Charlotte Persi

From Reydala

Half a year earlier, the group was tracking down a notorious rogue boss who had been keeping tight controls over all the goods coming in and out of Freehaven for years, the problem was, he was practically impossible to track down, but they had finally tracked down one of his highest ranking henchmen..

Sten, Kavim and Galin were working hard to subdue the threat, the fight raged on for nearly a half-hour, all sides wheezing and huffing. The henchman in front of them seemed determined to take whatever he knew to the grave.

"My my, aren't you boys finished yet?" Charlotte Persi strode into the room confidently, a friendly smile on her face.

"Stay back, this guy is dangerous!" Kavim shouted to the seemingly unarmed woman behind him.

"Oh?.. It seems like he's nearly reached his limit to me, I'll be fine dearie." Charlotte continued to step forward, past Kavim to his confusion, heading toward the henchman who was backed into the far corner.

"H..Hey! That guy's armed, this is serious..!" Kavim tried to reason with the woman, but Sten only elbowed his side slightly.

"Just watch." The gnome said dryly, staring toward the corner as Charlotte approached, Galin seeming to step back and give her room. The target seemed to have as much an idea of what was going on as Kavim did.

Charlotte looked toward the rogue with a big smile, stepping almost in front of him despite the weapon that was the perpatrator's hand. The desperate man held out his weapon toward Charlotte's throat, barking toward her. "Come any closer, and I'll have no reservations about killin' you!.."

Charlotte just kept smiling. "Now now, there's no reason to go getting upset. Do I look like someone that's going to kill you? Of course not, just take a look at me.."

The brigand looked directly toward Charlotte's eyes, and began to say something, but quickly stopped, the hand holding his weapon suddenly began to shake, his face and his pupils going white with fear, he dropped his weapon to the ground without a word, trembling as he backed against the wall and fell to his knees, unable to escape this woman's gaze.

"There, now isn't that better that we've decided to be friendly?.. If you can just tell us where your employer could be found, we won't need to resort to any.. horrible things"

The man's breath became ragged, he seemed to be in the grip of abject terror, but Kavim didn't see anything to be afraid of, he turned toward Sten. "W-What is she doing?"

Sten crossed his arms, smiling broadly as he gave only a hint, "If she ever asks you to look into her eyes, I suggest you politely refuse..."

Kavim swallowed hard "Y-yeah.." He stared at the spectacle that was occuring in the corner as the increasingly terrified man began to scream out the name and location of his employer among his pleas to the heavens for assistance.

Charlotte closed her eyes with a smile, an expression of great relief and tiredness washed over the henchman's face as he sunk against the wall. Galin immediately stepped up and began restraining the criminal for delivery to the authorities, he offered no more resistance.

Charlotte stepped back toward the exit, speaking cheerfully as she did, "You coming, boys? We've got a big lead to follow now."

Sten shrugged his shoulders, following behind. Galin came soon after, carrying the weakened brigand over his shoulder. Kavim stood staring at that corner for awhile, wondering just what in the name of the gods had happened here. He walked over and put himself into the same position the brigand was, but he saw nothing.

Since that day, Kavim made a concious effort to stay on Charlotte's good side.

