
From Reydala

Revision as of 23:25, 8 July 2011 by Wren (Talk | contribs)
Character Information
Name Vidar Caerwyn
Age 27
Race Human
Campaign Setting {{{Campaign Setting}}}
Class/Profession Barbarian
Home Country Kaltia
Home Town ???
Deity Terrema

Name: Vidar Caerwyn

Race: Human

Class: Barbarian

Gender: Male

Age: 27

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Deity: Terrema

Height: 6' 8"

Weight: 213 lbs

Hair: Brown. Straight hair, cut fairly short and tousled about messily.

Eyes: Brown.

Appearance: An average-looking human male, if he wasn't so drat tall. Vidar stands at well over six feet in height. He's rather well-muscled, but (somewhat to his vexation) it doesn't show up as bulk, instead granting him a lean frame. Generally he prefers simple clothing - his favored outfit being a pair of loosely cut slacks and similar shirt. When on the job it's hard to find him without a greatsword, either in hand or strapped to his back.

Personality: Vidar's normally rather cheerful and outgoing. At one point he decided that, since everyone apparently knew him due to his stature sticking out like a sore thumb, he might as well try that "being social" thing. His genial nature and generally pleasant demeanor are tempered by a sharp tongue - he's a bit too much of a smartass to be considered one-hundred percent a "nice person." Furthermore, save but for the act of one-on-one combat, he can be somewhat lazy and unmotivated.

Religious Ideals: The best term to describe Vidar's relation with his deity of choice is "tongue in cheek" - while he does enjoy nature, the outdoors, and the joys of free-trade mercantilism, all of the above generally do not always factor into his everyday life. About the closest he comes to worshipful practice is erring on the side of the poor, as well as making sure the jewelry he crafts is elegant, rather than overtly gaudy.




Party Relationships

Image:Icon006.gifAelthir Baequi'via "(eh)"

Image:Icon006.gifAlis "(i)"

Image:Icon006.gifNanashi "(am)"

Image:Icon006.gifKatrin "(too)"

Image:Icon006.gifFal "(lazy)"

Image:Icon006.gifNaomi "(to)"

Image:Icon006.gifLykai "(survive)"

Image:Icon006.gifVirlym "(on)"

Image:Icon006.gifCaelam "(some)"

Image:Icon006.gifRalaene "(days)"

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