
From Reydala

Character Information
Name Alis Selna
Age 20
Race Human
Campaign Setting {{{Campaign Setting}}}
Class/Profession Avenger/Alchemist
Home Country Nuln
Home Town Battolia
Deity Regial


General Information

Name: Alis Selna

Race: Human

Class: Avenger

Gender: Female

Age: 20

Alignment: Neutral Good

Deity: Regial

Height: 5'2"

Weight: 109 lbs

Hair: Blonde. Just above her shoulders.

Eyes: Blue

Appearance: A young girl with a small frame. While not particularly muscular, she does have a fit build. She will almost always be wearing lightweight clothes that won't hinder mobility. Also, she is rarely seen without a gray cloak. Frequently, especially when on a mission, her cloak's hood will be up. Alis also always carries her greatsword with her.

Personality: Normally a fairly quiet girl. While Alis will sometimes come off as cold, it can't be denied that she is extremely loyal to her comrades. There are a number of things which do get under her skin which prompt a test of willpower to remain calm. Most of these are known and exploited by Katrin, Fal Indelstan, Aelthir Baequi'via, and Vidar.

One large thing to note, however, is that Alis' personality does differ a fair bit depending on if she is on a mission or off a mission. While not on a mission, she will be a bit more laid back. Also she will get a little ansty waiting to get started on the next mission she can.

While on a mission, Alis will be in a serious businesslike mode. Her objective is the most important thing, and she will use the quickest, smartest way to reach it. That doesn't mean she is completely ruthless, just focused on completing her objective as quickly and (usually) safely as possible. There have been a few cases where Alis would go on a mission while not in her usual completely serious manner, something that has slowly but surely been becoming a little more frequent since she began working with Katrin, Fal, Aelthir, and Vidar.

Religious Ideals: A follower of Regial, Alis believes in the quick and timely slaying of evil. This includes using methods that some of the more righteous might call dishonorable. However, most of the missions she will take involve either eliminating an evil threat or the protection of those in need.

Despite being a Regial follower, Alis is not a member of The Regal Knights nor has ambitions of joining, despite going through a knight's training for many years. While she fully supports the concept of the knight corp, she was not so keen on following their regulations to become an actual member. Alis felt she would do better good from outside the organization, lending a hand whenever they or anyone else might need it.


Short hand version!

Born in Battolia to a family of merchants. Alchemists, to be precise. Her family traveled a lot to sell their goods, asides from having a shop in Battolia. On one of their trips, this one by sea, a storm hit and caused a shipwreck. There were some survivors, and Alis was one of them. Her parents were not. She wound up alone in Kora as a child.

This leads to a few months to a year of life on the streets using whatever means she could to survive. While Alis wasn't exactly good at the whole thievery thing, she was able to move quietly enough that she could make due with nicking supplies this way. Of course, it didn't work so well forever. She was caught by an old Regal Knight, who eventually took her in as a way to prevent her from having worse punishment.

Alis was taken to one of the few Regal Knight bases in Nuln and there began being trained to be a knight. Not something she thought was going to work in her favor, but it beat the alternative. She and the knight didn't get along for some time, but years changed that somewhat. Still, Alis never exactly lost her rough mannerism of speaking, nor did she fully agree with everything the knight said, especially when it came to topics of conduct and tactics.

She learned everything she could and adapted as much as she could to fit into her own unique style. After six or seven years in training, she decided to leave her, determined not to become a Regal Knight but to always assist them should they ever need her help. Alis figured her services would be better with a more mercenary type group, so the Nuln Adventurer Guild seemed like her best bet.

Most of the money she earns that isn't spent on personal supplies are either invested into her family's shop (now technically her shop), or saved and donated to the Regal Knights.


Party Relationships

Image:Icon013.gifAelthir Baequi'via "I don't care how elegant it is, paladin, just keep up the good work."

  • The paladin gets a good deal of respect due to his ability to use divine powers to protect people, something Alis cannot do. A trusted companion and the only person to turn for commissioned clothing.

