Walk towards the boulders?

From Reddit Choose Your Own Adventure

As you near the massive pile of rocks, you notice the dog behind you, appearing to follow behind but still keeping his distance, as if it was expecting something to happen. You pull yourself up on top of the highest boulder to get the best view of wherever you are. As you examine the surroundings, you see a plume of smoke breaking through the trees to the west. To the east there is a small shack, no bigger than a large closet, but no lights are on inside. As you continue to distinguish what else lies around the area, the boulders underneath your feet slightly shift. And then they full on jump 5 inches up. Quickly you are thrown from the boulders to the ground by a second, more violent jump, near the dog who has recently gained to courage to move closer. After you gain comprehension of what just happened, you look up to find out what could have possibly caused those giant boulders, which were easily weighing several tons, to suddenly move with the extreme force that it did. From what now was a pile of much smaller, fragmented rocks, a large, snake-like object began to emerge, and it too appeared to be made of the same boulder I was standing on, but this was no normal boulder, whatever this monster was, was alive. I turned to the dog who was now about 20 yards in the direction of the shack.

Do you:

Follow the dog to the house They have instincts and stuff right?

Run in the direction of the smoke There has to be SOMEONE there

Stick around to figure out what this giant boulder-snake is What the hell could that thing be?

--Special:Contributions 03:28, 11 February 2011 (UTC)

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