))
(12) Tanja: ::lets go quickly::
(2) Tristen: ((Im sure he cant pull the whole 50 feet through the gate all at once right?))
(1) GM Voice: Tanja feels the force on the other side of the rope is too much for her... she lets it go lest she become far too familiar with the ground..
Next init:
(7): : Mikhal
(1) GM Voice: ((OH.. that's right. .inevitable death..
(11) Evanthe: ((:P))
(9) Mikhal: ((Is tanja's rope grabable?))
(12) Tanja: ((i'm beginning to think it doesn't matter))
(1) GM Voice: The cryohydra sticks it's heads through the doorway... and tries to squeeze itself through... the sound of ice shattering..
(12) Tanja: ((lets all give pause to thank flamer for bringing this thing into the room))
(12) Tanja: ((thanks flamer!))
(11) Evanthe: ((I'm scared.))
(6) Locke: ((hey, it was bound to happen anyway))
(9) Mikhal: ((/clap Flamer))
(1) GM Voice: It's body crashes through the doorway.. leaving a gaping hole where the door once was
(2) Tristen: ((*sarcastic clap*))
(12) Tanja: ((maybe, but hopefully we would've had time to get under the gate))
Next init:
(4): Seara
(9) Mikhal: (( forgot me))
(6) Locke: ((not likely, if the door was that loose >_>))
(1) GM Voice: ((Oh right))
(1) GM Voice: ((Yes it's grabbable))
(5) Seara: ((AN EXTRA TURN TO LIVE... maybe))
(11) Evanthe: ((yeah))
(12) Tanja: ((lol..yeah it doesn't matter...tony's forgetting people just to get to his horrible death scene))
(9) Mikhal: *grabs tanja's rope and yanks on it*
(9) Mikhal: Str check: [1d20+4] -> [1,4] = (5)
(11) Evanthe: ((teehee))
(11) Evanthe: ((how high is that durn gate?))
(5) Seara: ((lmao))
(9) Mikhal: ((wow, i'm awesome))
(1) GM Voice: Mikhal's strength reservers are running low... and again..!
(9) Mikhal: Str check: [1d20+4] -> [10,4] = (14)
(12) Tanja: ((lets have some brilliant ideas now))
(11) Evanthe: ((burrow into the ground!))
(1) GM Voice: Mikhal restist a faceplant, at least
(11) Evanthe: ((save yourselves!))
(9) Mikhal: *lets go of the rope*
(1) GM Voice: (( YOu didn't have to..>_>))
(9) Mikhal: ((oh >_>))
(9) Mikhal: ((forget that then))
(1) GM Voice: Seara?
(12) Tanja: ((Gate still at 6 inches?))
(9) Mikhal: ((Seara to the rescue? :D))
(1) GM Voice: ((Yes))
(5) Seara: ((sure...) *makes a grab for the rope too*
(5) Seara: [1d20+4] -> [5,4] = (9)
(12) Tanja: ((the first game for these people, and it results in death))
(5) Seara: ((>.>))
(1) GM Voice: ((And again))
(5) Seara: ((yeah we rock :D))
(6) Locke: ((yay))
(5) Seara: [1d20+4] -> [5,4] = (9)
(11) Evanthe: ((xD))
(5) Seara: ((lmao))
(11) Evanthe: ((I'm gonna start laughing soon))
(6) Locke: ((*runs at the cryohydra))
(11) Evanthe: ((and i won't stop))
(1) GM Voice: Seara can't pull the elf.... ((Drop or fall))
(12) Tanja: ((i'm already there))
(9) Mikhal: ((i'm grinning like an idiot, lol))
(5) Seara: *drops rope and huffs about this being so ridiculous*
(12) Tanja: ::starts to look panicked::
(5) Seara: Maybe I should have stayed home afterall >.>
(11) Evanthe: What the hell IS that thing?
