Classes (3.5E)

From Reydala

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Core Classes in Reydala


Barbarians in Reydala are always fierce fighters, though they come in many forms. Many are found in Banato where one has to be strong to even survive. Others, such as Haldites and Regialians express their religious rage into doom for their enemies. However, the massive rush of the rage is not well understood by the common folk outside of those familiar with barbarians, and is likely to cause a good amount of fright. Barbarians in Reydala are quite rare (Outside of Banato, in any case), making their prescence notable when they do arrive.


The fate of bards in Reydala is tied to the whims of The Melody. Many are very independent and self-sufficent, for they never know where they will be called next. Others find themselves better serving their deity by being more sedentary, containing themselves to one region or even one city. No matter what the situation, Bards seek to spread the message of their Goddess.


Clerics are a very diverse lot in Reydala. Their nature usually depends on their chosen deity. For example, Clerics of Lucion are often more studious and erudite, while clerics of hald are often focused on battle and strengthening themselves. As the gods play major roles in the formation of Reydala, clerics are very common all over the world.


Masters of the forests, druids have spread throughout Reydala to protect all of her flora and fauna. Most druids worship a pantheon of all the elemental goddesses, though Terrema often comes out as the more favored. Druids are most common among heavily wooded areas, with Walstad having the most of any nation. Druids are still very rare in most corners of the world, protecting the whole planet necessitates spreading yourself somewhat thin. Your average commoner is unlikely to know what a druid is, as they most often stick to their groves, seldom visiting towns and cities.







Like their traditional D&D coutnerparts, Reydala Sorcerers call upon a power that seems to come from wthin themselves to affect the world aroumd them. Sorcerers were the first mages starting in 1246. Although it's unclear, many sages speculate that Lucion's first attempt in passing arcane magic to mortals directly involved implanting the power to maniuplate unreality directly into mortals themselves. From there, coutnless mortals awakened to strange powers only controlled later in life.


Prestige Classes


Dragon Disciples

Mystic Theurges

Regal Knight

(See Regal Knight for class info, or The Regal Knights for background information)

Regal Mage

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