Image:Icon009.gifClarent Sampo "I'm not going to question your skill in a fight. Just everything else."

  • This person uses lightning with deadly proficiency, doesn't mind stealing, and falls into people's laps a lot. The jury's still out, but he's good in a fight.

Image:Icon013.gifFal Indelstan "You lead. I'll keep everyone marching."

  • When Fal's the leader of a mission, Alis will work hard to make sure the job is done quickly and correctly, supporting as needed. Off the job, he's just another of her most trusted companions.

Image:Icon013.gifKatrin "You do what I can't with my potions."

  • Out of Alis' original group, she has the most respect for Katrin. Healing people at that level is something that Alis can't do, even with her alchemy. Katrin is also another trusted companion.

Image:Icon010.gifKeilee Valentine "Good, keep showing that courage."

  • Alis doesn't know much about the shifter except that she's a paladin of Cyphus, and fights with courage. That's good enough for an ally.

Image:Icon011.gifLuka "Thanks for that, now stop looking at that mural and let's keep going."

  • There's some mixed feelings about the bookworm. On one hand, he seems to be absorbed in knowledge at times Alis wants the group to keep moving. On the other, his knowledge and ability to heal are invaluable. Overall, a good ally to keep around.

Image:Icon009.gifLyn "We'll get you to show some promise."

  • The kid has potential, even if his attitude seems to be on the same levels of difficult as Alis'. She's hoping that he'll keep with being useful instead of being trouble.

Image:Icon013.gifNanashi "I've got your back, just like you've shown you have mine."

  • Hotaru's been on the same side as Alis longer then the rest of her new traveling companions. Even before Nanashi's real name was known, Alis still considered her a very valuable and trustworthy ally.

Image:Icon011.gifRaquel Beliago "If you're going to be useful, could you stop doing it like that!?"

  • While Alis doesn't completely hate Raquel, her teasing is enough to make for a surly Alis. Regardless, she's still proven to be on the same side, so she'll cooperate and work together with her.

Image:Icon010.gifThymble "There are so many wasted movements. Where did you learn to use the sword?"

  • Not much is known about the Wild Elf, only that she's Luka's responsibility.

Image:Icon013.gifVidar "Do you even pay attention outside of a fight?"

  • The classic example of two people who would not be able to get along if they realized how well they got along. A sworn irritant, but a (regretfully admitted) trusted ally in a fight.

NPC Relationships

Image:Icon014.gifRalaene "Stay dead this time."

  • Seriously.