(12) Tanja: ((i'm still half-hoping its Jaze's ))
(1) GM Voice: The guard... nursing his wounds and looking the cryohydra approaching... decides to limp toward the southern door as fast as he can...
(5) Seara: ((ooooh))
(11) Evanthe: ((shoot him in the back!))
(2) Tristen: ((how far off the ground is portcullis anyways?))
(11) Evanthe: ((6 inches))
End of Initiative Round, Starting New Initiative Round
(2) Tristen: ((isnt it a new round now though?))
(2) Tristen: ((ahhh ok))
(12) Tanja: ((now it is))
(1) GM Voice: Portillicus is at 1 foot now
(5) Seara: ((our pinhole wins!!!!1))
** (11) Evanthe looks to see if she can fit under the gate **
Next init:
(23): : Init
(2) Tristen: ((think we can fit through that?))
(12) Tanja: ((i'm sure as hell gonna try))
(1) GM Voice: Evanthe thinks she can fit through just barely.. but she'll have to be entirely to the floor to do it
** (11) Evanthe gets on the floor, and squeezes under the gate **
(11) Evanthe: Guys! There's enough room to get through!
(11) Evanthe: ((*runs for the lever to save herself :D?*))
(2) Tristen: ((for you, Im wearing half plate armor))
(12) Tanja: ((have fun then))
(12) Tanja: ((*scoots under*)
(11) Evanthe: ((well if you don't make it in one round we're leaving your butt xD))
(2) Tristen: ((Ive gotta wait until 1 more round for 2 feet))
(1) GM Voice: ((Those wearing Medium armor and above find it a bit too much still...))
Next init:
(15): Tristen
(12) Tanja: ((woot))
(12) Tanja: ((i can make it i can make it))
(9) Mikhal: ((yay, i can make it through :D))
** (11) Evanthe stands, dusting herself off **
(6) Locke: (hey, you're last you "I will stay and fight until everyone is safe" :P))
(2) Tristen: *his sense of duty and valor overcomes him and he moves to the door way raising his shield to block the others from the oncoming hydra*
(12) Tanja: oh my god, you're crazy!
(5) Seara: ((xD))
(6) Locke: ((XD))
** (11) Evanthe gapes at Tristen **
(1) GM Voice: Tisten takes the door like a true Regal Knight..
(2) Tristen: ((I am a Regal Knight after all))
(12) Tanja: ((you're still bugnuts))
(11) Evanthe: ((wannabe regal knight ;D))
(9) Mikhal: ..there is a fine line between bravery and stupidity
(2) Tristen: ((maybe.. I am a zealot you know))
(6) Locke: ((wannabe XD))
(1) GM Voice: He raises his shield in preparation...
Next init:
(11): Locke
(12) Tanja: ((i don't want to have to go back for your body))
(2) Tristen: Oh wait Tony
(11) Evanthe: ((but it'll be nice to loot him))
(2) Tristen: (())*
(6) Locke: ((could I run through and shoot the guard? >.>))
(2) Tristen: ((I wanted to go full defense))
(1) GM Voice: ((I already took your action to mean that.. so you are ;) ))
(2) Tristen: ((ahh ok))
(1) GM Voice: ((You'd have to crawl through and that'd be all you can do this round))
** (6) Locke crawls through **
(1) GM Voice: Locke sneaks under next to Evanthe..
(5) Seara: ((that guard's getting whacked silly with my sword when I get through... rawr))
Next init:
(9): Tanja
(11) Evanthe: ((xD))
(12) Tanja: ::takes one quick, panicky look between Tristen and the gate....then decides to take her chances with the gate. she scoots under with the rest of them::
(1) GM Voice: Tanja crawls under.... as the beast bounds to Tristen with a hungry look in it's 10 eyes..
