Ianto Jones (Alt 6)

From Relativespace

Ianto (uploaded by Chuck)
Ianto Jones
Character Journal: [bit_like_alfred]
Race: human
Home Planet: Earth (AU 6)
Home Era: Earth, 2008
Affiliated with: Catherine Endicott, Fifth Doctor
Writer: Kate

Basic Character Information

Entry Point

Ianto comes into [Relative Space] at the end of Episode 8, Series 1 of Torchwood, 'They Keep Killing Suzie,' though he is AU and thus is not quite the same as the Ianto in the show.


Ianto worked in Torchwood 1 where he met his girlfriend, Lisa Allen. Both managed to escape the Battle of Canary Wharf unharmed, since Torchwood 1 was all but destroyed they both moved back to Wales where Ianto was transferred to Torchwood 3, but Lisa decided against working there.

He was the general assistant and receptionist at Torchwood 3, taking care of the rest of the team members, making sure they eat, tidying up etc, but had recently been picked up by Doctor Who (the Nineth regeneration) and is now in San Francisco, 2006.

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