Character Sheet

Level: 18 Class: Avenger Paragon Path: Relentless Slayer Epic Destiny: N/A
Race: Human Size: Medium Age: 20 Gender: Female Height: 5'2" Weight: 109 lbs. Alignment: Neutral Good Deity: Regial Origin: Nuln
Ability Scores
Statistic Score Base Racial Class Modifier Mod+Level
STR 11 11 0 0 0 9
DEX 14 14 0 0 2 11
CON 16 16 0 0 3 12
INT 21 21 0 0 5 14
WIS 24 22 2 0 7 16
CHA 9 9 0 0 -1 8
Defense Value Level Stat Item Class Enh Misc
AC 31 19 5 0 5 0 2
Fort 27 19 3 3 1 0 1
Reflex 29 19 5 3 1 0 1
Will 31 19 7 3 1 0 1
Conditional Bonuses N/A
Initiative Dex 1/2 Level Misc
17 2 9 6
Score Base Armor Item Misc
6 6 0 0 0
Action Points: ~
Bonus Skill Stat Mod Trained Armor Misc
16 Acrobatics DEX 11 5 0 0
19 Arcana INT 14 5 0 0
14 Athletics STR 9 5 0 0
8 Bluff CHA 8 0 0 0
8 Diplomacy CHA 8 0 0 0
15 Dungeoneering WI5 14 0 0 0
12 Endurance CON 12 0 0 0
16 Heal WIS 16 0 0 0
14 History INT 14 0 0 0
15 Insight WIS 15 0 0 0
8 Intimidate CHA 8 0 0 0
15 Nature WIS 15 0 0 0
21 Perception WIS 16 5 0 0
21 Profession (Alchemist) WIS 16 5 0 0
19 Religion INT 14 5 0 0
19 Stealth DEX 11 5 0 3
8 Streetwise CHA 8 0 0 0
11 Thievery DEX 11 0 0 0
Hit Points
Max HP Bloodied Surge Value Surges/Day
132 66 33 10
Racial Features
+2 Ability of choice (Wisdom)
+1 At Will Power
Bonus Feat
Additional Skill
+1 Fort/Ref/Will
Class Features
Censure of Retribution
Oath of Emnity
Channel Divinity
Abjure Undead
Divine Guidance
Paragon Path Features
Slayer's Enemy (Devil)
Slayer's Oath
Lethal Action
Relentless Determination
Languages Known
Score Passive Sense Base Skill Bonus
26 Passive Insight 10 16
31 Passive Perception 10 21
Bonus Alchemist
1st Improved Initative
2nd Versatile Expertise (Heavy Blades/Holy Symbol)
4th Unarmored Agility
6th Improved Armor of Faith
8th Guaranteed Retribution
10th Battle Hardened
11th Melee Training (Wisdom)
12th Regial's Anger
14th Regial Paragon
16th Weapon Focus (Heavy Blades)
18th Painful Oath (Radiant/Fire)
Level Prayer Action Target Bonus Damage Miss/Special
At-Will Prayers
1 Radiant Vengeance Standard One Creature (Range 10) Wisdom vs. Reflex 1d8 + WIS Modifier radiant damage Gain temporary hitpoints equal to Wis Mod.
1 Bond of Censure Standard One Creature (Range 5) Wisdom vs. Will If target is pulled next to you, 1d10 Radiant damage Pull target squares equal to INT mod.
1 Leading Strike Standard One Creature (Melee) Wisdom vs. AC 1[W] + WIS Modifier One ally adjacent to you or target gains +your INT mod damage against target.
Encounter Prayers
Avenger Oath of Enmity Minor One Enemy (Close Burst 10) N/A When making melee attacks against target and no other enemies are adjacent, make two rolls. Use the higher roll. This power can be used again after the target reaches 0 HP.
Avenger Channel Divinity: Abjure Undead Standard One Creature (Close Burst 5) Wisdom vs. Will 3d10 + WIS Modifier radiant damage Pull target 1 + Wis Mod squares. Target Immobilized.
'Miss: Half Damage, Pull 1 square.'
Avenger Channel Divinity: Divine Guidance Immediate Interrupt One Ally (Close Burst 10) Ally attacks your Oath of Enmity target N/A Ally gets a second attack roll and uses either result.
Regial Channel Divinity: Regial's Anger Standard One Creature (Melee) Wisdom vs. AC 1[W]+ WIS Modifier Gain +1[W] on the attack for every time enemy targeted you with an attack. AOOs don't count.
Paragon 11 Slayer's Gambit Standard Oath of Enmity Target (Melee) Wisdom vs. AC 2[W] + Wis Modifier damage. 5 extra damage per opportunity attack made against you. Before attack, move your speed until adjacent to target. CAN move through enemy squares.
7 Blade Step Standard One Creature (Melee) Wisdom vs. AC 2[W] + WIS Modifier damage Teleport 10 squares to a space adjacent to an enemy.