(12) Tanja: ((*wince*))
(12) Tanja: ((pleasedon'tdie))
(2) Tristen: ((this is gonna suck))
(12) Tanja: ((lol))
(11) Evanthe: ((just a little bit))
(5) Seara: ((yummah))
(12) Tanja: ((it might sting a smidge))
(9) Mikhal: ((especially since all 6 heads will attack you))
(12) Tanja: ::watches in horror::
(12) Tanja: Tristen! ((whom i don't really know but am concerned for anyway))
(11) Evanthe: Get your arse under the gate!
(2) Tristen: ((Hey the picture displays my posistion perfectly))
(1) GM Voice: Bravely Tristan faces the onslaught... A head rams into his shield.... he skillfully deflects it to the side!
(1) GM Voice: Another head looms toward him... it bashes against his armor, but still it only glances him..
(12) Tanja: ((wow.))
(11) Evanthe: ((yeah I woulda died))
(2) Tristen: ((Im thinking wow too... didnt know I could do that0)
(11) Evanthe: ((xD))
(1) GM Voice: ((Big Armor + Full Defense = Unstoppable))
(5) Seara: ((xD))
(12) Tanja: ((lol))
(12) Tanja: ((well keep doing what you're doing))
(12) Tanja: ::awestruck::
(9) Mikhal: ((..i'm thinking about helping Tristen =x))
(12) Tanja: ((dont'))
(12) Tanja: ((he doesn't need help))
(1) GM Voice: Tristan rolls to duck another head as it passes to his side.... another head closes in, sure to crush him into the ground, but with mighty strength he pushes his shield against it, sending it up!
(12) Tanja: ((don't be an idiot))
(11) Evanthe: ((do you have a shield, scott?))
(5) Seara: ((we just need to wait until the gate's big enough for him to get through))
(9) Mikhal: ((no ;D))
(5) Seara: ((it'll be best if we're all through there beforehand))
(1) GM Voice: The beast howls in anger... the last head, center head, looms above him, opens it's gaping maw as saliva drips from it's teeth...
(11) Evanthe: ((yuck))
(12) Tanja: ((...and eats him, armor, shield, defense boost, and all))
(11) Evanthe: ((xD))
(9) Mikhal: ((frost breath?))
(2) Tristen: ((haha))
(6) Locke: ((yummy))
(5) Seara: ((I gotta brb, scoot me under the gate when it's my turn, plz))
(2) Tristen: ((SHUSH SCOTT))
(6) Locke: ((I want some hydra drool! :O))
(11) Evanthe: ((okie khar))
(1) GM Voice: A huge blast of subzero cold blasts from it's maw...
(12) Tanja: ((thanks scott))
(1) GM Voice: ((Reflex Save))
(12) Tanja: (('ll be deflected))
(9) Mikhal: ((tony would of done it anyways))
(11) Evanthe: ((hiiiiiiiiigh))
(2) Tristen: [1d20+4] -> [5,4] = (9)
(11) Evanthe: ((or not))
(12) Tanja: ((um.... ouch.))
(12) Tanja: ((now...we hope tony rolls low))
(2) Tristen: ((*stabs scott*))
(1) GM Voice: ((Mikhal reflex save too))
(11) Evanthe: ((maybe you get extra bonuses))
(9) Mikhal: Reflex save: [1d20+2] -> [9,2] = (11)
(12) Tanja: ((here's some divine intervention))
(1) GM Voice: The ice beam cuts into the holy paladin... icicles form from his armor... the beam contines through to mikhal near the gate, the awesome cold chilling both of them to their cores for 12
(11) Evanthe: ((ouch))
(12) Tanja: ((still wanna fight it, scott? >.> ))
(6) Locke: ((I do >.>))
(9) Mikhal: ((i still have 20 hp left :D))
(2) Tristen: *cries out in pain but holds true in his defense*
(11) Evanthe: ((go ahead :D))
(12) Tanja: ((we ain't waiting for you though))
Next init:
(7): : Mikhal
(6) Locke: ((YOU GO, WANNABE KNIGHT :D))
(1) GM Voice: ((Better to live a moment as a tiger than a lifetime as a worm? ^_^))
(11) Evanthe: ((better to live, period))
(9) Mikhal: *drops to the ground and crawls through the portillicus*
(6) Locke: ((hahah, so true XD))
(12) Tanja: ((worms live very fulfilling lives))
(1) GM Voice: ((Retort: "But who ever heard of a wormskin rug"))
(6) Locke: ((until they get eaten by birds))
(12) Tanja: ((i'll have my tiger moment when i'm going up against something i have a chance at beating))
(2) Tristen: ((Eagles may soar, but weasels dont get sucked into jet engines))
(12) Tanja: ((this isn't it.))
