Galin Kande

From Reydala

Three years prior Erik, Charlotte, Staravi, Nilhean, and Galin had been sent out into the deep canyons along the western coast of Nuln, between Yorad and Shavale . The long journey had taken many days, far from the railways and even the roads. Their mission was to investigate a possible gathering of demonic entities within the labyrinthine caves that covered the cliffs of the nearby plateaus. The journey was a solemn one and little had been spoken amongst the team on the voyage.

When dealing with demons, there was never guarantee of return.

First word of distubances came in from the Yorad lumber mills, whose workers frequented the surrounding forests. They started innocently enough, an unusual stillness in the forest, an unsettling chill in the air despite the warmth of summer. Then, lumberjacks began to go missing. Signs of struggle littered their usual paths. Fear started to dominate the workers, and the mills turned to the guild to help.

"There is unusual activity here, more concentrations than usual.. It appears the reports may have been correct in their suspicions." Charlotte spoke as she faded back into sight from the ethereal. "Many in particular around one of the larger cave complexes, to the north...", as she spoke she pointed toward that direction.

Nilhean grimaced. "Why demons here of all places? This is the middle of nowhere... Does Laviege have a grudge against the lumber industry?!"

Charlotte only smiled. "Dear Nilhean, if you want to keep your actions hidden, the middle of nowhere is the best place... Laviege is always after more souls, no matter where they come from. Perhaps she planned to prey upon the private organizations that would first investigate such sites as well"

"As usual, you're not very comforting..."

Erik and Galin were just ahead of the others. The paladin had been particularly taciturn during the voyage. Something was troubling him, a feeling that was all too familiar. Following Charlotte's location, he began to wordlessly make his way toward the caves in question.

"Galin Friend, are you well...? You have been silent for some time." Erik spoke from behind him, trying to keep up with his pace.

"Had I any words of reassurance this morn, I would speak them. The aura of forboding around this place... There is no need for warnings, everyone can feel the pall that hangs over the woods." Galin never stopped moving forward, he was being haunted by a familiar feeling, but one he could not place. Faded memories were nothing new to him, but this one stood out for it's content. "...The mission must proceed regardless, come, we move."

Galin could not remember where he was when his powers first manifested, where the voices that called to him first came from within his mind. He could not remember when it was, the life he lived before the one now seemed too trivial to commit to memory. He could not remember what he used to do, what he used to be, everything was lost within the chaos and forgotten. Even the faces of his parents were but a blur to him, he was now more than human, more than elf, he was a divine vessel, no... a primal force of nature. The cruelty of the flame, the strength of the earth, the compassion of the water and the drive of the wind.

He was wondering if he had fought demons before, for anyone else it would be an unusual thing to ponder.

Erik winced, it was unusual to see Galin this serious. The Paladin was usually the one smiling and making jokes to lighten the heavy air that usually surrounded missions. Today he was like a different Galin. In retrospect he should have seen that as a warning of the troubles to come, but at the time he could only struggle to keep up.

The group proceeded deep into the caves, the further they went, the more unusual phenomena they began to see. Spirits danced across their sights, visions blurred without reason, and terrible undead fought their every move. The majority were the reanimated remnants of the local fauna, mostly bears and large jungle cats. When they started to reach the bottom of the caverns however, they began to see more and more humanoids twisted from the graves, most still clinging to their woodworking hatchets. Coupled with them were those mutated by Laviege's "gifts", both human and animal, it was unknown as to whether they could be described as alive or dead any longer.

Nilhean was severely wounded and the others were on their last ounce of strength when they reached what seemed to be the bottom of the cavern. Galin continued walking forward, speaking in a monotone voice that seemed to match the sound of his plate boots pounding across the cavern floor. "...I will go forward, the rest of you return to the surface, Nilhean's fate rests with you. Given what we have seen here, Guild support should not be far off, get him to the clerics as quickly as you can..."

Erik spoke up again from over the wounded Nilhean, more worried now in voice. "What is it you are planning to do alone Galin?... The Guild will be on it's way, we've already done enough, we're on our last breath... We should all return to the surface."

