| Exploit
| Action
| Target
| Bonus
| Damage
| Miss/Special
Basic Attacks
Basic Attack
| Longbow
| Standard
| One Target
| +10 vs. AC
| 1d10+5
| N/A
Basic Attack
| Longsword
| Standard
| One Target
| +8 vs. AC
| 1d8+2
| N/A
Basic Attack
| Shortsword
| Standard
| One Target
| +8 vs. AC
| 1d6+2
| N/A
At-Will Exploits
| Careful Attack
| Standard
| One Creature
| Dexterity + 2 vs. AC (ranged) Strength + 2 vs. AC (melee)
| 1[W]
| N/A
| Twin Strike
| Standard
| One or Two Creatures
| Dexterity vs. AC (ranged) Strength vs. AC (melee)
| Two attacks, 1[W] per attack.
| N/A
Encounter Exploits
| Infernal Wrath
| Minor
| Personal
| N/A
| +1 power bonus to attack roll vs. Enemy that hit you last turn. Add CHA Modifier to Damage.
| N/A
| Evasive Strike
| Standard
| One Creature
| Dexterity vs. AC (Ranged) Strength vs. AC (Melee)
| 2[W]+DEX Modifier (Ranged) 2[W]+STR Modifier (Melee)
| Shift number of squares equal to your WIS Modifier before or after attack.
| Disruptive Strike
| Immediate Interrupt
| Attacking Creature
| Dexterity vs. AC (Ranged) Strength vs. AC (Melee)
| 1[W]+DEX Modifier Damage (Ranged) 1[W]+STR Modifier Damage (Melee)
| Creature receives attack roll penalty equal to 3+WIS Modifier.
| Spikes of the Manticore
| Standard
| One or Two Creatures
| Dexterity vs. AC
| First: 2[W]+Dex Modifier Second: 1[W]+Dex Modifier
| N/A
Daily Exploits
| Split the Tree
| Standard
| Two Creatures (Within 3 Squares)
| Dexterity vs. AC Two rolls, use highest.
| 2[W]+Dexterity Modifier Damage
| N/A
| Excruciating Shot
| Standard
| One Creature
| Dexterity vs. AC
| 3[W]+DEX Modifier. Target is weakened (save ends).
| Half damage, not weakened.
Utility Exploits
| Yield Ground
| Immediate Reaction
| Personal
| N/A
| If an enemy damages you with a melee attack, shift squares equal to WIS Modifier.
| +2 to all defenses until end of next turn.
| Weave through the Fray
| Immediate Interrupt
| Personal
| N/A
| If an enemy moves adjacent to you, shift number of squares equal to your WIS Modifier.
| N/A
Item Exploits
| Flameburst Longbow +2
| Standard
| Personal
| Dexterity vs. Reflex
| Next shot becomes Burst 1 centered on target. Instead of damage, each target takes ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends)
| N/A
| Deathcut Leather Armor +1
| Immediate Reaction
| Attacking Creature
| N/A
| If enemy hits you with a melee attack, deal 1d10+CHA Modifier Necrotic damage to that enemy.
| N/A
| Healing Potion
| Minor Action
| Personal
| Drink and spend a healing surge. Regain 10 Hit points.
| N/A