(11) Evanthe: ((haha xD))
(1) GM Voice: Mikhal falls to the ground, snapping a few icicles from his armor... and crawls under the portilicus..
(6) Locke: ((XD))
Next init:
(4): Seara
(11) Evanthe: ((she's under the gate, too))
(2) Tristen: ((shoot a head shoot a head))
(11) Evanthe: ((since she went brb))
(1) GM Voice: ((And you call alain a coward, sheesh ^_^))
(11) Evanthe: ((hey! I don't see HIM fighting this))
(6) Locke: ((yeah....... >.>))
(12) Tanja: ((don't listen to him))
(6) Locke: ((*cough*))
(12) Tanja: ((he says things to make you do stupid things))
(12) Tanja: ((so he can have a cheap laugh at your expense))
(11) Evanthe: ((by all means, if you want to fight it, do so :o))
(2) Tristen: ((oh wait shes not under yet?))
(1) GM Voice: Seara drops to the ground and heads under the portillicus... ((Unless she comes back and decides something else...))
(11) Evanthe: ((she already claimedt his as her action :o))
End of Initiative Round, Starting New Initiative Round
(1) GM Voice: The Portilicus raises to 2 feet
Next init:
(23): : Init
(2) Tristen: (yay I get get through))
** (11) Evanthe attempts to keep the heads off Tristen **
(12) Tanja: ((now we have to remember to stop the portcullis))
(11) Evanthe: Masterwork Longbow [1d20+9] -> [3,9] = (12)
(11) Evanthe: ((how sad))
(2) Tristen: (the person who has init after me has to pull the lever and make is slam down))
(1) GM Voice: Evanthe's arrow sails past one of the swerving heads..
(6) Locke: (( [1d20] -> [17] = (17) ))
(6) Locke: ((:O))
Next init:
(15): Tristen
(12) Tanja: ((i think that's flamer))
** (2) Tristen drops his defense and makes a dive under the portcullis sliding and scraping his armor all the way under. **
(12) Tanja: ((*hums the indiana jones theme*))
(1) GM Voice: The cryohydra lashes out at tristen trying to prevent his escape...
(11) Evanthe: ((yuck aoo))
(2) Tristen: ((attack of opportunity))
(12) Tanja: ((booo))
(5) Seara: ((okie back))
(11) Evanthe: ((wb))
(1) GM Voice: As he turns his back, a head crushes into his back... catapulting him with force into the iron bars..
(11) Evanthe: ((oh shite))
(12) Tanja: ((...))
(12) Tanja: ((please don't tell me he's unconscious))
(1) GM Voice: Despite the pain he feels all over his body he manages to crawl under the bars with his last strength...
(2) Tristen: ((pull me under!))
(12) Tanja: ((you're good))
(11) Evanthe: ((you're under :P))
(2) Tristen: ((haha good))
(1) GM Voice: ((2 Hp Left))
(11) Evanthe: ((haaaaa....yeah let's fight it. DUR DUR DUR))
(12) Tanja: ((lol))
Next init:
(11): Locke
(12) Tanja: ((hit that lever))
(5) Seara: ((xD we can kill the elf~ after that >.>))
(12) Tanja: ((make the gate close))
(2) Tristen: ((hit the lever and run, Mikhal grab me and run))
(2) Tristen: ((everyone run! hahaha))
** (6) Locke pulls the lever the other way **
(12) Tanja: ((yessir, running sir))
(5) Seara: ((hehe))
(1) GM Voice: Locke jams the lever in the other direction, the chain flies quickly, and the iron portillicus crashes to the ground again!