However, Galin could not go back. He knew Erik was right, but it was as if a great force was pushing his limbs forward as he moved. He could not even turn his head from the goal in front of him. The mantra from when he had first came to the temple pounded in his head over and over again, his lips slowly began to move echoing the words in his mind. "I am.. the fire and the light, my strength is the earth itself, my lifeblood the water..My soul the divine wind that will topple any that would stand in my path.."

Erik was confused, everyone who heard those strange repeating words echoing through the cavern was. It was as if Galin was not speaking of his own freewill, as if some entity had grabbed control of his body. Erik at first questioned if it was Laviege's influence but quickly dismissed it, Galin showed signs of possession but none of madness. He turned quickly to his comrades. "...Return to the surface with Nilhean, I will follow Galin and ensure his safe return.."

Those present were a bit reluctant, but knew that they were running out of time and they had little strength for much else. Carrying their wounded companion they made their way back upward to the surface. Erik followed Galin into the darkness ahead, following the sound of his monotone voice that seemed to only grow in strength, the same words repeated over and over.

What progressed in the depths of that final chamber Galin would never remember, and Erik would seldom speak of it. Unspeakable and innumerable horrors leapt upon Galin as he strode forward, hacked down in mechanical fashion by his holy blade. Erik could not move fast enough, all that he saw was the trail of their corpses already beginning to fade from the world. When he took in the image of the purple eye ahead of him, the ensuing sound of her voice caused his soul to quake in fear... He could no longer follow just as Galin could not be held back.

The words of the witch seemed to elude his memory, only vague sounds as if he was not intended to hear them. He only heard Galin's words from the passage ahead ringing true and clear:

"I am the living flame, the banisher of darkness,
I am the living earth, unmovable as stone,
I am the living wave come to wash away the wicked,
My breath is the living wind that will scatter your dust into nothingness,
By my life I reject your death,
By my strength I reject your corruption,
By my compassion I reject your malice,
By my freedom I reject your chains.
You who do not belong within this world,
suffer its wrath and be banished!"

There was a searing light, Erik could not recall how long it lasted, but in the end it seemed that the aura of fear had lifted. He stumbled forward into the chamber where Galin lay unconcious. Nothing remained in the room aside from Galin's sword, imbeded deeply in the rock of the far stone wall with enough force to send cracks along the stone's surface. Erik retrieved it with some difficulty, returning it to his friend's side before heaving Galin into his arms and slowly carrying him out of the cavern.

The disappearances stopped, all trace of demonic activity left the area for the time being. The mission was a great success, and Galin had returned to his normal self upon his awakening. Erik alone remained troubled by his comrades lapse of memory and never since that day witnessed the Galin that he saw within the deepest reaches of those caves.

Galin himself would only laugh when Erik spoke of it, dismissing it as a hallucination of the demonic forces present that day.

"...even if it were true, it would not be Galin you witnessed down there, old friend. It was the Maidens that work through me."

Things returned to normal soon enough; Galin was back to his old self, laughing and smiling even when the darkest dangers would loom. Was that Galin he heard truly an incarnation of the divine? Erik would never be certain, but whatever had happend, he was thankful for that miracle, the strength of faith that allowed them to leave that cavern alive.