Current Standing


Character Sheet

Level: 7 Class: Warlock Paragon Path: N/A Epic Destiny: N/A
Race: Human Size: Medium Age: 32 Gender: Female Height: 5'7" Weight: 139 lbs. Alignment: Unaligned Deity: Lucion Origin: Riscana
Ability Scores
Statistic Score Base Racial Class Modifier Mod+Level
STR 10 10 0 0 0 3
CON 13 13 0 0 1 4
DEX 12 12 0 0 1 4
INT 15 14 0 1 2 5
WIS 11 11 0 0 0 3
CHA 19 16 2 1 4 7
Defense Value Level Stat Item Class Enh Misc
AC 16 13 1 0 0 2 0
Fort 16 13 1 2 0 0 1
Reflex 17 13 2 0 1 0 1
Will 19 13 4 0 1 0 1
Conditional Bonuses
Initiative Dex 1/2 Level Misc
4 1 3 0
Score Base Armor Item Misc
6 6 0 0 0
Action Points: 1
Bonus Skill Stat Mod Trained Armor Misc
4 Acrobatics DEX 4 0 0 0
10 Arcana INT 5 5 0 0
3 Athletics STR 3 0 0 0
12 Bluff CHA 7 5 0 0
7 Diplomacy CHA 7 0 0 0
3 Dungeoneering WIS 3 0 0 0
4 Endurance CON 4 0 0 0
3 Heal WIS 3 0 0 0
10 History INT 5 5 0 0
8 Insight WIS 3 5 0 0
15 Intimidate CHA 7 5 0 3
3 Nature WIS 3 0 0 0
4 Perception WIS 4 0 0 0
5 Religion INT 5 0 0 0
4 Stealth DEX 4 0 0 0
7 Streetwise CHA 7 0 0 0
4 Thievery DEX 4 0 0 0
Hit Points
Max HP Bloodied Surge Value Surges/Day
55 27 13 7
Racial Features
+2 Charisma
Bonus At-Will Power
Bonus Feat
Bonus Skill
Human Defense Bonuses
Class Features
Eldritch Blast
Eldritch Pact (Star Pact)
Prime Shot
Shadow Walk
Warlock's Curse
Languages Known
Score Passive Sense Base Skill Bonus
18 Passive Insight 10 8
13 Passive Perception 10 3
Skill Focus (Intimidate)
1st Action Surge
2nd Astral Fire
4th Improved Fate of the Void
6th Ritual Caster
Level Spell Action Target Bonus Damage Miss/Special
Basic Attacks
Basic Dagger Standard One Target +6 vs. AC 1d4 N/A
At-Will Spells
1 Eldritch Blast Standard One Creature Charisma vs. Reflex 1d10+CHA Modifier damage. N/A
1 Dire Radiance Standard One Creature Constitution vs. Fortitude 1d6 + CON Modifier radiant damage. If target moves nearer to you on it's turn, it takes 1d6+CON Modifier damage.
1 Eyebite Standard One Creature Charisma vs. Will 1d6+Charisma modifier psychic damage. Invisible to target until start of next turn.
Encounter Spells
1 Dreadful Word Standard One Creature Charisma vs. Will 2d8 + CHA Modifier psychic damage Target takes penalty to Will defense equal to 1+INT Modifier until end of your next turn.
3 Frigid Darkness Standard One Creature Constitution vs. Fortitude 2d8+CON Modifier cold damage. Target grants combat advantage to allies until the end of your next turn. The target takes an AC penalty to your INT Modifier until end of your next turn.
7 Sign of Ill Omen Standard One Creature Charisma vs. Will 2d6 + CHA Modifier damage, enemy rolls twice for next attack, taking the lowest of the two rolls. The targets next attack rolls made at a -2 Penalty.
Daily Spells
1 Dread Star Standard One Creature Charisma vs. Will 3d6 + CHA Modifier radiant damage, target immobilized until end of your next turn. Target takes a -2 penalty to will defense (save ends).
5 Hunger of Hadar Standard burst 1 within 10 squares N/A Zone of darkness, enemies within take 2d10 necrotic damage. Sustain Minor: Secondary attack on enemies in zone, Constitution vs. Fortitude, 1d6+CON Modifier Necrotic damage.
Utility Spells
2 Ethereal Stride Move Personal N/A Teleport 3 Squares Gain +2 power bonus to all defenses until end of your next turn.
6 Dark One's Own Luck Free Personal N/A Reroll attack roll, skill check, ability check, or saving throw, use higher. N/A
Item Exploits
Level Ritual Time Duration Component Cost Component Type Key Skill
2 Eye of Alarm 30 minutes 24 hours 25 gt Alchemical Arcana
3 Detect Secret Doors 10 minutes Instantaneous 25 gt Alchemical Arcana
4 Arcane Lock 10 minutes Permanent 25 gt Alchemical Arcana
4 Knock 10 minutes Instantaneous 35 gt Alchemical Arcana
5 Hallucinatory Item 10 minutes 24 hours 25 gt Alchemical Arcana
6 Sending 10 minutes Instantaneous 50 gt Alchemical Arcana
Worn Items
Slot Item Level
Right Hand Rod of Corruption +2 8
Armor Magic Robe +2 6
Carried Items
Dagger 5
Ritual Book (Arcane Lock, Detect Secret Doors, Eye of Alarm, Hallucinatory Item, Knock, Sending) N/A
Standard Adventurer's Kit N/A
Money and Wealth
0 Copper Terremes
0 Silver Terremes
240 Gold Terremes
0 Platinum Terremes
Ritual Components
Alchemical Components 400 gt
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