(12) Tanja: ((hurrah! something went right!))
** (6) Locke runs after the guard **
** (11) Evanthe looks at the thing with a sick look. "Are you okay tristen?" **
(6) Locke: ((if I'm allowed >.>))
(11) Evanthe: ((kick him in the back))
(1) GM Voice: He then starts running toward the guard... who is halfway out the door...
Next init:
(9): Tanja
(12) Tanja: ((wow...the guard hadn't made it out yet?))
** (2) Tristen gasps in pain and says breathlessly "Run... the BREATH" **
(6) Locke: ((run run run!!))
(12) Tanja: ::high tails it out the door::
(9) Mikhal: ((And J, your character can still run ^^;))
(1) GM Voice: Tanja runs as fast as she can toward the door...
(12) Tanja: ((we figured that out from the fact that tony moved his icon))
(2) Tristen: ((not before the next Hydra attack))
(9) Mikhal: ((the next hydra attack is now ;) ))
(2) Tristen: ((*dead*))
(1) GM Voice: The beast crushes itself through the doorway... Ice shards splinter throughout the room...
(12) Tanja: ((what))
(11) Evanthe: ((it's still in the doorway))
(12) Tanja: ((oh))
(11) Evanthe: ((so the breathe won't reach us yet))
(12) Tanja: ((haha...i thought it meant through the gate))
(12) Tanja: ((*collective breaths held*))
(1) GM Voice: It roars again through the iron bars of the portillicus...
(11) Evanthe: ((fuuuuuuuuuuck.))
(6) Locke: ((*farts in the faces on the hydra))
(2) Tristen: ((meaning it slammed through the bars?))
(12) Tanja: ((...and takes the shortcut around the portcullis that we might've seen if we had looked around beforehand))
(11) Evanthe: ((xD))
(12) Tanja: ((i think it just roared)
(1) GM Voice: Two of the heads rear back... prepared to breathe icy coldness....
(12) Tanja: ((Egads))
(12) Tanja: ((so much for your theory, angel))
(11) Evanthe: ((yeah ;_;))
(1) GM Voice: Seara, Evanthe, Tristen Reflex Saves
(11) Evanthe: Reflex [1d20+7] -> [17,7] = (24)
(12) Tanja: ((lol))
(2) Tristen: [1d20+4] -> [16,4] = (20)
(12) Tanja: ((*Cheer*))
(1) GM Voice: ((Oh Mikhal too))
(9) Mikhal: ((damn..i was hoping you wouldn't notice >_>))
(9) Mikhal: Reflex save: [1d20+2] -> [9,2] = (11)
(5) Seara: [1d20+6] -> [12,6] = (18)
(11) Evanthe: ((hehe))
(6) Locke: ((the sly one loses :x))
(5) Seara: ((xD))
(12) Tanja: ((i think we should be demanding to see tony's rolls on these... >.> ))
(1) GM Voice: Evanthe... with elven grace immediately leaps out of the main swath of an ice beam heading toward her..
(1) GM Voice: She escapes with 5 Damage.
(11) Evanthe: ((whoa))
(6) Locke: ((Mikhal gets frozen in ice AGAIN))
(12) Tanja: ((someone's gonna need to drag tristen's body))
(11) Evanthe: ((unconcious paladin))
(2) Tristen: ((well Im gonna be dying... so scott youre going to have to carry me))
(9) Mikhal: ((or we can have Seara carry you and that Ice Elf there needs to be killed.. >_>))
(1) GM Voice: Tristen.... already on his last legs.... lifts his shield up against the massive beam... He deflects most of the energy away from him... but it's too much for his body to take.. He feels the icy touch of unconciousness wrap over him
(12) Tanja: ((he's trying to get out of here just as fast as we are))
(1) GM Voice: Seara dodges well, with her partner Evanthe.... She too escapes with only 5...