Character Sheet

Level: 7 Class: Paladin Paragon Path: N/A Epic Destiny: N/A
Race: Half-Elf Size: Medium Age: 33 Gender: Male Height: 6'0" Weight: 174 lb. Alignment: Unaligned Deity: Elemental Pantheon Origin: Nuln
Ability Scores
Statistic Score Base Racial Class Modifier Mod+1/2 Level
STR 17 16 0 1 3 6
CON 14 12 2 0 2 5
DEX 11 11 0 0 0 3
INT 10 10 0 0 0 3
WIS 14 13 0 1 2 5
CHA 16 14 2 0 3 6
Defense Value Level Item Stat Class Enh Misc
AC 23 13 8 0 1 2 0
Fort 19 13 2 2 1 0 1
Reflex 17 13 2 0 1 0 1
Will 20 13 2 3 1 0 1
Conditional Bonuses: Resist Poison 5
Initiative Dex 1/2 Level Misc
3 0 3 0
Score Base Armor Item Misc
5 6 -1 0 0
Action Points: 1
Bonus Skill Stat Mod Trained Armor Misc
1 Acrobatics DEX 3 0 -2 0
3 Arcana INT 3 0 0 0
4 Athletics STR 6 0 -2 0
6 Bluff CHA 6 0 0 0
8 Diplomacy CHA 6 0 0 2
5 Dungeoneering WIS 5 0 0 0
8 Endurance CON 5 5 -2 0
5 Heal WIS 5 0 0 0
3 History INT 3 0 0 0
12 Insight WIS 5 5 0 2
11 Intimidate CHA 6 5 0 0
5 Nature WIS 5 0 0 0
5 Perception WIS 5 0 0 0
8 Religion INT 3 5 0 0
1 Stealth DEX 3 0 -2 0
6 Streetwise CHA 6 0 0 0
1 Thievery DEX 3 0 -2 0
Hit Points
Max HP Bloodied Surge Value Surges/Day
65 32 16 14
Racial Features
+2 CON, +2 CHA
Skill Bonuses: +2 Diplomacy, +2 Insight
Dual Heritage
Group Diplomacy
Class Features
Channel Divinity
Divine Challenge
Lay on Hands
Languages Known
Score Passive Sense Base Skill Bonus
22 Passive Insight 10 12
15 Passive Perception 10 5
1st Human Perseverance
2nd Power Attack
4th Durable
6th Weapon Focus (Heavy Blades)
Level Exploit Action Target Bonus Damage Miss
Basic Attacks
Basic Flaming Greatsword +1 Standard One Creature Strength vs. AC 1[W]+STR Modifier N/A
At-Will Exploits
1 Valiant Strike Standard One Creature Strength vs. AC 1[W]+STR Modifier damage. +1 bonus to attack roll per adjacent enemy.
1 Enfeebling Strike Standard One Creature Charisma vs. AC 1[W]+CHA Modifier Marked target takes -2 to attack rolls until end of your next turn.
Encounter Exploits
Race Hit and Run Standard One creature Strength vs. AC 1[W]+STR Modifier Leaving first square adjacent to target does not provoke an opportunity attack.
1 Piercing Smite Standard One Creature Strength vs. Reflex 2[W]+STR Modifier Target and (WIS Modifier) enemies adjacent to you are marked until end of your next turn.
3 Arcing Smite Standard One or two creatures Strength vs. AC 1[W]+STR Modifier Targets marked until end of your next turn.
7 Thunder Smite Standard One Creature Strength vs. AC 2[W]+STR Modifier, target knocked prone Can score critical hit against a marked enemy on a roll of 19-20
Daily Exploits
1 Paladin's Judgment Standard One Creature Strength vs. AC 3[W]+STR Modifier, one ally within 5 squares can spend a healing surge. Miss:One ally within 5 squares can spend a healing surge.
5 Martyr's Retribution Standard One Creature Strength vs. AC 4[W] + Strength modifier radiant Must expend a healing surge without regaining hit points.
Utility Exploits
2 Martyr's Blessing Immediate Interrupt Close burst 1 N/A Take a blow for an adjacent ally. N/A
6 Wrath of the Gods Minor Close burst 1 N/A Targets add your CHA modifier to damage rolls until the end of the encounter. N/A
Item Exploits
5 Flaming Greatsword +1 Free Personal N/A All damage dealt by this weapon is fire damage. Another free action returns weapon to normal. N/A
5 Flaming Greatsword +1 Free One creature N/A On hit with weapon, deal an extra 1d6 fire damage Target takes ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends)
3 Symbol of Hope +1 Immediate Reaction You or one ally (Range 5) N/A If hit by an effect that a saving throw can end, you or one ally gains a +5 power bonus to saving throws against that effect. N/A
Worn Items
Slot Item Level
Both Hands Flaming Greatsword +1 5
Armor Magic Plate +2 6
Neck Amulet of Health +2 8
Carried Items
Symbol of Hope 3
Crossbow N/A
Bolts (20) N/A
Standard Adventurer's Kit N/A
Money and Wealth
0 Copper Terremes
0 Silver Terremes
120 Gold Terremes
0 Platinum Terremes
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