13 Crimson Stride Standard One Creature (Melee) Wisdom vs. AC Teleport 5 squares before the attack. 2[W] + Wis Modifier damage Teleport 5 squares on hit, teleport enemy adjacent to you. If no creatures are adjacent to you or target, target takes INT mod damage.
13 Whirling Blades Standard One Creature (Melee) Wisdom vs. AC 3[W] + WIS Modifier damage +2 to attack and +5 damage if no enemy is adjacent to the target.
Daily Prayers
Regial Channel Divinity: Regial's Paragon This Space Is For Rent
1 Renewing Strike Standard One Creature (Range 10) Wisdom vs. Reflex 2d10 + WIS modifier lightning damage You can spend a healing surge.
Miss: Half Damage
5 Menacing Presence Standard One Creature (Melee) Wisdom vs. AC 3[W] + WIS modifier damage Until encounter's end, any enemy starting adjacent to you takes -2 AC until end of their next turn.
Miss: Half Damage
15 Aspect of Fury Standard One Creature (Melee) Wisdom vs. AC 3[W] + WIS modifier damage. Until end of encounter, any enemy that starts its turn adjacent to you or hits/misses you with a meleee takes 5 damage.
Miss: Half Damage
Utility Prayers
Paragon 12 Relentless Fervor Minor Action (Daily) Personal Stance N/A Roll your Oath of Enmity dice one at a time. If the first roll hits, use the second for a melee basic.
2 Distracting Flare Move (Encounter) Personal N/A Become invisible and move your speed. Invisible until end of the movement.
2 Loyal Sanction Minor Action (Encounter) Ally Close Burst 5 N/A N/A Until end of next turn, target gains damage roll power bonus against Oath of Enmity target equal to your WIS mod.
10 Leading Step Immediate Reaction (Encounter) Melee 1 N/A Trigger: An enemy adjacent to you damages you. Effect: You teleport 5 squares then teleport target adjacent to you.
16 Summons to Duty Minor Action (Encounter) Ally Close Burst 5 N/A N/A Slide the target to a square adjacent to an enemy adjacent to you.
Item Exploits
17 Vicious Greatsword +4 N/A N/A N/A N/A Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls.
Critical: + 4d12 damage.
5 Symbol of Battle +1 Free Action (Daily) On hit with holy symbol N/A Deal extra 1d10 damage. Enhancement: Attack rolls and damage rolls.
Critical: + 1d8 damage.
12 Elven Cloak +3 N/A N/A N/A N/A Enhancement: Always +3 to Fort, Ref, and Will.
11 Gauntlets of Blinding Strikes Standard Action (Daily) N/A N/A N/A Make two melee basic attacks, each with a -2 to attack.
Level Ability Time Duration Component Cost Component Type Key Skill
5 Brew Potion 1 Hour Until Consumed Varries Who knows? Arcana/Religion (No check)
1 Alchemist's Fire 30 Minutes N/A Varries Volatile Arcana/Thievery (No check)
1 Antivenom 15 Minutes N/A Varries Curative Heal/Nature (No check)
3 Blinding Bomb 30 Minutes N/A Varries Volatile Arcana/Thievery (No check)
1 Clearsense Powder 30 Minutes N/A Varries Curative Heal/Nature (No check)
1 Clearwater Solution 30 Minutes N/A 20 GT Other Arcana/Nature/Religion (No check)
6 Goodnight Tincture 1 Hour N/A Varries Poison Nature/Thievery (No check)
4 Lockburst Chalk 30 Minutes N/A Varries Other Arcana/Thievery (No check)
2 Tanglefood Bag 1 Hour N/A Varries Other Arcana/Thievery (No check)
4 Tracking Dust 1 Hour N/A Varries Other Nature/Thievery (No check)
Worn Items
Slot Item Level
Weapon Vicious Greatsword +4 17
Weapon Symbol of Battle +1 5
Armor Nope Nope
Neck Elven Cloak +3 12
Hands Gauntlets of Blinding Strikes 12
Carried Items
Ritual/Alchemy Book N/A
Standard Adventurer's Kit N/A
Everburning Tourch N/A
Bag of Holding N/A
Potion of Healing 5x N/A
Antivenom 2x 11
Clearsense Powder 2x 11
Clearwater Solution 5x N/A
Goodnight Tincture 1x 11
Alchemist's Silver 2x 15
Lockburst Chalk 2x 14
Thunderstone 1x 15
Money and Wealth
0 Copper Terremes
40 Silver Terremes
2875 Gold Terremes
0 Platinum Terremes
Ritual Components
Alchemical Components 0 gt
Incense 0 gt
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