(1) GM Voice: Mikhal is hit with the full brunt of one of the beams.. taking 10 damage of utter cold
Next init:
(7): : Mikhal
(9) Mikhal: *picks Tristen up and runs with the body*
(11) Evanthe: ((you shoulda grabbed us all ;_;))
(5) Seara: ((xD))
(1) GM Voice: Mikhal picks up tristen and runs for it.... The body feels so cold in his arms..
(9) Mikhal: ((i can't carry THAT much >_>))
Next init:
(4): Seara
(11) Evanthe: ((hey you carried both me and patti!))
(1) GM Voice: ((Tristen's in half-plate.. remember))
(11) Evanthe: ((oh yeah))
(9) Mikhal: ((Seara can carry you and patti))
(6) Locke: ((Mikhal carried me and Evan easily >_>))
(11) Evanthe: ((carry me seara :D so I can get off a shot at the elf))
(12) Tanja: ((plus i think tony was trying to get us away from that frost worm as best as he could))
** (5) Seara grabs Evanthe and zooms off **
(11) Evanthe: ((awesome xD))
(5) Seara: ((:D))
(9) Mikhal: ((half-plate adds 50 pounds to him ^^;))
(11) Evanthe: ((damnit!))
(1) GM Voice: They all run as fast as their legs can carry them out the door....
(11) Evanthe: ((let us have the elf!))
(1) GM Voice: The frustrated screams of a horrible beast behind them...
** (5) Seara kekekes at the beast **
(11) Evanthe: ((xD))
(12) Tanja: ::sighs in relief::
(1) GM Voice: ((Is Patti okay with continuing a bit longer, for the elf?))
(12) Tanja: ::still slightly shaky on her feet::
(2) Tristen: *hangs there limply*
(12) Tanja: ((i don't mind))
(12) Tanja: ((as long as we're not fighting Alain tongiht too, i'm good))
(5) Seara: ((we need to bring someone down at least :D))
(11) Evanthe: ((yeah ;_;))
(1) GM Voice: They burst through the door, and see the elf just in front of them...
(9) Mikhal: ((...i could use Tristen as a whacking stick? :D))
(11) Evanthe: ((yeah :D))
(1) GM Voice: Hearing the door open..... He draws his blade from it's sheathe.... motioning to them in challenge...
(5) Seara: ((he could make a decent shield too ;))
(12) Tanja: ::hands on her hips:: hold it!
(12) Tanja: ((*american Sailor Moon intro*))
End of Initiative Round, Starting New Initiative Round
(1) GM Voice:
Next init:
(23): : Init
(5) Seara: ((LOL))
(11) Evanthe: ((asssuuming he's within 30 ft :o))
(2) Tristen: ((heal me flamer? :D?))
(1) GM Voice: ((He is))
** (11) Evanthe shoots off an arrow at the elf **
(5) Seara: ((that just gave me such a scary visual))
(11) Evanthe: [1d20+9] -> [3,9] = (12)
(11) Evanthe: ((>.>))
(11) Evanthe: ((OH WELL))
(1) GM Voice: Evanthe fires an arrow... at the wall
(5) Seara: ((lol))
(12) Tanja: ((warning shot))
Next init:
(15): Tristen
(5) Seara: ((xD))
(6) Locke: ((you're dead, suush :O))
(1) GM Voice: The mighty fortress of Regial .... it's so clear.... he's calling...
(11) Evanthe: ((Damn straight!))
Next init:
(11): Locke
(2) Tristen: ((haha))
(12) Tanja: ((don't go to thelight!))
(12) Tanja: ((stay away from the light!))
(11) Evanthe: ((stay away from the light))
(11) Evanthe: ((xD))
(12) Tanja: ::shakes Locke:: help tristen!
