Walk down the beach

From Reddit Choose Your Own Adventure

The expanse of the beach is perhaps three or four miles long, ending abruptly at a cliff face. The carcass from earlier and the image of the woman are still fresh in your mind, but you decide it is best to place the fear in the back of your head and continue moving. As you walk along, you start to pick up the small details of your location.

From what you can tell, the landmass you are on is large, extending far into the horizon. A large mountain looms in the distance, but its exact proximity from you is too difficult to tell. Upon the beach lay several fragmented pieces of wood, and from the looks of it, they aren't supposed to be there.

Walking continuously towards the cliff face you discover another carcass, gently descending into the waves. Like the other cow, this one also has bite marks and a shackle around its neck. However, these marks appear much more fresh.

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