(5) Seara: ((you don't waaaant the light, you want us iiiiidiots))
(6) Locke: ((how many level2 spells do I get today? :o))
(11) Evanthe: ((exactly *heart*))
(5) Seara: ((<3))
(5) Seara: ((oh >.>))
(1) GM Voice: ((3))
(11) Evanthe: ((yeah xD *heart*))
(5) Seara: ((no wonder you guys don't use that here))
(2) Tristen: ((well considering we're killing the elf and the game is over today... ))
(12) Tanja: ((lol))
(9) Mikhal: ((but you only get to cast 1 spell a turn. 2nd level healing spell is 2d8+3))
(12) Tanja: ((throw whatever you have into healing Tristen))
** (6) Locke casts two Cure Moderate Wounds on Tristen ((or one, if I'm not allowed >.>)) **
(1) GM Voice: ((One))
(6) Locke: ((oh))
(12) Tanja: ((just one))
(1) GM Voice: ((2d8+3))
(6) Locke: [2d8+3] -> [5,3,3] = (11)
(2) Tristen: ((hey Im alive))
(2) Tristen: ((and at... 8 HP :D))
(1) GM Voice: Tristen feels a surge of warmth run through him... the cold feels less oppressive... Regial's fortress fades and he sees the real world in front of his eyes once more...
(6) Locke: ((*whacks Tristen* suush *whacks for 8 damage*))
(5) Seara: ((xD))
Next init:
(9): Tanja
(12) Tanja: ::shoots the elf with her bow:::
(12) Tanja: [1d20+4] -> [4,4] = (8)
(12) Tanja: ((or...the wall!))
(2) Tristen: ((*shoots tristen with her bow*))
(11) Evanthe: ((lotta wasted arrows this game))
(1) GM Voice: Tanja sets an arrow into the wall next to Evanthe's..
Next init:
(7): : Mikhal
(5) Seara: ((yeah xD))
(12) Tanja: betcha can't split mine ::coughs::
** (11) Evanthe sighs in frustration **
(11) Evanthe: Get 'em Mik!
(6) Locke: ((slaughter him as usual Mikhal))
(12) Tanja: ((release the hounds!))
(6) Locke: ((*releases Mikhal))
(9) Mikhal: *sets tristen down on his feet, and then takes a 5 foot step foward, lets out a warcry (raging), and slaughters the elf*
(12) Tanja: ((1))
(9) Mikhal: Greatsword [1d20+9] -> [2,9] = (11)
(1) GM Voice: ((Hm.. how much hp do you gain with that again? 6?))
(9) Mikhal: ((. . .))
(9) Mikhal: ((yeah))
(11) Evanthe: ((*eats the dice*))
(5) Seara: ((xD))
(1) GM Voice: The opposing guard grins as he parries Mikhal's furious swipe easily...
(9) Mikhal: ((and declaring dodge on the elf))
Next init:
(4): Seara
(11) Evanthe: ....that's a warning!
(1) GM Voice: ((Really? I thought the wall was the main threat here))
(11) Evanthe: ((it's a nasty wall))
(12) Tanja: ((>.> ))
(11) Evanthe: ((we're saving LIVES here))
(12) Tanja: ((it offends my senses))
(12) Tanja: ((we're adjusting hte feng shui in the room))
(12) Tanja: ((Once we get it right, the dice rolls will improve))
(11) Evanthe: ((*nodnod*))
(11) Evanthe: ((strategy people))
(1) GM Voice: Seara?
(9) Mikhal: ((and then the blood of our enemies will rain))
(5) Seara: Rawr! enough wasted arrows *digs out sword and goes melee (if I can >.>)*
(1) GM Voice: ((Go ahead ^_^))
(5) Seara: [1d20+6] -> [20,6] = (26)
(11) Evanthe: ((haHA!))
(12) Tanja: ((see? adjusted already))
(1) GM Voice: ((.... d20 again!))
(9) Mikhal: ((..i want Khar's dice ;-;))
(5) Seara: ((:D))
(11) Evanthe: ((*shakes patti's hand* well done))
(5) Seara: [1d20+6] -> [5,6] = (11)
(1) GM Voice: ((Aww... d8+4!))
(5) Seara: [1d8+4] -> [4,4] = (8)
(11) Evanthe: ((still good!))
(1) GM Voice: The guard preoccupied with Mikhal's slash.. Seara comes in and makes an attack that could not be parried.... She slashes her blade through the elf.. causing more blood to fall..
End of Initiative Round, Starting New Initiative Round
(9) Mikhal: ((Khar, if you don't have a shield, wield the longsword using both hands. then damage will go from d8+4 to d8+6))
(12) Tanja: ((stop prompting
(1) GM Voice: The guard lifts his blade in his hands and swings it at Mikhal...
(5) Seara: ((ooh damn, I didn't know that.. I'll keep that in mind, thanks xD))
(11) Evanthe: ((i don't wanna go to melee))
(1) GM Voice: ((*cry* Where is my blue swirly..))
(9) Mikhal: ((Khar is using them for her dice))
(11) Evanthe: ((seriously, she's kicking ass xD))
(1) GM Voice: Mikhal barely deflects one blow that would have taken off his head... and sidesteps another...!
Next init:
(23): : Init
(5) Seara: ((blue swirly? *confused look*))
** (11) Evanthe fires off another arrow at the stooopid elf **
(9) Mikhal: ((the color of the dice))
(5) Seara: ((ahh xD))
(11) Evanthe: Masterwork Longbow [1d20+9] -> [11,9] = (20)
(1) GM Voice: Evanthe sends another arrow into the elves' chest!
(11) Evanthe: Damage [1d8+1] -> [7,1] = (8)
(2) Tristen: ((nice!))
(11) Evanthe: ((die already :D))
(1) GM Voice: The elf staggers backward... crouching over in obvious pain..
(6) Locke: ((the elf lunges into Evan and gives her a hug before dying a painful death))
(11) Evanthe: ((FINISH HIM))
Next init:
(15): Tristen
(2) Tristen: *leaps foward into the fray brandishing his longsword (regular) in a downward swipe calling on Regial to smite the elf*
(1) GM Voice: Tristen calls forth all his power into his sword....
(12) Tanja: ((i need a catchy line like that for my bow))
(2) Tristen: [1d20+9] -> [14,9] = (23)
(12) Tanja: (('cause it works))
(11) Evanthe: ((apparently, lol))
(2) Tristen: [1d8+4] -> [4,4] = (8)
(11) Evanthe: ((8 is the winning number in damage ))
(5) Seara: ((keke))
(1) GM Voice: The blade smashes through the elf's armor..... there is a bright flash of light that erupts from his blade!
(1) GM Voice: The elf screams in pain as he topples to the ground in a heap..
(11) Evanthe: ((*scowls at Ragnae* how come you don't do cool stuff like that for me ;____;))
(12) Tanja: ((for real? or is this just one of those fatality moves?))
(1) GM Voice: ((Smite Evil.. Paladin ability don't cha know))
(9) Mikhal: ((Smite evil: Once per day, a paladin may attempt to smite evil with one normal melee attack. She adds her Charisma bonus (if any) to her attack roll and deals 1 extra point of damage per paladin level. If the paladin accidentally smites a creature that is not evil, the smite has no effect, but the ability is still used up for that day.))
(12) Tanja: ((stoppit))
(1) GM Voice: Behind you.... the sound of a massive force crushing against iron bars..
(11) Evanthe: We need to get out of here
(12) Tanja: fast
(1) GM Voice: *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*
** (11) Evanthe loots the elf >.> **
(11) Evanthe: Oh
(11) Evanthe: okay
(5) Seara: haha